Let's get married!

Park Chanyeol, My husband.

"Excuse me sir." A young looking soft spoken girl knocked on the door 

"What is it?" Hyunshik asked as he looked up from his computer in his high class office with a beautiful view of the city behind him 

"Some people are here to see you. They said that it's important." The soft spoken girl said hiding behind the door 

"..Alright whatever, send them in." He said carelessly as the young girl nodded and he went back to whatever boring busisnessy things he was doing behind his computer screen to keep his busisness going

Then walked in two unfimilar people to Hyunshik, one looked like a high school flower boy with his height and perfectly styled hair and pretty boy looks, the other looked like some kind of mob leader with his golden hair pushed back and had a look on his face as if he was nothing but serious busisness and it didn't help his assumtions that this man looked like a towering skyscraper over the flower boy.

"Do i know you two?" Hyunshik asked tearing his eyes away from the screen as he gave a confused look to the two 

"No not really i suppose." The flowe boy said "I'm Junho."

"And I'm Kris." 

"You might not know us per say, but i'm sure you're fimiliar with our friend, you know your finace?" Junho said as the last words tasted bitter to him as he spoke.

"Oh, you're that girl Nana's friends?" He said and the the words 'that girl' ringed into their ears as their bodies stiffened 

"Well you don't seem to like her very well now do you?" Kris said fixing his tie once more and Hyunshik scoffed

"What does liking her have to do with anything, I'm only marrying her for the benefits, i guess i like how she looks if that's what you-"

"Don't talk about my Nana like that."Junho spat out in anger as he clenched his fists and Kris just glanced over at his angry friend and coughed into his hand giving him the sign to calm down 

"What's it to you? You have a crush on her or something?" Hyunshik asked raising and eyebrow

"..No not me, but you stole her from someone we care about and someone who actually gives a damn about her." Junho said and the two began walking over to his desk making Hyunshik back away a bit in his spinning chair 

"Now let's talk busisness." Kris said placing his hand on top of his desk in a firm manner 

"W-What busisness?"


You waited in the living room antsy and impatient for your fathers enterence, your servents and maids still abit owrked up from the previous incident but you asked them to keep this whole thing a secret, and they agreed mostly because they like you more than your parents anyways

"Miss i got your phon for you like you requested from your fathers bed chambers... are you sure about this?" your most trusting maid asked you as she tapped your shoulder behind you and handed you the phone as you sat on the couch and you turned to face her before asnwering her question

"...Y-yes i am." You said taking the cell phone and your maid nodded trusting your judgement before running off as the front door opened and you jumped fro your seat and felt your legs shake before snapping out of it and standing tall.

"Appa!" you excalimed to get his attention as he would basically ignore you otherwise.

He turned his gaze towards you as he took of his suit jacket and began walking towards you only to stand several feet away from you in the end which is good for you because if he was any closer you feel as if you would throw up or run away.

"What is it." His voice sounded like death to your ears as it startled you 

"I-I..I don't wanna marry Hyunshik, I-I wanna go back to Chanyeol!" you excalimed in nearly a shout, unable to control the volume of your voice due to nervousness. 

"What?" Your father said in disbelif "No, Don't be riddulous, your future has already been decided, you will marry Hyunshik and that is final!"  He shouted out making you wince as your mother remained silent in the background simply turning her head to this and then in the midst of the dead silence before you could utter another word in protest your fathers phone rang.

He let out an annyoed grunt before reaching into his back pocket to answer it 

"What is it now?" He almost shouted out in frustration as faint mummers of a voice over the phone could be heard through out the silence.

"What!?"he shouted in surprised making you jump along with the workers and servents of the house who by now have scattered to anywhere in the house but there.

"Are you telling me tha-But!" Just then the conversation ended and he let out a angry hiss before throwing his phone onto the ground shattering the glass screen. 

"What is it?" your mother asked finally stepping into this conversation and your father just pushed her back as she tried to approach him 

"That bastard Hyunshik just called to cancel his engaement!" He shouted and your eyes widend in shock and you let out a small gasp which you immediately covered with your hands 

"What?" Your mother said confused 

"No reason, no explination, he just canceled it!" 

You were secretly smiling inside your own head, but wondered what on earth made him change his mind about the whole thing?...

"Now we have to find someone else to marry her off to-"

"NO!" you shouted out in protest hearing his words and cutting him off before he couls finish saying something you didn't want to hear


"No. No I am not some kind of prize or trophy to be handed off to the next richest person who will benefit you appa." 

Your father scoffed

"You think you're on par to a prize or trophy? At least trophys can be melted down into soemthing with worth and value, you can not." 

His words pierced your heart and it was simply not something that you thought could ever come out of a fathers mouth...ever. But his words seemed to be overshawdowed in the end by someone who was opinoin and thoughts were more important to you.

"You're worthy and beautiful..."

"Now go back to your-"

"You're wrong!" You excalimed holding onto your chest that felt tighter yelling at your father for the first time ever, or rather, standing up to him for the first time...

"What?" he said in near shock hearing you speak to him like that.

"You're wrong." You repeated more firm this time "You're wrong appa. I am worthy, and I am beautiful. I am not going to stay around someplace where people do not care about me and do not see my worth..." 

"Stop spouting nonsense!" He shouted at you and this time you did not flinch or jump.

"It is not nonsense...I'm done trying to please someone like you-"

The next thing you knew there was a sharp blarring pain on your left cheek as it began to heat up and turn red

Your eyes went wide as you moved your hand up to your burning cheek.

"Stop this talk and go back to your room and keep silent!"

You stood there for a moment as silence filled the room once more, and you clenched your fists 


"W-What?" Your father said in disbelif at all your sudden actions 

"I'm 19 now aren't I...I'm an adult now, and as and adult and as a person, I have the right to my own choices and i choose to leave."


"Leave. I'm no longer asking for permission to marry whom i please. It's my life and i should have the power to make my own decisions." You said walking past your father who seemed to be wide eyed and frozen in place along with your mother who seemed to blend into the background.

"W-WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" Your father excalimed loudly as you approached the door and you stay silent as you reached for the doorknob and stopped for a moment, thinking about everything you were doing, you were leaving your family for a boy.

A boy who when you first met he made you sleep on the couch and when you tried helping someone yelled at you because he was worried, a boy who chased after you when you ran off and stayed with you as you shook in fear, a boy who when you were sick called his friend on how to make porridge for you while you were in bed, a boy who took you on vacation and taught you how to swim...a boy, a boy who made you realize that you were beautiful...

You tried holding back your tears as you swallowed the lump in your throat and without another word  hurridely exited through the door, shutting it behind you and you began running away from the place where you felt no love, and running towards a place where you can. 


"So how'd it go Chanyeol?" Suho asked as he was now changed form his monkey suit along with Lay as the 11 of them were lounging around in Baekhyun's house

"Good luck getting it out of him, we've been trying to get it out of him since we left hyung." Sehun said with pouty lips as he glanced over at Chanyeol who was laying down with his arms behind his head deep in thought as the others kept talking around him

"Well I'm sure he'll tell us what happened eventually." Suho said and then there was a knock at the door and one of Baekhyun's maids went over to answer it and it was Kris and Junho

"Where were you two?" Chen asked and Kris just loosened his tie and sat down 

"In the midst of a busisness takeover." 

"Wait wha-"

"N-Nothing." Junho said coughing casually and glarring over at Kris who just shrugged.

"So Chanyeol how did it-"

Tao stopped Junho from talking further with a hand and then sighed 

"Hyungs not saying anything, it's like somone's beaten him with the emo stick or something. He's just been sitting there ignoring everything we've been talking about for the last half hour and when he does respond, it's with one word or a shrug." Tao said equally as pouty and antsy to know what happened as Sehun as he looked over at his hyung again.

"I'm just waiting." Chanyeol finally spoke.

"What are you waiting for then?" Tao asked 

"An answer." Chanyeol said in responce and Sehun just looked over at Tao with an eyebrow raised reading 'you get what he's saying?' and Tao looked back with his own confused look that read 'lol nope'

Junho looked over at Chanyeol with a questioning face, he out of everyone was most curious about what happened despite Tao and Sehun's more verbal approach to their curiosity. 

He was wondering how you reacted to his sudden appearence, he out of everyone in the room knows you're relationship with your parents the most, bottom line, you were more like a nusence they have been trying to get rid of for 19 years, to call them your parents was an insult to decent mothers and fathers worldwide and you were just a save to their whim

Chanyeol let out another sigh shutting his heavy eyes along with it, his body almost falling to the sweet calling of sleep when his phone rang.

Letting it ring for a bit he forced himself to answer it 



Chanyeol's closed eyes shot open as he jumped up almost kicking Baekhyun in the face in the process, his long limbs wavering al over the place

"N-NANA?!" he excalimed and everyone around him shot up and then leaned over to him, 12 heads all lined up to hear what little they could from the phone 

"Hi there..."


"Chanyeol...I thought about what you said."

"Y-You did?" Chanyeol said and the others leaned in closer 

"Yeah...I did."


"I think i'm too tired to run anywhere with anyone haha...,how about you open the door and we can walk down the aisle together instead?" 

"O-Open the?.." Chanyeol jumped up and his friends all fell backwards as he jumped over them and sloppily ran over to the front door of Baekhyun's house almost slipping on the floor rug and landing on his face.

"Chanyeol what the heck?!" Luhan excalimed as Chanyeol ignored him and kept going to the door 

He roughly handled the doorknob and swung the door open wide 

"surprise." You held up your phone and smiled wide with your eyes as your hair hair stuck to your face from some beads of sweat from walking in the heated night.

Chanyeol's eyes went wider then before and before you or he could say another thing, the next thing you knew you were being lifted off the ground and being spun around 

"C-Chanyeol i'm all gross and sweaty!" You excalimed with a laugh as he stopped spinning and continued to hold you.

"I don't care, I'm just so happy." He whispered into your ear and your eyes popped open for a second and you smiled warmly 

"I'm happy too." you said and then he let you down and then he reached down and took both of your hands in his larger ones and held them firmly his thumbs rubbing circles on the back of yours 

"Di-Did you mean what you said before?" he asked looking into your eyes and you nodded

"What happened to the arrogant Chanyeol who was confident with himself?" you teased and he just looked down for a second and looked back up with a smile pulling towards one side more than the other with flat lips and furrowed brows

"Even he's unsure that someone like you would want someone like him." he said and you smiled 

"Yes. Let's get married. For real this time, by our own decisions." You said and he smiled bigger than ever before with his white perfect teeth and that one little twitch to one of his eyes, and he rushed in for a kiss.

You were caught off gaurd for a second then kissed back lovingly as he wrapped his strong arms around you and you did the same to his neck.

"Hey Chanyeol hyung what was- OH MY GOD HYUNG!" Sehun excaimed in a shock and you almost pulled away to explain but Chanyeol held onto your lips.

"Sehun what is it-OH GOD SEHUN LOOK AWAY." Suho yelled out in shock and then covered his youngers eyes but Sehun tried to shake him off and see again as the others came along as well all wide eyed and smiley 

"OH MY GOD LET GO OF HER FACE OR  I'LL KILL YOU CHANYEOL." Junho threatend and Kris smiled and shook his head as he held the small boy back 

Upon hearing all of this Chanyeol began smiling into the kiss and chuckled a bit and you smiled too and then parted

"So when do you wanna get married?" He asked all smiley and you hummed thinking for a second

"Hmm~ How bout? As soon as possible?" You said and he laughed and lifted you up again and kissed your forehead 







Last part is next, the wedding day and epilouge people.

I love you for reading this though.

In all honessty, i got tired of this story but I'm glad i'm finishing it, it might be bad, but i will show my progress with other stories, so thank you. ^^




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Chapter 31: *Im in love with this story*
Chapter 31: This was a really good fanfic! Im love this story! :)
Miss_Myungsoo910 #3
Chapter 31: RLABING BECAUSE OF JUNHO!!!! xD Really nice Fanfic author-nim~! jjang~!
Paboly_Nisa #4
Chapter 31: this fic is so amazing !
Chapter 31: sequel please :) good job author-nim
normalgirl #6
Chapter 7: How may I describe this story ...... It's wonderful and amazing , and am just in the begning and I totally fall in love with it
Keep going & fighting <3
Hani_InfinitExo #7
Chapter 31: This story is DAEBAK!! I read it twice already! Love this so much!♡
Chapter 10: I'm commenting pretty early LOL normally I comment at the end of a fanfic but this reminds me of the anime: ouran high school host club? LOL maybe im being weird but it seems similar; the beach scene & this "date"?? :33 its super cute tho! even tho chanyeollie is being stubborn about his feelings -__- PFT HHAHA but seriously adorable~ Sehun & his lisp HAHAH ofc I mention my bias ~~ hwaiting!! ^^ new reader here btw C: u probs know that tho ^^ haha cant wait to finish reading !(:
Chapter 31: LOL Demon Seed ?!! HAHAHA RLAB XD