

Cho Kyuhyun, 6 years old at the moment, whimpered rather sadly as he watched his Umma, Appa and Noona go through airport security. They were leaving to go somewhere. Again. Kyuhyun, only being a young child at the time, wasn't exactly sure where they went or even why they were going. Kyuhyun wiped his tears once again, trying not to cry.

"Umma's so sorry, Kyuhyun. Right now, Umma, Noona and Appa need to go on an important business trip for a couple weeks. We'll be back very soon, okay? So make sure be a good boy and don't trouble the Lee family." Kyuhyun's Umma spoke gently and softly, her eyes watering slightly. Oh, how she hated to leave her precious son to go on business trips. She desperately wished to take Kyuhyun with her. But, due to certain family circumstances, that wasn't something possible. Kyuhyun's Umma was only allowed to bring her daughter, Cho Ahra. She bit her lip slightly, surely leaving her son over and over again would tramatize him. She gave her son a tight hug, not wanting to appear weak. Her eyes wandered to the people standing behind her son. There was a woman, a man, a young girl and a young boy.

"Don't worry about anything, we'll take very good care of Kyuhyun while you're gone." The woman smiled sweetly, the Umma of the Lee Family. Kyuhyun's Umma smiled back, reluctant to let her son out of her grasp. There was no way she could leave Kyuhyun alone. Thus, she had him stay with the Lee family. She and her were quite good friends. Kyuhyun's Umma always left Kyuhyun with her. The Cho family was quite similar to the Lee family. There was a Umma, an Appa, a son and a daughter. The son was named 'Hyukjae'. But for some reason, he liked to be called 'Eunhyuk'. And like Kyuhyun, he had a Noona. His Noona's name was 'Sora'.

"Thank you. Please be good to him while I'm gone." Kyuhyun's Umma spoke.

"Umma, don't take too long this time. When will you be back?" Kyuhyun asked, wiping his eyes once again. Kyuhyun's Umma stared at Kyuhyun sadly, she didn't know the answer to that.

"... Umma isn't not sure. It will only be for a couple of weeks though. Umma won't be gone for long. Before you know it, I'll be home again." She forced a weak smile. Kyuhyun stared back innocently.

"But Umma, a few weeks is a long time." Kyuhyun muttered rather sadly, his voice croaky and shaking. Kyuhyun's Umma was about to reply, but the announcement for her flight.

"Umma needs to go meet Appa and Ahra noona now. Remember, Umma loves you so much." Kyuhyun's Umma cried slightly, giving Kyuhyun a light kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too." Kyuhyun muttered, letting his Umma go and watching her fade into the distance with a whimper. Her fleeting figure brought more tears to Kyuhyun's eyes. Suddenly, he felt somebody hug him tightly.

"Kyuhyunnie, don't cry." Eunhyuk said gently as he hugged Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun silently nodded as he returned the hug.


Cho Kyuhyun, 7 years of age, held Eunhyuk's, 9 years of age, hand tightly. They were leaving again. His Appa, Umma and Noona were going on another business trip. This time, just like last time, he cried. Although, he didn't cry in his Umma's embrace. This time, for the first time, he cried in Eunhyuk's embrace. Kyuhyun always did like being hugged by Eunhyuk. It was safe and very warm.

Kyuhyun saw his family board the plane. Oh, how he wished to be with them.

"Kyuhyunnie, it's alright. You're going to see them again, right?" Eunhyuk asked, trying to make his dongsaeng Kyuhyun stop crying. Kyuhyun wiped his tears over and over again.

"But I don't want them to leave me alone! If they go, then I'll be all by myself again!" Kyuhyun exclaimed like any sort of child would when his or her parents were leaving.

"You aren't going to be alone Kyuhyunnie. I'm with you. Eunhyuk hyung." Eunhyuk smiled at Kyuhyun happily. Kyuhyun stared back at his hyung, his tears slowly stopping.

"But I thought Eunhyuk was just a fake name. Don't you mean Hyukjae hyung?" Asked Kyuhyun somewhat rhetorically. Even for a child, Kyuhyun had a very good memory.

"... You remember too much for a little boy. Call me Eunhyuk hyung." Eunhyuk repeated.

"I don't want too. I'm going to call you Hyukjae hyung." Kyuhyun replied with a stubborn pout.

"Yah! Since when were you like this? Last time, you were such a sweet kid." Eunhyuk spoke. Kyuhyun laughed quietly.

"But that was only a month ago!" Kyuhyun protested childishly.

"You're only 7, don't try and be smart." Eunhyuk replied.

"And Hyukjae hyung is 9." Kyuhyun spoke with a somewhat knowledgeable voice.

"Yes, I'm 2 years older than you." Eunhyuk smiled.

"But We're in the same grade at primary school, right? I was told to be placed in the same class as you even." Kyuhyun spoke quietly. Hyukjae glared slightly, Kyuhyun was right. Even though Kyuhyun was only 7, his knowledge was a couple years ahead. Thus, Kyuhyun was placed in the same grade as Eunhyuk.

"Be quiet, I'm still hyung." Eunhyuk replied.


Kyuhyun, 9 years of age, sat and played his video games with Eunhyuk, 11 years of age, at the airport. Another business trip. This time though, Kyuhyun didn't cry a bucket of tears. He had become used to his family coming and going. Although, he couldn't say that it didn't hurt. Truthfully, it hurt so much. More than Kyuhyun ever thought that it would hurt.

"Kyuhyun, you're not crying any more." Eunhyuk spoke both childishly and proudly. Kyuhyun laughed before staring out the window. His parents and Noona weren't giving him a single glance.

"I decided to stop crying." Kyuhyun said.

"Why?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Simple really. Because even if I manage to cry a thousand tears, and I'm pretty sure I have, they won't come back any sooner." Kyuhyun muttered truthfully, Eunhyuk suddenly became quiet. He gave Kyuhyun a sympathetic stare.

"..." For a moment, the room went quiet.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kyuhyun asked with a twisted expression.

"No reason." Eunhyuk replied.

"Hyukjae hyung, you're weird." Kyuhyun whispered silently before letting out a laugh.

"Hey, respect me a little." Eunhyuk scolded with a slight smile.

"I do respect you, and that's why I like to make fun of you." Kyuhyun retorted.

"...What?" Eunhyuk asked, not understanding his words.

"Hyukjae hyung." Kyuhyun suddenly spoke.

"Yes?" Eunhyuk asked.

"...You..." Kyuhyun whispered.

"What is it?" Eunhyuk asked.

"You won't leave me alone, right?" Asked Kyuhyun suddenly. Eunhyuk stared at the maknae, understanding the meaning of those words. Basically, it was a plea that he wouldn't leave Kyuhyun over and over again like his parents did.

"Kyuhyunnie, of course I won't." Eunhyuk smiled back.

"Hyung, you promise?" Kyuhyun asked, putting his pinky out. Eunhyuk put his hand out then linked his pinky with Kyuhyun's.

"Of course, I promise." Eunhyuk smiled.


Kyuhyun, 10 years of age, ran around the backyard of the Lee family's house with Eunhyuk by his side. His parents had already left to go to the airport. Although, he no longer bothered to go and bid them farewell. Instead, Kyuhyun would be running around the house with Eunhyuk. After all, he did love Eunhyuk. His absolute favourite hyung.

 Truthfully, Kyuhyun didn't bother to unpack his things when he had arrived. After all, he had been here for so long that Kyuhyun actually already had many of his items around the house. Well, I guess that simply proved how many times his parents left him and how many times he had stayed over at the Lee family's house.

"Hyukjae hyung!" Kyuhyun called, panting slightly.

"What is it?" Eunhyuk asked, stopping his tracks to let Kyuhyun catch up.

"Stop running so much! I'm getting tired!" Kyuhyun whined.

"Kyuhyunnie, you need to build up some stamina!" Eunhyuk retorted, earning a glare from the younger.

"I already have stamina!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"Liar! If you really had stamina, like me, then would you be there?" Eunhyuk asked as he continued running, Kyuhyun was simply walking from behind his fleeting figure.

"You should be beside me...hah.... instead of me being next to you!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"Huh? Why's that?" Eunhyuk asked, running some more.

"Hah... Because..." Kyuhyun stopped to breathe.

"Because?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Hah... Because you promised you wouldn't leave me alone!" Kyuhyun yelled at Eunhyuk.

"Hmm... I did promise you that." Eunhyuk sighed.

"So you shouldn't be so far away from me then!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"But...What do you mean by alone?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kyuhyun asked back.

"Alone. What do you mean when you say the word 'alone'?" Eunhyuk asked.

"I mean...Um... you can't leave me by myself on special dates! My birthday, Christmas and everything else! And... Um...You're not allowed to leave me by myself for the entire day!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"Okay. Wish granted." Eunhyuk replied as he laughed at those words.


Kyuhyun, 16 years of age, laid on the couch. His eyes were closed shut, probably because he was sleeping. He was wearing a plain, white shirt and long pyjama pants. Eunhyuk on the other hand had just come down stairs to find a peaceful and angel like Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk always did think that the only time Kyuhyun was peaceful was when he was sleeping.

Eunhyuk stared at Kyuhyun once again. And this time, the stare wasn't so innocent. They were definitely not the stares Eunhyuk gave Kyuhyun when they were children. Well, after all, Eunhyuk was already 18. He was know, may I add, a hormone crazed teenager. And, well, it wasn't his fault that Kyuhyun looked so... tempting... Yes, Eunhyuk was no longer that innocent kid who would look after Kyuhyun every hour of the day. Well, he still did look after his dongsaeng every hour or the day. It's just that Eunhyuk was not that innocent boy from before.

"Yah! Kyuhyun-ah! Wake up!" Eunhyuk shouted with a gulp.

"Hmm... What is it?" Kyuhyun asked as he yawned, turning his head to see Eunhyuk standing there.

"How many times have I told you not to sleep on the couch?" Eunhyuk asked rhetorically.

"Ergh... I don't know, what's it to you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"N-Nothing. Just hurry up and go somewhere else to sleep!" Eunhyuk scolded.

"...Why? They couch is just as comfortable as the bed." Kyuhyun muttered.

"Just go, Kyuhyun." Eunhyuk spoke. Kyuhyun stared up at his hyung.

"I don't want to. Actually, you've been acting weird for a while. What's up?" Kyuhyun asked with a slightly worried expression.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Well, you always seem to be sick and nervous." Kyuhyun replied.

"Sick?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Hyukjae hyung, your cheeks are on fire." Kyuhyun muttered, raising his hand to feel Eunhyuk's forehead.

"D-Don't touch me!" Eunhyuk stuttered.

"Huh? Why?" Kyuhyun asked.

"...Because if I'm sick, you'll catch a disease too." Eunhyuk replied.


Cho Kyuhyun, 17 years of age, walked hand in hand with Eunhyuk, 19 years of age, as they walked down the seemingly long street. Nobody seemed to notice them, and that was basically how they preferred it. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk were going shopping for some clothes. Not that Kyuhyun really wanted too, Eunhyuk had basically dragged Kyuhyun out of the house. After a while though, Kyuhyun didn't find shopping that bad. After all, somehow, Kyuhyun had managed to convince the stingy Eunhyuk to buy him some expensive food. Although, you really can't blame Eunhyuk for giving into Kyuhyun. After all, Kyuhyun used his rare and strangely powerful aegyo on him. Besides, Kyuhyun was his precious boyfriend. There was no way Eunhyuk was going to risk making Kyuhyun angry. A very angry boyfriend for Eunhyuk equals to no physical body contact.

Yes, you heard right. Eunhyuk was now officially dating Kyuhyun. After so many years of friendship, it soon evolved into love. Although Eunhyuk really didn't want to spend his money, for Kyuhyun, he forced himself to. After all, Eunhyuk would rather have a very happy boyfriend and spend money than an unhappy boyfriend and spend none.

"Thanks Hyukjae-ah~" Kyuhyun sang happily. Eunhyuk couldn't help but smile. Whenever Kyuhyun was happy, so was he.

"You're welcome." Eunhyuk replied.

"That food was so nice~" Kyuhyun smiled, showing his teeth.

"You're praising the food, yet you aren't praising the person who bought it for you?" Eunhyuk asked rhetorically.

"Hehe, don't be like that Hyukkie." Kyuhyun muttered.

"All I'm asking for is some praise, is that so much?" Eunhyuk asked rhetorically.

"Praise, okay. You're the best boyfriend ever~" Kyuhyun smiled.

"Thank you." Eunhyuk spoke.

"But compared to you, the food...." Kyuhyun joked, earning a glare.

"Yah!"Eunhyuk exclaimed.

"I was only joking hyung." Kyuhyun muttered, making Eunhyuk forgive him with a kiss on the cheek.


Kyuhyun, 18 years of age, laid in bed with Eunhyuk right beside him.  Well, they were being way too intimate to just be right beside each other. Their bodies weren't fully clothed. Actually, I take that back. They were not wearing any clothing on their bodies at all. Cho Kyuhyun, with messy and brown hair, rested his head on Eunhyuk's chest. Eunhyuk's slightly numb hand was wrapped tightly around Kyuhyun's waist. They closed their eyes for a couple of seconds, letting the silence enter the room.

"You alright, babe?" Eunhyuk asked, looking down at Kyuhyun.

"Hah... I'm fine." Kyuhyun breathed.

"Really? You don't seem to be fine. So fragile..." Eunhyuk muttered, giving Kyuhyun a light kiss on the cheek.

"...I'm not that fragile." Kyuhyun pouted.

"Don't deny it, look at you. So cute, my precious Kyuhyun-ah~" Eunhyuk sang, Kyuhyun blushed.

"Yah, stop saying that I'm cute...I hate it when you say that... can't you think of another word for that?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically with a slightly annoyed yet embarrassed expression.

"Hmm.... Another words? Well... You're so adorable and y and sweet and lovely and pretty and beautiful and-" Eunhyuk laughed as he was cut off with a slight hit from Kyuhyun.

"Just shut up!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"Is someone getting shy now?" Eunhyuk asked with a slight smirk.

"You're such an annoying boyfriend, why do I stay with you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Obviously because you love me, right?" Eunhyuk asked back.

"Of course, I love an idiot like you." Kyuhyun muttered.

"And I love you too." Eunhyuk replied.

"...Hah..." Kyuhyun breathed once more.

"...So... Want to go another round?" Eunhyuk asked. Kyuhyun glared up at Eunhyuk.

"Oh, hell no-" But of course, Kyuhyun was cut off by Eunhyuk's lips.

"You know I'm selfish today." Eunhyuk whispered.


Kyuhyun, 19 years of age, watched the clock tick away in the lounge room. The current time was 11:37pm, almost midnight. It was February the third. Also known as Kyuhyun's birthday. But, where on Earth was Eunhyuk? He hadn't seen Eunhyuk since this morning. Kyuhyun bit his lip nervously, he had never been alone for this long. For 10 years, ever since Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk made that childish promise, Eunhyuk had never once left Kyuhyun by himself. Well, not for too long anyway. The longest Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk have ever been apart for was 5 hours. And To Kyuhyun, that was simply torture. When he woke up, Eunhyuk wasn't there.

And to make matters worse, today was Kyuhyun's birthday. Eunhyuk had promised Kyuhyun all those years ago  that on special dates, and that included Kyuhyun's birthday, that he wouldn't leave him alone. Kyuhyun already knew, it was a rather childish and useless promise. But after all, Kyuhyun didn't have anyone else to be there for him besides Eunhyuk.. His family, the people who were supposed to be by his side, had walked in and out of his life so many times already. Soon, all Kyuhyun saw them as were relatives. Not truly family. In perspective, the Lee family were there for Kyuhyun more than his own parents were.

Kyuhyun did try calling and texting Eunhyuk, but nobody picked up the phone on the other end. Soon enough though, he heard the door silently unlock. He stared for a couple seconds, soon seeing Eunhyuk enter. There was a silence.

"Where were you?" Kyuhyun asked seemingly coldly.

"I'm sorry Kyuhyun, I was stuck in traffic." Eunhyuk apologised, Kyuhyun sensed something false in his words.

"For the whole day? That can't be it. Where did you go? Why weren't you there when I woke up?" Kyuhyun asked suspiciously.

"I just went to one of the shops. If you go in the morning, there are more places to park the car." Eunhyuk replied.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Kyuhyun asked.

"February third." Eunhyuk replied.

"And what's  so significant about this day?" Kyuhyun questioned. There was another silence.

"...Oh, Kyuhyun-" Soon, Eunhyuk realised.

"I waited for you. I don't believe that you just went to the shops. You had to go somewhere else. Lee Hyukjae, what are you hiding from me?" Kyuhyun asked once again. This time, Kyuhyun used Eunhyuk's proper name; not just a pet name.

"N-Nothing. I just went to see-" Eunhyuk was cut off.

"Don't tell me false things!" Kyuhyun yelled back.

"I'm sorry, I forgot-" Once again, Eunhyuk was cut off.

"But you've never once forgotten." Kyuhyun replied coldly.

"K-Kyuhyun-" Stuttered Eunhyuk.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me alone, liar!" Kyuhyun yelled back angrily.

"I have a reason for going though! I went to get you something!" Eunhyuk exclaimed.

"... Are you lying to me again?" Kyuhyun asked suspiciously.

"No, I'm not. I wanted to get you this..." Eunhyuk muttered, pulling something out of his pocket.

"Hmm?" Kyuhyun hummed curiously.

"Remember, last time, we were talking about marriage?" Eunhyuk asked. Kyuhyun nodded.

"Yeah... don't tell me..." Kyuhyun muttered.

"I know that we can't have a wedding any time soon. But at least, I can make it official that one day we'll get married." Eunhyuk muttered. Kyuhyun stared with his eyes wide. Slowly, Eunhyuk opened the box to reveal a silver ring. Without speaking any words, he put the ring on Kyuhyun's finger and gave him a light yet passionate kiss.

"So-" Kyuhyun was cut off.

"I'm proposing to you, and I do not expect you to reject my offer so I won't bother asking. From now on, you're mine and only mine. Got that?" Eunhyuk asked rhetorically. Kyuhyun blushed slightly.

"Since when were you so possessive?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Since I saw that guy hitting on you yesterday." Eunhyuk replied with a acid tone.

"Hm, so you were jealous?" Kyuhyun asked.

"...If you want to say it like that, then yes." Eunhyuk mumbled.

"What other way is there to say that you're jealous?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

"Many." Eunhyuk replied.

"Then tell me one of them." Kyuhyun spoke.

Eunhyuk smirked and kissed Kyuhyun once again.


"I would tell you all those ways, but I rather show you with my body."

So... what do you think? Sorry, the storyline is a little bit lost. this wasn't initially what I had planned to do... but somehow, it ended up like this. I meant to make it so much more angsty than it is, but my natural fluff writer instincts just kicked in for some reason. Ah, well, writing fluff is my speciality~. So anyway... I hope you enjoyed it~

P.S. Since I am waiting for my stories to be restored, I'm just going to write a bunch on one-shots for the next couple days. Does anyone have a request for a one-shot? If so, comment below a request story~ I write kyuhyuk, wonkyu, changkyu, kyuteuk, kyuchul and kyuhae pairings (hehe, I'm obviously Kyuhyun biased~). I may or may not write the story requested depending on my mood (If I do write it though, I'll message you~)


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I like it very much it would be great if there is a sequal about the guy who hit on kyu and hyuk jealousy , that would be great.
anyway great story
Omg, so cute!
noname022 #3
kyaaaa. oh maay that's so sweet.. :DD
hope i see u more in kyuhyuk.. cc:
HWAITING.. and thanks for the story.. ^^
aaaaawwwww this is so sweeeeeetttttttt ^__^
thank kyuuuuu for the story....
keep writing kyuhyuk story neeeee ^^
noname022 #5
i like the plot.. cc: hwaiting ...
seems interesting...please update soon...hehe
I can't wait that's soooooo cool >_<
Yay kyuhyuk cant waitttttt,
thank kyuuuuuu