
Crazy Fates

The rain poured like tears. A release for the heavens as they cried down onto earth. The streets were quiet, the cars slid on, slow and steady. A pair of footsteps ran through the street, a single bright yellow umbrella in sight. Her thoughts ran like the rain, endless to the mind, mindless and without forces to hold her back.

Bomi stepped through the door that lead to the coffee shop. Outside the skies were reeking havoc. Slowly closing her umbrella her eyes searched for the familiar figure. He was here, waiting, for her. There he was, same as the last time. A cup of warm coffee in his hands, he was taking in the scent of the drink.

Slowly approaching him, her feet weigh a ton. Here she was, giving away the secrets of those she loved. A traitor she was. But love and care she had. But was she ready to talk? She didn't know, but she was here, and here is the present, and the present was going to construct the future.

"Bomi-shi." He noticed her and stood up suddenly and bow, she returned the gesture before sitting down across from him. The coffee shop was quiet and didn't have many customers. Only a few mingle from here to there. It was isolated, quiet, a perfect escape from the shady rain outside. A perfect place to escape while remaining stuck. A limbo of haven of salvation and pain.

"What did you want to talk about?" Bomi asked going straight to the point. She didn't want to try and converse in a conversation with him if not needed. She found no use in that.

"I was just curious...about Naeun-shi...but you already figured that out, didn't you." He asked. Bomi grinned and nodded. The boy was over his head, she knew it all too well. But so was she.

"L-shi, its not in my place to talk, but you seem like you really do care. Naeun really needs someone who cares." Bomi insured with a small smile.

"Can you tell me a bit about her, and Chorong noona. Honestly those two, they're so guarded, its almost like they're-"

"Running. It almost seems like they're running. They are, I guess, running from the past. But I don't think it matters, hell's still raging on outside their windows." Bomi finished for him. She told more than intended, but still kept a mystery intact. An mystery L was more than intrigue by.

"Their past?" L brought up that specific part. He noticed how Bomi's voice soften at the mention of their past like it was some sort of big elephant no one dare speak of.

"Their past. Their past is their past. My past is my past and your past is your past. Surely everyone has demons from their past." She replied. L sigh, the girl was purposely avoiding his questions, but he couldn't blame her. He was a stranger to her.

"Its fine you know, if you don't want to tell..."

"I'm sorry. Its just, I'll already said to much."

"No, no, I get it. Then can you tell me of Naeun's condition? How she's doing?" That glint of hope in his eyes was what won her over. That spark of curiosity mixed with the sense of fate told her he could be trusted. Plus she was more than sure he had a small crush on Naeun. A crush was harmless, for now.

"I should get going. It was nice speaking to you." Bomi said while standing up from her seat. The disappointment in his face was visible, but quickly brushed off.

"How much does it cost?" L asked.

"...Excuse me?"

"How much does the surgery cost?" He repeated. Bomi bit her lower lip, forcing her body to sit down she sigh. He was fast when it came to gathering facts.

"I doubt they need the money. Nam Grandmother already guaranteed that she would pay for everything. But Chorong refuses to let her." Bomi revealed remembering a conversation she and Chorong once had.

"Why? Won't it help her sister?" L asked, confused at Chorong's decisions. If it was him he would do anything to protect his loved ones.

"Because of the quick sand."

Quick sand? Now he was more confused than ever. It seemed like everything Chorong was doing had a second motive to it. Everything she did was not as it seemed, it was confusing, much like Chorong. Every choice, every decision had a place, and rather that place was a throne waiting in heaven or a bat fleeing from hell, it was intended, yet it turned and twist like a tornado.

Bomi tilted her head at the confused man sitting across from her. "Quicksand will swallow you whole. The more you fight, the faster to sink. All you can do is wait. Wait to be rescue, to die, to say good-bye. It takes on a life of its own, one that doesn't ask for your permission. The more you struggle the harder it is because the quicksand will drag you under faster. So you don't fight. And it seems like fighting is all they know. Its second nature to them. So even in a situation like this they fight, because its all they know...understand them, not the universe. Trying to understand both will only confuse you. Trust me, I've been there."

The chair moved. Bomi stood, giving him one last smile before she walked away. She frowned inwardly. Quicksand was her biggest nightmare. It was everyone's biggest nightmare.

Bomi turned her shoulder back towards the man. He was a special man, one who was willing to fight for it all, much like the sisters. But did he know what he was getting himself into? She doubted it, but she knew he didn't care. People like him didn't care about themselves, only the ones they love.

She held her umbrella in one arm, opening the door she was hit my wind and rain brushing against her skin. Opening the umbrella her eyes landed the familiar figure as he ran out of his car, he was running from the rain and wind. Her heart stopped, her mind lost all energy and sanity. And there in the mist of the wind and rain she felt her heart break all over again. She could feel it rip through her body like she was being eaten alive.

Her body froze, rooting her feet to the ground. She felt like the world had slapped her right across the face, stomped on her and left her to die.

"Bomi." His voice was all to familiar, it was the nostalgia of the moment that brought her back to reality, but it also brought the past back to her. And she hated her past, she hated it because of him.

"Dongwoo-oppa." Those words spilled out of without her consent, like always. There he was, in the flesh, right in front of her.

"Bomi-ah." She hated how he said her name, it made her skins swim with butterflies. It made her want to fall, fall for him all over again. And falling was bad, for her.

"Dongwoo hyung, you're here." L said walking out of the shop, oblivious to the two of them whose eyes remained stuck on each other. Their eyes were glued to each other, their memories flashing in their minds felt like yesterday. And yesterday was as beautiful as it was painful.

"...um, do you two know each other?" No reply. It was like the two were in their own world, nothing else was there but each other.

"No. We don't know each other." Bomi finally spoke, breaking eye contract with the man standing in front of her. She turned her eyes to L. He was so clueless.

"I'll see you around." Those were her last words before walking off into the rain. Before walking away from him, like he did to her all those years ago.

"Hyung, do you know her?" L asked. He could tell the two knew each other, even if Bomi denied it. Dongwoo didn't answer. He didn't need to. L already knew. It was her, it was Bomi. She was the girl.

Dongwoo's feet suddenly had a life of their own at he chased after her. He was going to find her. He was going to get some answers from her. He was going to get her back, he had to.

Bomi was running, she didn't even realize it but she was running. The rain had gotten her coat wet, the umbrella wasn't much help, but she didn't care. Not anymore. Him, why him of all people? Why did he have to walk back into her life?

"Bomi!" She could hear him, he was right behind her but she refused to look back. Maybe if she kept running he would just turn into thin air. He would turn into a fragment of her imagination.

"Stop where you are." Those familiar words called out. He used those same words every time she ran from him. Her feet stopped, disregarding the voice in her head telling her to run. Run as far away from him as possible. He could feel him stepping closer to her.

She could feel her heart stopping. He made her heart flip up and down even without realizing it. He slowly made his way to her, stepping right in front of her. He was a head taller than her, and her eyes remained locked on the ground, refusing to meet up to his. She was almost scare if she looked at him she could come crashing down, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. It was funny, they say time can heal everything. They were clearly lying.

"Look at me." His deep voice ordered. He had become more masculine and handsome, but she could still feel the little boy intact in him. She hoped he never lost the little boy in him, it was what made him beautiful. His hand reached out to touch her chin, bringing it up to meet his eyes. Her eyes stared back at him, those fragile eyes that were terrified of life. Those eyes that carried so much strength. He remembered the tears streaming down her face when he said he'll never leave.

She had gotten even more beautiful over the years, she was wiser, but still as fool for him. It was right back to where it started for them. In the rain, the pain, the confusion, all still there. The only difference was time. Time had shifted for them.

"Why?...Why did you leave?" His voice was so close to breaking. His eyes were laced with pain and she knew that. She understood his pain. She understood him like he understood her. He knew her perfectly but she was a stranger to him, always was, always will.

"...Because you left me...." And like that she ran. Ran from him like he did to her.


Chorong couldn't concentrate on anything right now. She was upset, annoyed, and irritated, one didn't need to have special powers to know why or more precise, who she was upset with. It was so obvious her husband was the reason for the rising temper.

"His car just had to die huh." She whined silently as she stumbled up the stairs. She swore she could hear Woohyun snickering in the background. She ignored him as she silently cursed at him, stabbing knifes in him mentally.

They called for the tow truck, because apparently he had a cell phone and didn't bother to mention it for a good half hour while the two sat silently in the car, stuck in the rain. The tow truck showed up eventually. And since then she avoided making eye contract with Woohyun. She was going to avoid him as much as possible.

Yeah, you two live under the same roof, good luck with that, she told herself. Flinging the bedroom door open she slowly made her way to the closet. Her clothes were still slightly wet, and it was her fault through so she couldn't complain. Stepping inside the closet she looked for something warm.

Apparently cold stormy rain and a high fever didn't mix well together. She needed to take a long hot shower, then sleep. She resisted the need to fall into bed and slumber off, especially when that was all her head could think about. Grabbing a towel she made her way to the bathroom.

There was noise coming down from the living room, but she ignored it. She didn't want to be thinking about Woohyun right now. The hot water instantly melted her.

The water mixed with her feelings and emotions and washed them away the old fragments of the past stuck to her. The screams, the lost hope, the pain...her husband. The husband who she in no way possible could ever understand. She let the water wash away confusion, anger, pain, exhaustion. But all those feelings slowly resurfaced the second the water shut, as if all the emotions flew back into her heart pounding in her heart at a irregular pace.

Rain and water were only temporary objects of escape. Only a temporary oasis before all of hell dawn back into her life. She sigh, she could never get a break. "Is it too much to ask?" She asked staring in the mirror.

The reflection was of a girl, a girl who lost her innocence and had to grow up all to soon. A young girl who only wanted to feel wanted, to feel like there was someone, just someone who would come and save her from the pit of she was born into.

The reflection in front of her was of a young woman who grew up on the bad side of the tracks. She worked for everything she earned, she worked endlessly to escape the life of misery only to find that misery was all that awaited at the end of the road. Her reflection was a mystery, a mystery of someone with so much rage burning inside, someone terrified and scare but had to much pride to run. The reflection of herself.

Quickly getting dressed she returned to the bedroom, hoping to get the sleep she prayed for. The warmth of the blankets covered her, yet they were also cold at the same time, reminding her of her loveless marriage. The pillows were soft but felt like bricks. Ignoring her wet hair she laid down.

The sound of a nail falling could be heard in the empty room, but the sound of Chorong's heart breaking overpowered any other noise.

The door slowly opened. Chorong knew who it was. Who else would be in the house. A part of her was shock actually. She assumed he would had been gone by now. His scent filled her system. His footsteps were quiet, almost hesitant. Her eyes remained close, she was half a sleep. She felt him kneeling down beside her. She could feel the warmth radiating from his body. Warmth she looked for all her life.

"I know you're not asleep." His deep voice spoke sending chills through her for odd reasons. Her eyes slowly opened, the first thing she saw was Woohyun. His face was inches from hers. He stared at her with those eyes, those deep brown eyes she could never fully read.

"What the hell do you want?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Medicine." His response was dry as he pulled up a cup of water and some medicine. Chorong sigh, slowly closing her eyes again.

"I don't want any. Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you." And there she went again. Rejecting his offer of kindness. It was as if the two had switched roles.

Woohyun exhaled deeply watching her close her eyes. He wanted to shake her eyes open and force the medicine pills down . But the last thing he needed right now was brute force. She slapped him the last time he touched her like that.

Sighing, he placed the medicine pills and the water on the night stand. Standing up from his kneeling position he turned and walked to the door.

"Why the hell are you being like this?" She whispered, the air guiding her question to him. He turned his shoulders and stared at her figure,

"Being like what?"

"Like this." She answered.

"You were the selfish, jackass, jumping to accusations Woohyun, who I was sure hated me more than anything...and then out of no where there's the Woohyun who starts giving a about my health and cares about me. And for those three-point-five seconds I start believing in that Woohyun. Then you go around and start acting like a jerk again. And here I am. Stuck and confused as hell because I don't know you. I can't read you, because everything about you makes my head spin in circles."

"Then what do you want from me, huh?"

"I want you to stop confusing me. I'll settle with just one Woohyun." Chorong replied. Her voice was fragile, a tone she rarely ever used in front of him.

"Then which one would you prefer?" He asked knowing there was no difference between the two. With Chorong he was anything but himself, his emotions came alive and had a live of their own.

"...the jerk Woohyun. That Woohyun hates me, but at least with him I'm not confused like I am right now. At least I could understand my emotions and my actions. It was easier around jerk Woohyun."

Those words torn him inside out, dislocated his heart and smashed it on the ground. It hurt more than it was supposed to. She could hurt him more than she was supposed to. His heart clenched. It wanted to ring itself and drain all the hurt he had been harboring inside of it. Her words hurt more than anything, they skinned him alive and threw him down to hell.

"...Fine. Just remember this is what you want. This is all you Chorong. Everything was your selfish fault." And just like that he pulled the trigger to the bullet that hit her as hard and fast as she hit him. She could hear her heart breaking and just as before another string inside her snapped loose.

He had just ignited her. Once ignited, she was a flame impossible to extinguish. Once ignited, she didn’t stop until there was nothing left. A sudden burst of energy appeared in her body. Her arm on its own grabbed the glass cup on the night stand. Using force she threw it, watching it kiss the wall and breaking into crystal pieces on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Chorong screamed bouncing from the bed. He should be asking her that question. Her anger had taken a hold of her. Woohyun stared at the broken glass cup and to Chorong. Her eyes flashing with fire. And that was it. The flame in him was sent free raging like it was in a NASAR car race.

Two people that once were ignited were impossible to stop, impossible to control, and impossible for each other to understand. Anger raised like water in him. His arm grabbed for the closest object in sight. The table lantern. Throwing it with force it missed Chorong's face by only a few inches before it crashed on the wall behind her.

And like that all objects that laid visible in the room became weapons in their battlefield. Objects were known, anger was used, force was visible. The price? Neither knew, it was a battle without a price. That didn't matter to the two though, they were erupting at each other. If anyone else were there to see the two of them one would assume the two were crazy. In truth they both were. The objects flew and fell, never hitting the opponent. It was like they were purposely avoiding the other yet couldn't stop their bodies from throwing and flinging the materialized objects at the other.

Then as if she had been hit with a force harder than any object Woohyun could grabbed, she stopped. It was then that it became clear to her. That fuzzy road that had been embedded in her head that clearer. And the answer at the end of the road scared at even more than hell right now.

Like a spitting bullet she ran. She ran forgetting all sanity, all pride and anything in between. She bumped into Woohyun's shoulder as she flew out of the room, down the stairs and into the living room before pulling the front door open and into the pouring rain.

Woohyun froze in place, shock at the physical destruction the two that caused upon their bedroom. They both had so much anger pent up in each of them. They were both so angry with the world, with life, with all those that were supposed to protect them but left claiming it was to difficult. Both of them were ticking time bombs, volcanoes ready to explode and kill life itself. They had so much anger locked up in them that they had been carrying for years on end.

Now they were taking it out on each other. Woohyun took a quick look around the room. It looked like hell just open its mouth and set fire to the place. He didn't think much about the physical destruction made.

Right now the emotional damage was more important as he raced down stairs and pulled the front door open. There, drenched in the rain, as beautiful as ever, his wife. Her newly washed hair, her clothes, now all drenched by the rain, but that didn't matter, she still looked as beautiful as always in his eyes.

He slowly met her eyes, those brown orbs of mysterious honey were red and puffy. She was crying. Her eyes were spilling out the Nile River. Streams of pain leaked from her orbs.

"Chorong-ah!" He called out to her. He was truly hurt. She was crying and it broke his heart to see her in such pain.

"You know we go at it like we're going to war. We get so dysfunctional its out of control." She called out to him . Her eyes falling on his. "I don't think I can take it all. Its to much. To much pain, to much anger, to much confusion. To much of everything put into one. You are to much...you make me go crazy." She shouted. The rain drowning out her voice but Woohyun heard what he needed to hear.

Taking a slow step forward he watched as she took a step back. Another step forward, another step back for her. She was scare of him, and he just realized that. Looking up at those red puffy honey eyes of hers he saw something he had never seen, love? He wasn't too sure, he could never be when it came to her. But for the first time since he saw her, she had emotions in her eyes residing from that empty hopeless dead glare he always received.

"Chorong-ah." He spoken her name causing her to take another step back from him. She hated the butterflies in her tummy when he said her name, the tingling feelings that were sent up her spine.

She hated the things he did to her. She hated how he acted sometimes, all the time, none of the time. She didn't know anymore. All of her life worrying about the feelings a guy gave her were never any of her concern. She had more important things to worry about. It was him, Nam Woohyun, the one man that got under her skin and stirred her up into a furious feline.

Woohyun slowly followed her steps. His eyes never leaving her. Her eyes remained on anything but him, anything but his eyes. She looked terrified. He wanted so much to just grab her and hug her and never let go, but he didn't, he didn't know how she was going to react.

Then it hit him. Was she falling in love with him? That look in her eyes, it was undoubtedly love, a slight hint of it, the beginning stages where emotions crushed into each other, but he was sure what it was.

Then another thought crossed his mind. It was as obvious as the sun rising in the east, but he was blinded to the fact. The fact all his friends could see ; He was falling in love with Chorong.

"Chorong-ah." He called her name for the three time. Her steps slowly paced away from him, but each step she took back, he took a step forward.

"Don't say it. Don't say it Woohyun." She muttered. His eyes said it all. For once his eyes were wide open for her to see. The power, the pain, the anger, the worry, all written on him. The Woohyun she had been searching so desperately for was standing in front of her. And he scared her. Oh, how he scared her. She had never experience this before and what she didn't know scared her.

A step back, a step forward. "....I like you. I like you Chorong."

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Chapter 30: Hands-down one of the best stories of all time even though I'm a few years late for reading this oh-god-so-beautiful story!!
Chapter 9: Hello im new here! I don't know whethe you are still active in this account and see my comment or not. But this story is no kidding. I love the way you explain the whole situation and feelings of each characters in this story. Gosh, it's all good. Hopefully you still continue to make another great stories.
I'll continue to read this story and hopefully the end will not disappoint me. Hehehe
Re-reading this story because I love how you write and made me ship WooRong.
michelchan #4
Chapter 30: Wow! U did an excellent job. Love this fanfic :)
Apinknaeunchorong #5
Chapter 30: This story is so amazing!!! Just finished reading it. I'm sad though that I discovered the story just now....
Nadyangela #6
Chapter 30: Omg i just read this story and it is so beautiful :'D my WooRong's feel ♡♡♡
this is amazing author-nim i like it so much!!
Juliana91 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww omg this story is really amazing. U did a great job authornim
wewewewewer #8
Chapter 30: im literally jump right .
how curious i am about myungeun life....................................
koala_panda #9
Chapter 30: Wow...it's good..woow I am surprised ..so rare nowadays to see pinkfinite story like this..I hope u will continue ur other story..anyway good job
Chapter 14: been reading this fic for 12345568 times gosh i still couldn't get sick of it sobs it's damn AMAZINGGGG