
Crazy Fates

"Woohyun are you crazy?" She screech as he pulled her arm as she stood up from the seat. He slammed the door shut and locked it with his keys before throwing them into his pockets carelessly.

"I think I had always been crazy. In so many ways am I crazy." He responded as he pulled her arm walking off with no direction in mind, at least to Chorong that's how she saw it. Her life had no direction, she just lived it and where it took her was simply fate.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She murmured as she released her arm from his grip. A chill of warmth instantly left her body when she pulled away from him.

"Isn't it obvious? You." He replied unflappably. She frowned. There was something obviously bothering him. She was bothering him. But why?

"Where the hell are you going?" She called out as he paced slowly down the walkway. She didn't recognize any part of her surroundings. It was by the Han River, a small recreational area filled with greenery and flowers that spread up onto the hills.

"Home. Were going home." He answered as he strode away from her. She refused to followed. She didn't know why he was acting like this. She didn't know why she was acting like this.

"This is where it started Chorong. Where everything started." He called to her as he turned around to face her. She narrowed her eyes at him as perplexity took hold.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She hissed. He sigh before stomping back to her. Grabbing her hand he intertwined his fingers with hers and began walking again, dragging her along.

"The doctors said you needed rest and sleep. I'll give you that, after we finish walking." He spoke. She bit her lower lip.

"Why are we walking?" She asked as she was dragged away.

"Because its where it began." He repeated. He had been saying those same words over and over again and each time she was only more puzzled than the first. That was a thing she hated about Woohyun. He confused her in so many ways. He was so irate, so furious by her words. For a while there he based everything off of how her felt. He let his feelings take hold of him and control him like he was a puppet, his emotions were the puppet master.

That side of him terrified her because everything he did held no judgment, no explanations. Then he began weeping like a lost puppy that got abandon in the rain, left for dead. Now he was...something. Something different, something scared, something fragile and broken. She didn't bother trying to decipher his emotions.

He was a bipolar case of work. A case she didn't want to get anywhere close to but was right in front of her. She wanted to just shake him and see if his head was on straight. She wanted to read him, just him. When he was a angry beast, when he was in the deepest most vulnerable state of mind or when he was just content with living.

"Right where I parked the car. That's where it began." He answered. The sun was setting. In fact, the sun had already set and was gone. All that was left were the pink and orange rays coming from the horizons, that began to blend in with the upcoming night sky. The colorful rays were the source of light for their walk. The colors engulfed our silence, making our surroundings tranquil and calm. Neither said a thing for a while.

They just walked. Both content with the circumstances. There was no awkward silence, just the blissful wind that mixed into their thoughts. Hands intertwined and both realized that their entwined hands felt natural, felt right. The air was cool from the rain earlier. Chorong took in the sight of all the trees, all the flowers that bundled together, small pops of color filled her eyes. There were barely any cars or people.

"...How did it begin?" She finally found the nerve to ask. She still refused to meet eye and eye with him. Woohyun on the other hand had his eyes locked on only one person. His beautiful wife. He couldn't take his eyes off of her even when she refused to turn to him. He found himself severely attached to her like moths and fire.

"My parents dropped my sister and I off here. I was eight, she was eleven. They told just to find our way home. And if we couldn't we would no longer be considered their kids." He revealed. Chorong was astonished for a moment. Their parents just left them there. They were just left behind like they didn't even matter. Like they had no purpose in the world.

"So what happened?" She asked softly. Woohyun grinned. He was actually having a conversation with Chorong and there were no breaking of the glass, intense fire or crazy screams. Just them.

"I cried. Of course, what eight year old wouldn't cry when his parents just left him. I think that's why this is the only place I come to when I need to cry. A small park area next to the Han River. That was the first time I cried in front of anyone. Jihyun noona hugged me, and she told me everything was going to be okay. She lied." He answered. His thoughts were in a whole different period of life. It was like he was remembering each and every moment as they walked side by side. This one memory was replaying itself in his mind.

"How did she lie?" Chorong asked in a murmur.

She knew she should stop, but refused to close. She wanted to zip it up and throw away the key. But she couldn't. This was the one and only time since she met the man that he was actually revealing something about himself. He was being honest, open, real.

"If you're asking if we made it to the house, we did. It took all day and by the time we stepped on our front porch our parents were even in the country. They had frown off to a business trip...but noona promised me we would find our home. But I don't think we ever had a home to go to, just a vacant empty house that trapped us." Woohyun explained. Chorong frown. It was true Chorong never lived in a big expensive luxurious house, but she had a home.

She had Naeun, and in the early stages of life she had her grandmother. Before all hell broke lose Chorong grew up in a small rooftop room. Though she never had much, she had a home. Even after have happened she had Naeun, her home. Woohyun grew up in the luxuries of money, power and fortune but was always homeless.

"She promised me we would find our way back home. We never did. So I guess you can say I'm still lost, still trying so desperately to find my home." He finished as he looked down to the ground. He sounded defeated and tired. He sounded lost.

"Everyone wants to find a home. A place to belong, a place to keep the fire outside our doors from raging in. Salvation. Comfort. Laughter. Love. But finding a home to belong is one of the most difficult process in the world. Because nobody knows what their home is, sometimes you don't even realize you're looking for home. But you know you want to belong to something. "

"Do you have a home?" He asked. Chorong pondered on the thought for a moment. Honestly there were times when she didn't have a house. She didn't have fortune or money. But did she have a home?

"In a way I did. No matter how terrified I was. No matter what storm was blowing into my life. I had a home. I had my sister. She will always be my home." Chorong thoughtfully replied.

"I wished noona was here. She would had liked you." Woohyun commented. Chorong smile, it wasn't a big flashy smile, but a simple tug of her lips. But it was all he needed.

"I'm sure I would like her to. Where is she?" Chorong asked oblivious to the frown on his face.

"I wished I knew. I really wished I did because she's thousands of miles from me right now. But wherever she is, I hope she can find her home."

Bomi watched quietly as the two talked. L had a guitar in his hands, playing a soft tone for Naeun who listened intently. Naeun's eyes never leaving the guitar and L's eyes never leaving Naeun.

Bomi snickered from the sidelines. How more oblivious could Naeun be?

"L-shi, can you teach me how to play the guitar?" She asked. There was hope in her sweet voice. It was only a fragment of hope, but it was there.

"I can teach you the basics." He responded. She nodded.

"Maybe learning the guitar will help time pass by faster." She commented. Naeun hated being trap here, but she was also scare to step out. Stepping out met living in the real world. And the real world scared her.

"I can come by to visit from time to time...that is if you don't mind." He asked.

"I would like that. Its awfully lonely here. But its safer here." She replied. He snickered which strangely confused her. "Did I say something wrong?" Naeun asked. It was like a joke going around and she didn't understand it.

She had to admit it. She was more than astonished when Bomi had introduced him to her. He was an friend of Bomi's. His name was L. She didn't ask for his real name, though she doubted that it mattered. A name was a name regardless of the face of its owner. If you would to know one enough, names wouldn't matter because the presence of that person itself is enough for you to decipher them from the rest of the world.

This man was tall, handsome, and looked timid when she first spoke. Deep brown messy hair, dark chocolate eyes and a strong jaw line. He was from money and power, but didn't abuse his status. He was quite interesting and amusing. He was a total stranger to her, but everyone was a stranger including herself.

He was a man who followed his orders even if he hated it. A man who would leap off the side of the universe for his friends because they meant more to him than all the precious diamonds and gold in the world. A brave soul, but a dim-witted one.

There was a shyness to him which she was quickly drawn to. He eventually calmed down upon seeing the guitar one of the other nurses had. He was thoughtful, caring, a little to caring, but she figured it was better to be too much of something than not enough.

She had never been enough, at least that was what they would tell her while she was growing up. They said she wasn't good enough. So here they were, sitting in the sun room as he played soft melodies to her.

"What is it that you want from me?" She asked out of no where. He stopped stumbling to form any coherent strings of words. What did he want from her? He had never thought of that. He was drawn to her the moment he laid his eyes on her. She looked so fragile but seemed so calm. And so hopeless.

"Honestly...I don't know." Those were the only words he could come up with. It was the truth, and the truth no matter how vague it was turned into the building block.

"That's good enough for me. Teach me how to play the guitar and maybe one day you'll realize what you want from me." She said. His answer was sufficient for her. All she wanted was for an honest answer. And she got one. Naeun always wanted the truth, no matter the situation.






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Chapter 30: Hands-down one of the best stories of all time even though I'm a few years late for reading this oh-god-so-beautiful story!!
Chapter 9: Hello im new here! I don't know whethe you are still active in this account and see my comment or not. But this story is no kidding. I love the way you explain the whole situation and feelings of each characters in this story. Gosh, it's all good. Hopefully you still continue to make another great stories.
I'll continue to read this story and hopefully the end will not disappoint me. Hehehe
Re-reading this story because I love how you write and made me ship WooRong.
michelchan #4
Chapter 30: Wow! U did an excellent job. Love this fanfic :)
Apinknaeunchorong #5
Chapter 30: This story is so amazing!!! Just finished reading it. I'm sad though that I discovered the story just now....
Nadyangela #6
Chapter 30: Omg i just read this story and it is so beautiful :'D my WooRong's feel ♡♡♡
this is amazing author-nim i like it so much!!
Juliana91 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww omg this story is really amazing. U did a great job authornim
wewewewewer #8
Chapter 30: im literally jump right .
how curious i am about myungeun life....................................
koala_panda #9
Chapter 30: Wow...it's good..woow I am surprised ..so rare nowadays to see pinkfinite story like this..I hope u will continue ur other story..anyway good job
Chapter 14: been reading this fic for 12345568 times gosh i still couldn't get sick of it sobs it's damn AMAZINGGGG