Chanyeol 1

EXO Oneshots


Plot: Lol you don't get a plot summary because I pulled this thing out of my . While I assure you it's not just random, I'm too lazy to summarize it.


You groaned loudly as you let yourself fall onto your couch and dropped your luggage beside it. The past two weeks you had spent with your parents had been the most exhausting time of your life. You had forgotten how physically active they were for their age. It was a real change from your life in Korea, where the most exercise you got was walking around the city.

Your parents, however, had decided they wanted to do all sorts of ridiculous things like hiking, riding ATVs, etc. They even tried to convince you to go bungee jumping, but you’d steered them in another direction as soon as it was brought up. At their age, they’d likely die of heart attack if they attempted something like that.

The worst part, in the end, was the long flight back to Korea. You’d been stuck in a rather cramped seat for hours on end, and the person behind you had happened to be one of those s who kick the seat. When the plane landed, not only were you stiff, but you had a migraine from the constant thumping against your seat the entire trip.

You were so glad to be back in your own apartment. Through the tiredness you suffered from the strenuous visit with your parents with jetlag to top it all off, you couldn’t bring yourself to drag your sore body to your bedroom, opting to sleep on the couch. You’d regret it in the morning, but right now the couch in your air conditioned living room was the most comfortable thing in the world. You nodded off in no time.

You weren’t awoken by the cold that had seeped throughout your entire body for sleeping without a blanket, but instead a warm hand on your shoulder, gently trying to shake you out of your sleep.

“Yah, ___-ah, you’re going to get a stiff neck from sleeping on the couch. Get up.” The deep voice scolding you was familiar. Even in your sleepy haze, you could tell it was your best friend Chanyeol. You groaned and reached up the rub your eyes, and hissed as pain pulsed through your arm with the movement. “What’s wrong?”

“Ah, nothing, my parents did exactly what I expected them to. I’m just a bit sore is all,” you said, ending your statement with a yawn. You opened your eyes and looked at Chanyeol, giving him a toothy smile. He smiled back. “Anyway, why are you in my apartment? I told you only use your spare key if I’m dying.”

“Well, I kind of assumed you were dying. You haven’t been answering my texts all day, and I knew you’d gotten back last night. I got worried-“

“All day?”

“Yeah, it’s already six. How long have you been asleep on your couch?”

“Since I got back,” you answered, rolling onto your side or at least you tried. You gasp as pain shot up your back and instantly flopped back to lay flat on it and whimper miserably. “This .”

“Here,” Chanyeol mumbled in his low voice before he scooped you up off of the couch. One arm under your knees and the other supporting your back, with your head resting on his shoulder. He was so warm after the air conditioning had done a thorough job of chilling you.

He carried you to your room and set you down on your bed before pulling the covers over you. He turned back around and started to leave the room, but stopped when you made a whiny noise.

“Don’t leave yet, Chanyeollie. I haven’t seen you in two weeks!” He chuckled and turned around, smiling at you.

“I’m just getting your suitcases and bringing them in here. No need to have them littering the living room.” You made a small ‘o’ with your mouth and then closed your eyes, pulling the covers over your head and trying to ignore the aching in your muscles. You felt stupid for suddenly shouting now, even though all you had said was you hadn’t seen him in two weeks. It’s not like you had said, “I missed you!” but it was definitely implied. Your cheeks turned red. It was normal to miss your best friend, you shouldn’t feel so chagrinned.

You had had a crush on Chanyeol for a while now. You’ve been friends for a few years now, and you’re not really sure when the feelings popped up. All you know is that they refused to go away. Who wouldn’t fall for him, though? He was perfect to you, crazy face and all.

Within a minute, you heard Chanyeol reenter the room and drop your bags by your closet. You pulled to comforter off of your head, looking at him. He stared back, and you had a short staring contest, which you quickly lost.

“Quit looking at me like an idiot and come here. I haven’t hugged you in two weeks, and I’m freezing,” you demanded, giving him a cheeky smile. He gave you a huge grin in return, his one eye closing more than the other. He quickly came over and leaned down awkwardly, wrapping his lanky arms around your neck and squeezing you. You reached your arms up from under your blanket, wrapping them around his torso as tightly as you could before you turned over and pulled him down onto the bed with you. He let out a small shout of protest, followed by a laugh.

“I said I was cold. That means you’re going to lay here with me and keep me warm,” you mumbled as he adjusted himself so he wasn’t lying on top of you, but instead next to you. While one arm pillowed and wrapped around your head, the other went down and wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to his warm body. You snuggled your face into his shoulder and listened to the loud beating of his heart.

“You’re not still tired, are you? You’ve been sleeping all day,” his deep voice rumbled, but you chose to ignore it. After a moment of silence, Chanyeol spoke again. “___? Are you asleep?” he asked in disbelief. Then something funny happened.

You could swear you heard his heart beat pick up pace. Not by a lot, but just a little bit. Enough to be noticeable. He gently started your hair. A small smile graced your face, even if he couldn’t see it. You both stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, and you really were on the verge of falling asleep.

That was, until he kissed the top of your head. Your eyes shot open, but you didn’t move.

“Chanyeollie, did you just kiss my head?” you mumbled into his shoulder. This time you had no doubt that his heart rate increased, and drastically at that. He didn’t answer you, so you lifted your head to look him in the face.

But he wasn’t looking at you. He seemed to have found a particularly interesting spot on the ceiling, and his eyes were fixed on it.

“Chanyeollie~” you whined, squeezing him. He still didn’t look at you. “Why did you kiss my head?” At the question, he scoffed.

“I didn’t,” he said simply, but even with the lack of light in your room, you could tell his face had darkened slightly with a blush.

“Yes you did. I wasn’t asleep, you know.” His eyes finally met yours.

“Yah! Then why did you pretend you were asleep?” he said with a pout. You gave him a -eating grin.

“Answer my question first.” With that, he looked away again. “Chanyeol!” He mumbled something, but in his low voice it was impossible to hear. “Come again?”

“Because I wanted to,” he grumbled out.

“Why did you want to?” He turned and looked at you, straight in the eye. The intense look on his face nearly made your heart stop.

“Because I like you, ___-ah,” he whispered. His eyes were boring into you as he tried to gauge your reaction. You must have looked like a gaping fish, with wide eyes and your mouth opening and closing as you tried and failed to form words.

After a good half a minute, you couldn’t take his stare anymore and quickly sat up, turning to look at your closet door. Chanyeol groaned, and you felt the mattress shift as he also sat up. He put his head on your shoulder, but you didn’t move.

“I’m sorry, should I have not said that?” he asked quietly. “I sort of got in the moment and I thought maybe you only wanted to know because you liked me too, and I thought you would have smiled and then it would have had a happy ending-“

“Chanyeollie, please, shut up,” you said suddenly, shrugging his head off your shoulder. You knew he was probably pouting now, but you had to process what he’d just said. You had maybe thirty seconds of quiet before he opened his mouth again.

“___, please at least say something. I don’t want to sit here wondering if we can still be friends after what I just said.” You groaned, turning to look at him. Big mistake. There was hurt all over his face, and it broke you little heart. Your eyebrows furrowed and you reached a hand out to touch his cheek.

“Chanyeollie, Jesus Christ, don’t look so sad,” you whispered as he leaned into you hand, but the pathetic look in his eyes didn’t relent. “Stop it! I-I like you too, so don’t look at me like that.” You rushed the words out, and Chanyeol’s eyes widened before a huge smile graced his face from ear to ear. Even though you knew he liked you back, in the same way you liked him, it was still embarrassing to admit, and you blushed, but returned the smile nonetheless.

He put his hand over yours on his cheek, turning his head to kiss your palm. His lips were so warm, and you felt hyper aware of them against your skin.

He moved his lips to your wrist, feathering kisses up your arm until he reached the sleeve of your shirt. He pulled it up and placed one chaste kiss on your shoulder before moving to your neck.

“Chanyeol…” you trailed off, and he hummed against your neck in acknowledgement, but didn’t stop nibbling and on the skin. “As much as I love what you’re doing, I’m really sore, and sitting like this is sort of a pain in the—“ You were cut off as Chanyeol pushed you roughly down on the mattress. He clambered on top of you with his long legs straddling your hips, his hands on either side of your head, and his face hovering a mere inch above yours.

“Is this more comfortable?” he whispered sweetly in his husky voice. It sent a chill through your body, and you simply nodded. You were sure that if you tried to speak, you’d stumble over your words.

Especially with the intense gaze he had fixed on you. It was making your heart beat erratically. How could he do this to you with just a look? He chewed on his bottom lip as if he were thinking hard about something.

And then he began leaning in, slowly closing his eyes. Your breath caught in your throat. You scrunched your eyes tightly shut just in time to feel his curly, caramel colored hair tickling your eyelids. Then his soft lips were on yours.

You can’t even remember what you would always imagine this moment would be like, because you’re completely blown away by the reality of it. His lips were soft even though they were slightly chapped and they moved gently against yours. It was a tender kiss, but there was longing behind it. It was something he’d wanted to do for a while.

You immediately kiss back with the same softness. Your lips move in unison, and they feel so perfect together. You don’t want to pull away, but eventually your lungs scream for oxygen.

Your heart flutters when Chanyeol disconnects his lips from yours, and you open your eyes to assess the look on his face. He’s looking down at you with an indescribable expression and a small smile on his lips.

“___-ah, I lied,” he mumbled, rubbing his nose against yours in a very cute manner. “I think I might just love you.” Before you could reply, his lips met yours in another sweet and passionate kiss.

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