Getting To Know Him

Music Makes You Free

A/N: Thought about it and definitely making it into a story. Whether it'll be a long or short one, I don't know. Hope I capture HongKi's personality well! Poster here:

HongKi's POV

The first thing I (unfortunately) woke up to was the sound of someone banging on a metallic object. I slowly opened my eyes, soon closing them as I felt the harsh rays of the sun hitting them. I groaned lightly and to my side, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep before whoever was making the racket decided to wake me up. As I tried to do this, though, I felt rough wood (or something of the like) brush against my face, as well a rusty old voice yell, "Get up you blonde vagabond! If you want something to eat before hit the road again, you better get up!"

"Not a vagabond," I mumbled out as I opened my eyes and slowly pushed myself up. I blinked my eyes for a few moments before looking around. We were still out in the middle of nowhere it seemed and I couldn't help but wish we had kept going. My inner voice's complaints died down quickly as my stomach emitted a deep growl and pang of hunger. Maybe it was best to have stopped. Throwing the blanket which had been covering my shoulders off, I shuffled towards the edge of the wagon and slid to the ground. I walked over to where a small sitting area had been sloppily arranged and sat down beside EunMi, who, might I add, had already started to eat the delicious looking meal without the rest of us.

"Here," the old woman who I had decided to accompany said as she handed me a bowl of some sort of soup. "Don't know why a young fella' like yourself is travelin' about these parts. You're ain't never gonna find anythin' worth while in the country," she continued as she slowly sat herself down on the rock across from me. "Everyone's been heading out to where folks like you come from. Those big cities with all that newfangled, fancy techno-things that people go crazy over." By now, it sounded more like she was talking to herself rather than me. I'm not sure if she was even talking to me in the first place.

She was right, though. Everyone had been heading to the city. With the way things seemed, the way people out here (wherever that is) weren't that well off and needed a change. From what the old lady told me before, there weren't to many of my generation living in the area. All of them were "trying to find their place in the world" as the lady called it. She might have been right about something else though. What was I looking for? I really can't say. After the band broke up a few years back, I never really could decide what to do. Is it possible to find something when you don't even know what you're looking for?

"Hey mister! Are ya gonna play that guitar someday? Huh, huh!? Can you play it now?" EunMi asked from beside me, her young eyes twinkling in anticipation.

"Park EunMi! What have I told you about bothering the stranger?" Ms. Park yelled at her granddaughter. I chuckled a bit as the five-year-olds face turned into a small pout.

I ruffled her hair lightly. "After I'm done eating and on one condition," I told her. "Dance to what I play."

A/N: Well, I certainly didn't expect that when I started. Short I know. I just want to give a bit of an intro for him (and her). I'm sooooooo unhappy about forcing the band to break up, but I didn't know what sort of reason to give HongKi for going to the country! Hope you, the reader, enjoyed it!

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hongki seems more mature and serious here, so different with what I saw on some reality show, lol
post more pls, I wanna know the plot more cxx
eh, no technology? xD lol
sounds so interesting! fighting Hongki!!
waiting for the update