Troublsome Tiffany

Collection of One-Shots!

you was really into the zone, scoring every time he had the ball in possession.  He could hear the crowd cheering for him and the team.  It was the last match of the basketball season and with this win, they would be the national champions.

Last few seconds and a team mate passed the ball to you seeing he had better chances of scoring.  He jumped making a slam dunk.  But while hanging on the rim for a few seconds, his foot kicked the ball when it was falling to the ground.  Next thing he knew he heard someone yell.

“Owww!  You idiot jerk!  That almost killed me!” she exaggerated.  She looked at him and blushed a bit before stomping away.

The final blow was heard and the game was over.  Everyone went to congratulate with pats in the back, messing his hair and hugs to you.  But he was too busy looking for the girl he had hit.  He felt bad for hitting her, but to be truly honest, he thought she was beautiful.  Searching through the crowd he saw her walking towards the exit.

Everyone started cheering and were heading towards the other the opposite exit door.  you dodged and squirmed around the crowd finally managing to escape.  He ran towards the exit leading him to the track field.

She was with two of her friends now talking near the fence that surrounded the field at the gate that led to the parking lot.  He ran to her before she would leave being so close to the lot.

He was heavy breathing.  She looked at him and scoffed, while her friends kept staring at him.  He only had eyes for her though.

“I’m-sorry,” he breathed.

“Get out of my sight.  You’re the jerk that hit me.”  She was about to open the gate to leave but you blocked her. 

“I’m sorry,” he responded again.  “Let me repay you back somehow.”  She turned her head.

“Getting out of my way would be a way.” She was about to walk away again.

“Dinner!” he almost shouted.  “How about dinner? Right now, if you’re free.”  Her friend nodded her head.  She smacked her on the arm.

“I’m busy.” But her other friends stopped her.

“Come on, Tiffany.  Go with him.  You weren’t going to do anything.  This will probably do you well as a distraction.”  Oh~ Her name is Tiffany.

“Yes, Tiffany.”  He started to talk again.  She only looked at him with an evil gaze.  “I don’t know what’s going on but you can talk to me.  Or not talk at all but just to go out.”

He looked at her hopeful.  There must be something bothering her.  He really wanted to know what, or at least comfort her.  

Her friend just lighty nudged her and motioned the other to leave to the parking lot.  Tiffany just stood there.  you stepped forward a bit.  She sighed and nodded her head in defeat.

“Great, will you wait for me at the entrance?  I just need to go wash and change real quick.  I won’t take long.”  He wanted to run but was scared she would leave.

“Just go. I’ll wait.” She mumbled.  He left real quickly and within 10 minutes he was coming out.  He saw here waiting at the front as he had said.

“Alrighty, let’s go.”  He smiled.  She only stood up and waited for him to start walking.  “This way.”  They reached the car and he started driving once on.

“Anywhere specific you’d like to go to?”  She seemed to be contemplating what she would do.

“Anything with meat.”  He nodded and headed to a restaurant he knew very well with great meat dishes.

Once they arrived and ordered, you tried to make a conversation while they waited.  But nothing was really working.  He sort of gave up but just looked at her and something made him say the next statement.

“You really are strong.  But just know it’s okay to let out your emotions.  We’re all human.”  He gave her a small firm smile and looked down.  The food came and they slowly started eating.

She let out another sigh of the day and placed her chopsticks down.

“I’m having a hard time right now.  I have dance and singing lessons.  My family is always getting after me.  I’m not doing so well in school.  I just can’t afford to have a break down or I’ll just be breaking down constantly.”  She finally let everything out.

“But it’s never good to keep everything to yourself.”  He smiled.  And for the first time in that day, he saw her smile and start eating more comfortably.  “You can come to me whenever you feel like getting something out of your chest.”

She looked up and genuinely smiled and gave a small chuckle.  It was a nice night after all.

I'm sorry it took me a while to do this. I had an idea but never got to type it. I hope you like it. Woo~ My first request here on AFF. Enjoy!

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Chapter 10: omg i luv this
toilet #2
Chapter 26: I loved it! I haven't been on recently and really need to update my stories. so no worries I'm really grateful for the cute date with dongwoo, you're the best ^^
toilet #3
Name of bias and group: Infinite - Jang Dongwoo
Simple description of bias: Um absolutely adorkable, sweet and clumsy.
Name preferred: I am toilet XD
A bit y?: Always, oh you mean the oneshot, fluff is awesome
Location: Everywhere, I actually can't pick a place sorry.
Drama?: No simple is good but you're the author I trust you to write something good, I mean I liked the other oneshots, (spends too much time reading) ^^
Chapter 24: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I luv it, I luv it, I luv it!!
Request: VIXX - N

Simple description of bias: N is a simple guy, he doesn't belong to any label. He isn't a kingka or a nerd but he's really popular, the heartthrob of almost 50% of the entire female population in school. Girls drool over him and guys wish they can be him . Well which guy wouldn't? He's got the looks, the brain, the nice personality, everything that is needed to be the kingka.

A little y?: No, no plz. Requester is innocent xD

Location: At school.

Do you want a bit of drama? Yes what's the problem: N is in love with his best friend Leo's sister Eunwoon but sees the school kingka confessing to her.
Chapter 4: request :-snsd tiffany?