
Video Reunion

It was super early in the morning and you were waiting to get on web chat with one of your high school friends.  She was going to make a small video of you for the 10 year high school reunion.  It was going to be something simple you expected.  You were living in South Korea now and you weren’t able to attend the reunion for the lack of information.  By the time you found out the exact date, there were no more flights and you wouldn’t have made it on time.  Luckily, two of your friends had visited before and had some footage of you and your new life they could add. 
Not many people knew of your life since you rarely posted anything on FB and what you did post only certain knew what was going on.
You were playing with your hair and surfing the net when you suddenly heard your name.  You placed the page down and your friend’s face appeared on the screen.
“Sleepy?” she asked.
“Sort of but I’m okay.”
“Sorry it has to be this early for you.  I can only do it after work and I don’t come out until late afternoon.”
“It’s fine.  I’m just glad it’s Saturday.”
“Is your Yeobo working?”
“No, no.  He got the day off actually but he’s still sleeping.  Poor thing, they work him too much.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice for you to be next to him then?” she raised an eyebrow.  You laughed.
“It would be nice but…maybe I should surprise him with some breakfast then.”
“Breakfast?” you heard behind you.  “Sounds good but it won’t be a surprise anymore.”  You looked behind and it was SooHyun.  His hair was reckless and he was half .  You could see his nice formed abs and strong arms.  He was squinting, and rubbing his eyes.  He came closer to you giving you a sweet kiss near the lips and taking a toast from you that you had for as a snack.  It helped you from falling back to sleep.
“Yeobo, put a shirt on.  I’m talking to a friend.”  You blushed.  You looked at your friend.  “You’re not recording are you?”
“No, no.  Don’t worry,” she gave a thumbs up.
“Whoa that’s good.”  You sighed with relief and laughed. 
“Yeobo, I’ll make breakfast as soon as I’m finished.  Go back and rest.”  You gave him a kiss on the cheek and fixed his hair.  He gave you a hug from the back, gave you another kiss.
“Okay, but don’t take too long.  I want you back in bed instead. Ah, I got some jam on you.”  He gave you another kiss, the jam away and heading back to the room, singing to his part of Tick Tack, ‘Baby I’ll take you higher’.  You laughed and shook your head with a smile.  Crazy that man, but you loved him.
“You guys are so cute.”  Your friend said after he closed the door.  You laughed.  “Seems like you’re still newlyweds.
“He really cares about me.” You smiled thinking how lucky you are.
“No fights yet?”
“We’ve had our arguments but we either talk about it or forget about it.  We seem to know which one is best.”
“How about kids?”
“Yeobo, come to bed already.  I want a baby boy!”  Soohyun whined from the room.  He peeked out and he was just in his underwear.  You were shocked since you’re friend could see everything from where the webcam was positioned.
“Honey, put some pants on!”  You threw him a pillow.  He caught it and just laughed, closing back the door.  “What about breakfast?” you asked.
“That…I got something else in mind!”  You can sense he was smirking from the other side of the room.
“I’m sorry.  Can we start already?  I know you have to go to your family as well.”  You shook her head slowly.  “But I guess that answers your question about kids.”  The both of you laughed. 
The recording went fairly well even after that small incident.  Both of you chatted a bit but it was obvious that it was time for the two of you to leave.
“Well I’ll let you go.  I see you need to give your attention elsewhere and I need to get to…you know.”
“Yeah, yeah.  I’ll send you a copy of the edited video so you can see what all the class will be seeing.”
“Okay.  It’s next weekend right?”
“Yup yup.  So I’ll talk to you some other time.  Take care.”  She waved.
“You too.  Bye bye!” You smiled.  And closed the window.

“So I am finally finished.”  You announced going into the room but you found SooHyun lying on his side on the bed with his eyes closed.  You thought he was playing around so you started poking him and giving him butterfly kisses from his arm towards his lips.  But he wouldn’t budge.
“Oppa!” you called while shaking him, hoping this would change things but nothing.  You lay next to him and just stared at his handsome face.  You touched his lips and had a sudden urge to touch his eyelashes.  You rubbed your hands all over his well tanned hard abs, wanting him to wake up and just take you but…he still wouldn’t budge.  You stuck your tongue out at him.
“I guess I will go make some breakfast then.”  You decided before you went crazy with him just lying there.  You could take some dominance but…that side of you usually came out at night.  And you were in no mood to take control, especially when you knew he might be tired from working every day. 
“Making that scene to make me come back to bed and for what…” you muttered while getting up from bed.
“Where are you going?”  He suddenly pulled you against the bed and getting on top of you.
“Weren’t you sleeping?”  She asked opened eyed and heavy breathing from the surprise.
“Of course I wasn’t.  You made me wait, I was making you wait.”  He chuckled looking at you while keeping you under him.
“Jerk,” you hit him lightly on his chest.  He was about to go for a kiss but you moved, trying to get away from under him.
“You’re not going anywhere.”  He said grabbing both of your hands and pinning them above you.
“I need to make you breakfast!  You need to eat and stay healthy.”  You scolded at him.
“That can wait.  I know I may be greedy for food but…I just want you right now.”  He said starting to place sweet kisses on your neck.  You moaned.  He finally let go of your wrists and the automatically went to his hair, messing it up more than it was.  

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Chapter 1: Omo.... so sweet... kyaaaa..... >_<