Rant #29

What Annoys me in Fanfics

When authors post links to their other fics on the foreword/at the bottom of their chapters.

And they post ALL their fics. So, sometimes it's more than five.

If people like your work, they will check out your other fics without you telling them to.

You don't need to adveritise on your own crap.




Also, check out my other fics!

Paper Airplanes (featuring you and JB of JJ Project)
In a Night (a cyoa with you and Teen Top)
Getting Your Love (you and L.Joe of Teen Top fic)
When he Wants to Have  ( one shots/scenarios of you and Teen Top)

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w/e marking ~complete~ because idk what else to add


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Chapter 28: Rant 28 is on point... update soon.
uhm yeah so, did you like it? or was it just okay? and you feel like you're obligated to comment so you did this?
and omg I feel soooo embarrassed when I read my fanfics after a while and find typos OTL

and for Rant 33
"There's a lot of girls who don't even know they're pregnant until they're around 3 months in. "
I remember a girl who was brought into the hospital with heavy stomach aches...she got a baby that day without knowing she was pregnant xD

the last thing though, not sure if you know it by now but the person doesn't need to be "at least" year old. it can only be a couple of months. if the older person is born in Jan/early Feb and would be considered part of last year in the chinese calendar :) and then there's the rare case of twins in which the younger one might refer to the older one as hyung or noona although they are just minutes/hours apart xD
Chapter 41: Funny thing is that this rant was written like four years ago but i can still relate to some of the things that you pointed out.
Especially about the research thing. All the cultural/medical/any other important reference... for example, it bothers me so much when i read a story sets in korean high school but students wear t-shirts or jeans or anything other than uniform, also that they move to different classroom for different subjects other than lab/gym.. highschool in korea generally doesn't work that way..
Chapter 8: I didn't know why I just found this but this is so true lolz. I hate it when there are just too many Korea words in it lol. Like, are you trying to show off your ability to speak Korea?! I can too, you know! Ugh, so pissed -.-
SlightlyBroken #4
Chapter 41: Idk how I found this, but I really like your rants, It's basically everything that annoys me. I like that you said everything strictly.
Chapter 19: OMG EXACTLY! Everytime i read a "Graphics Review Shop", the writer is also like "The poster is good and if you have a good poster, people would be more likely determined to your story" And i was just like "Wtf". No, bro, A poster doesn't matter, a poster is just like a quick cover of your book. Just something to make your story to look more fancy but it doesn't help the readers determine if the storyline will actually be good or not. It's your description that does.
namzUd #6
Chapter 31: I agree with most of your rants :). I read a fic the other day which was really good but the author named a disease after a body part...(so much win)couldn't keep a straight face while reading it xD.
Chapter 41: The rants made sense, some of them were indeed good, but there is a way to rant without sounding like one of the "queenkas" in the stories xP All of the swearing was not necessary, saying 90% of stories on here are bad as a fellow author I do take offense to that, so please try to be respectful, but get your point across in a more mature manner : )
Chapter 41: I know rants are made to express things that annoy you, but when you said that 90% of stories on this site are bad, are you also including your stories? As an author I have only done about 10% of what was listed on these rants which include: asking for subscriptions/comments, having what I call "story posters" (I do gfx so I like to make them), having parents non-existent in stories, saying that I dislike the queenkas and maybe a couple of others. I do admit all of these, however, I do think you need to realize that with some phrases like butterfly kisses could be described in different countries as something else, or they actually meant that the kiss was so sensitive and ticklish like a butterfly on the persons lips (I do not know since I did not read fanfiction like that) also with the spelling errors I do not tolerate that stuff either LOL I write my stuff in word, and try to read over my chapters to catch grammar/spelling mistakes before I post (sometimes I do catch things and sometimes I don't) but lately on here I have noticed people saying "I'm too lazy to correct stuff so deal with it" if anything that should have been a rant LOL Also, for the copyright stuff I think the main idea should have been people saying about the "concept" of the story. I have seen a bunch of people complain about that to others that concepts sound the same but the actual storylines are different. I do agree that titles that tell the whole story are stupid as well LOL I try not to do that, but some people are just not that creative. There was one thing I think this needed to be stated in a rant and that would have been people using "whilst" when they should be using "while" or people saying "I have so many feels" when they should be using "feelings" I know feels is popular within the kpop culture, but it is annoying seeing it on tumblr as it is in a story.