Chapter 44

Friendly Competition




Yoseob and ______ escorted the boys to their friend’s house.

"Hmph...." Ricky pouted. "I worry when I sleep over and one of the Hyung's houses and Noona is left all alone."

"Yah, don't worry! Hyungnim is going to take her out for dinner and take her home."

"How about you spend the night with her?" Ricky suggested, innocently.

L Joe and CAP looked at each other.

"Did he hear what he just said?" L Joe asked.

CAP shook his head.

"Yah, Ricky-ya, rephrase that."

"WAEYO?" The naive boy asked.

Yoseob and ______ blushed.

"Ricky-ya, even I got what you didn't..." Changjo sighed shaking his head.

"Huh? What do you mea-........OH!!!!! YAH!!!!! Don't do that!! Noona doesn't need a baby, she has me for that. I trust Hyungnim though. It's better than Noona being home alone all night."

Yoseob nodded.

"A-Arasseo. I'll stay to keep her company for a while."

“MANSE!” Ricky said happily. “Aah, we’re almost to Hyung’s house. You guys go on ahead. I need to have a talk with Noona. Guys, take care of Hyungnim, arasseo?!”

“This kid barking orders.” Niel shook his head. “Yah we do like him. You know that, right?”

“Yeah, still.”

“Are you acting tough because he’s here?” CAP teased.

“Maybe…” Ricky muttered softly.

His friend’s laughed.

Ricky pulled ______ aside.

“Aigoo, what is this about?” ______ asked.

"I think Yoseob Hyungnim would make a great Appa."

"You pulled me aside to say that?! Yah, I hope you're not volunteering me to make him one!!"

"ANDWAEYO!!!! I'm the only baby that Noona needs! Did I NOT just say that? Geez Noona, pay attention.”

“Aigoo!” she scoffed pushing his forehead with her pointer finger. “You definitely are." She nodded in agreement.

“At least....for now!" he muttered softly.

"I refuse to let you grow up. Noona wants to keep you little forever."

"Yah, Noona!~" he whined. "I have to become a man."

"ANI, you do not."

"Of course I do!! I need to help out around here."

"ANI...your only responsibility is to stay in school and keep good grades."

Ricky frowned.

"......I'm afraid Noona will hurt yourself or get sick if you work too hard. If you get sick, where would I go?"

"Don't worry! Noona is very healthy."

Ricky frowned more.

"What about when you marry Hyungnim? I don't want to leech off of you. I need to help take care of Noona. That way, you'll be well taken care of and...ready to be a wife."

"Yah, what is all this marriage and baby talk?"

"Aren't you in love with Hyungnim?"

"......" She blushed. "Yoo Changhyun."

"I can't help it!" He smiled. "Noona and Hyungnim are my favorite couple! You're tied with Umma and Appa."

She leaned in to kiss his forehead.

"I'm glad you and Uri Yoseobie get along so well. It worries me a bit, but I'm happy."

"Worried, WAEYO?"

"You need to share him with me once in a while."

“Isn’t that what I’m doing?” he chuckled, backing away.

“Yah! Is that seriously what you pulled me aside to talk about?”


______ shook her head.

“What a weirdo...” She laughed.

Soon group split and went their separate ways.


“What now?!” she sighed.

“Is it alright if I start calling him, ‘Maehyung’? Yes?”

“YOO CHANGHYUN!!” she exclaimed. “Geumanhae! Get going! Go before I change my mind about letting you sleep over with your friends!”

Ricky just laughed and walked back to his friends.

“What was that about?” Yoseob asked.

“I love him, but he’s crazy.”

“Geurae.” Her boyfriend chuckled. “I got it. I won’t ask.”

After a quick dinner date, Yoseob took ______ home.

______ unlocked the front door and let Yoseob in.

Instead, he was a gentleman.

He held the door and let her go first.

______ smiled and kissed his cheek.

“You’re always such a sweet boyfriend.”

"Of course.” He said proudly. “So what do you usually do when Ricky spends the night at a friend's house."

______ smiled again.


"Music?" He repeated. "I thought you haven't sung?"

"I just play music. It's nice and calming."

"What is?"

"Uri Umma's voice."

"Mwo? Your Umma?"

She nodded and walked across the room, to the CD player.

 His eyes followed her.

"Ne, it felt like she and Appa are around when I play her song."

"How can we have been dating for a while and there are still things that I don't know about you? You really love music, hmm? You can sing better than anyone I know. During your free time, you sit in an empty listening to your Umma's old records?”

______ looked at him.

"Ara, I'm boring. You have more fun, everyday, than I do. I don’t have a very eventful life. I’m very boring.”

"ANIYA! That doesn't sound boring." Yoseob shook his head. "It's a deep meaningful thing. Of course it helps you with your emotions. You’ve been through a lot. This is the way you let go and relax. I think it’s pretty cool.”

"Jinjja? It’s not weird?”

“Aniya! It’s not weird at all! It’s interesting.’

______ smiled, touched that her boyfriend was so understanding.

“Yoseob-ah, Would you like to hear something?"

He smiled and nodded.

______ grabbed the remote to play the CD that was in the player.

The room filled with beautiful vocals and music.

"Wow, that's your Umma?"

______ nodded.

"I loved Umma's strong voice. I always wanted to be able to sing like her. I practiced for such a long time but never got there.”

"MWO? You think your voice isn't as good or as strong? You're wrong. You're out of practice but when were singing haven't slipped up. Your voice is as strong as hers. Wait...."

"Mwo?" She laughed.

He turned it up and in the background you could hear a little girl trying to turn it into a duet.

"Yah, ______ is that you? Aigoo~ Kyeopta!”

".........I told you I had to tag along with Umma. Sometimes I didn't even realize I was singing along. It’s safe to say that this wasn’t the final recording. I always interrupted so they had to do a few taskes. The NG’s are my favorite."

"You were this passionate about singing but you gave up on it?"

"I'm regretting it now. It was too painful to sing but now it's more painful to avoid it. I blame my boyfriend."

"You should blame your boyfriend. Seriously.”

She smiled and scooted closer to rest her head on his shoulder.

"Are you going to stay for a while longer?"

"I'll stay until you fall asleep."

"Don't say that..." she whined.


"Now I'm not going to go to sleep!~”

Yoseob chuckled.

"Aigoo, Ricky isn’t the only person in this family with aegyo. Hmm…what are you going to do then?"

"Cuddle?" she suggested hopefully.

He blushed upon hearing that.

"You want to cuddle?"

"Mm..." She nodded and wrapped her arms around his torso. 'Yoseobie's body though. I'm having erted thoughts about my namchin. This is what happens when I've been single for too long and spend too much time with my baby brother.'

"Yah, wae so quiet?' He asked her hair. "Did you fall asleep?"

"ANIYA! I’m just comfortable." She sighed. "We don't get to do things like this."

He smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Of course, Ricky or Yojinnie is always around."

"Ara..." She pouted. "As much as I miss Yojinnie, I miss having one on one time with you. Also, if Uri Changhyunnie is around...he's a suction cup, to you."

"He's got a strong suction."

"Mianhae if he's being a burden."

"ANIYA!!!! I like having him around. He's not a burden at all.” Yoseob said with a smile. “We're like brothers now. I like that he trusts me. He trusts me to be in the house, alone, with you."

"Of course. He knows that you're not that kind of guy to take advantage of me."

"YAH! What about ME?!"

"I might be the kind of girl to take advantage of you." She teased.

"MWOYA?!?!" His eyes went wide.

________ buried her face in the front of his shirt to stifle her laugh.

"Kidding!~ I'm just too romantically deprived."

"Nado, we should be glad we found each other. I know I am."

"Me too." She smiled. "Yah, we get a day off tomorrow."

"Ara!~ The guys already swooped in and stole me for the day." He frowned. He pouted and grumbled.

"Why are you whining about it?” she giggled. “Shouldn't you be happy to spend time with them?"

"Am I getting too clingy?" He asked.

______ smiled and shook her head.


"I want to. Since our break we haven't gotten much time to just us. It's nice to be here right now. I could always ditch-...."

"Don't do that!!!” she cut him off. “You can't ditch your friends for me. I'll scold you."

"Worth it." He grinned.

"Babo-ya, don't you dare."

"Arasseo. I'll be good."

She smiled.

He looked around being nosy.

“What are you looking for?”

“Baby pictures….” He teased. “Wae? Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“Ani.” She shook her head. “It’s nice having you here. I like being with you.

Yoseob turned around to give her a smile.

“I feel the same way.” He said cheerfully. "Kyeopta!!!"


Yoseob held up a picture.

"This is Ricky, right?"

______ saw the picture and smiled.

"Mm, uri Changhyunnie is cute."

"He hasn't changed much."

"Not really." She sighed. "He got taller but his features are pretty much the same. He looks more like Appa though."

"I don't know what your Appa looks like."

______ went to get a photo album.

"Appa was very handsome. Here, that's Appa."

Yoseob leaned over to look at the picture.

"Waaaaaa~ He was an ulzzang."               

"Appa always told me that I could be picky when it comes to the guys I date.” ______ said with a smile.



“You were picky when you chose me?”

“OF COURSE!” she exclaimed. “I was very picky.”

Yoseob just stared at her, speechless.

It was touching.

Hearing her say that felt good.

‘Is now the right time?’

______ yawned.

‘Nooo! I can’t fall asleep now.’ She whined in her head. “I’m too comfortable in his arms. Maybe if I get up, I’ll wake up. Nooooo….I don’t want to!~~~~~~’

“A-Are you tired?” He asked, deciding against the confession. ‘It’s late. I’ll let her sleep. I can do it another time.’

“No…” she lied yawning again.

Yoseob’s heart melted.

“Are you staying away because you don’t want me to leave?”

“Pretty much.”

 She smiled.

“It’s not like you’ll never see me again.” He sighed her hair.

______ reached up and took his hat off of his hat.

“Until then, I’m keeping this.” She said putting it on her head.

Yoseob smiled.

"Why did you take my hat instead of my jacket?"

"It's summer." She said. "It's better to have shade and sun protected then to have heatstroke, right?"

"Ah Geurae?" Yoseob nodded. "You want me to be unprotected?"

"It's nighttime."

"Exactly, so isn't it colder now? Wouldn't you need a jacket instead of a hat? Is your head cold? You could wrap my hoodie around your head."

"Aniya! Aigoo even our arguments are cute. If its colder outside shouldn't YOU keep the hoodie?"

"What of MY head is cold."

"HOOD-IE!" She separated the syllables.

"Arasseo." He chuckled at her cuteness. "Aren't you too tired to argue?"

"I've been raising my little brother for years. Would I have survived if I was too tired to argue?"

"You're so stubborn."


Yoseob smiled and took the hat off of her head.

"Fine." He sighed. "I am too tired to argue."

"Yah..." She complained trying to steal his hat back.

"I'm going to let you hold onto it." He told her, holding it up out of her reach.

"If I had heels on, right now, I could steal it back." She pouted. “You’re not that much taller than me!”

He kissed her forehead and put his hat back on her head.

“Go to sleep, you’re delirious. Good night.”






Awww.... ______-ah, just let Ricky call him 'Maehyung'.

You know you looooooooove Yoseobie.

Who doesn't?









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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^