Chapter 3

Friendly Competition



Yojin and ______ met up after their photo shoots ended.

“Aish, I feel so scatterbrained today, I lost a paper that I need for Changhyunnie’s school registration. Aish…I’m going crazy.” ______ sighed.

“Aigoo, Unnie…I’m sure you’ll find it in your bag. Don’t stress over it so much.”

“I can’t help it. When it comes to him, I can’t make such careless mistakes.”

She freaked out so easily when it came to him.

Even the little things stressed her out.

“Aww…Well, I'm going to my Aunt and Uncles' house for dinner. Do you want to come?" Yojin asked, taking a sip of her smoothie. “It’ll get your mind off of all things Changhyun.”

"Yah…Am I even invited?" ______ laughed.

"Of course, they love it when we bring friends over. You need to relax a bit. Just go out and have some fun for once."

______ smiled and nodded.

" dongsaeng is going to be doing something with his I'm free."

Yojin clapped excitedly.

"YAY!! I can, FINALLY, introduce my best friend to my family!!"

"You're THAT happy?" ______ asked.

"Of course! I'm ecstatic! You're a big deal to me! I would never have fit into modeling if it wasn’t for Unnie. You made me feel comfortable."

"Geurae." ______ replied with a smile.

That evening they arrived at a house.

"Oh, Yojinnie!" a guy said. "Hi-Yeom!!~"

"Kikwang Oppa, ANNYEONGHASEYO!!~~"

"Kikwangie? Yah, Kim Yojin, I thought you were bringing YOUR friend, not BaboKwangie!"

______ turned toward the voice and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him.

"Yah!~" Kikwang whined. "Some friend you are!"

"Oh, it's you!~" ______ smiled. "You DO have a voice!~"

Yoseob looked at her and his jaw dropped.


"Unnie, you spoke too soon!~" Yojin laughed.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Lee Kikwang!!"

Yoseob narrowed his eyes at him.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Yoo ______! It's nice to meet you."

"Isn't Kikwang Oppa handsome?"

Now, Yoseob glared at Yojin.

"Ne." ______ nodded. 'So is Yoseob-ssi.'

"Oppa...are you alright?" Yojin teased.

"Mehrong, you brat!"

Yojin pulled Yoseob aside.

"Don't be mean to me, Oppa. This is my best friend."


Yojin had a huge smile.

"Mhm...I thought I'd introduce her to you. You know, I thought you'd hit it off."

"Jinjja? You a date? Is SHE the one you tried to set me up with this morning?"

"Yep, but seeing as you can't speak to her, I should change my mind about that.” She said shaking her head. She lowered her voice so he didn’t hear. “Now, I realize who the guy Unnie was talking about was."


"Nothing!~" Yojin giggled. "You think Unnie is pretty?"


"Oppa, ______ Unnie likes cute, sweet, caring guys. You would definitely have a shot with her."


"She’s my BEST FRIEND. I know all about her. I know her ideal type. I know that she is attracted to…guy like you...for some odd reason."

"Are you sure? She seems more interested in Kikwang." He scoffed, nodding in their direction.

"Yep, it looks like it.” Yojin said. She looked over at ______ and Kikwang who were conversing quite comfortably. “Hmm…Well, that's because Kikwang Oppa is more confident."

"I'm shy! I can't help it!" he growled through his teeth. "Especially with someone like her."

"Unnie is kind of intimidating isn't she?"

Yoseob nodded.

"YEAH! She's beautiful...and I'd make a fool of myself."

"You already have." she sighed.

"Yah, KIM YOJIN!" he growled.

She just smiled again.

"I love you, Oppa."

"Yeah, yeah...Whatever..."

“Hmm…who do I ship? Is it ___Seob? Is it  Ki____? Hmm…I’m not sure yet.”

“Gee, that made my confidence soar to the moon!” he said sarcastically.

“You can do it!~” Yojin said. She punched his arm. “Oppa FIGHTING! Now, I should go introduce ______ Unnie around.”

Throughout the party, ______ met more of Yojin's family.

"Imo, I want you to meet a friend of mine!~"

"Ajumeoni, Annyeonghaseyo je ireum-eun Yoo ______ imnida!" ______ bowed politely.

"Annyeonghaseyo. How do you know my niece?"

"Yojinnie and I both model for the same company. We just hit it off."

"Ne!” Yojin frowned. “Imo, it's not easy to find real friends in our line of work, but we were lucky to find each other. Right Unnie?!”

The two girls smiled at each other.


"You take good care of our Yojinnie, Arasseo?" Yoseob’s mother said.

"Ne, Ajumeoni!"

"Imo, ______ Unnie is the same age as Yoseob Oppa."

Yoseob, who was close by, turned when he heard his name.

"Ah, Jinjja?!" ______ and Yoseob said at the same time.

"He speaks!~" Yojin gasped. "...and he eavesdrops."

"I wasn't eavesdropping. I heard my name."

______ smiled at him.

Yoseob's mother whispered to Yojin.

"She's nice."

"Arasseo!~" Yojin giggled. "I think that she and Yoseob Oppa look cute together."

His mother looked at them.

"My Yoseobie? Hmm…what is she like? What kind of person is she?"

"Unnie is the most selfless person that I know. She has a huge heart and always respects others even when they don't show her the same courtesy. Other models can be mean but she never was. Yoseob Oppa and ______ Unnie are people that would put others first. Oppa needs to find someone who will take care of him."

Kikwang walked over to _______ striking up another conversation.

"So, why didn't I get to meet you the day that the guys did?"


"The day you met Yoseobie and our friends. It's like I just missed you."

"Aah Jinjja? You were there too?"

"Ne. Apparently I missed you by a second."

Yoseob stared at them out of the corner of his eye.

‘Yah…there they go again.’ He thought.

"Yah! Cheongmal? It's pretty cool that we met through Yojinnie though."

"Is it fate?"

'Aye! What do you mean 'is it fate?'?! It's ME who met her again by chance!"

"Could be." ______ giggled. "It's fate that I ran into Yoseob-ssi again too."

Yoseob looked up.

'Me? She said MY name?'

"Yoseobie is such a liar!" Kikwang teased. "He's crazy, hyper, and loud! He's not quiet at all."

Yoseob picked up the nearest object, which happened to be dumpling.

He hurled it towards Kikwang's head.

"YAH, neo saekkya!!!!"

"See? What did I just say?"

______ giggled.

Her phone started to ring.

"Aigoo..." she answered. "Excuse me,  I need to take this call.”

“Go ahead.”

She walked a bit away and answered the phone.

“Yah…What did you do?"

"Nothing!~’ he whined. “Noona, I’m a good boy! I don’t cause trouble!~”

“Sure sure.” She giggled.

“Aww…Noona!~  I'm just calling to say that I'm staying at Changjo's house. You spoke to his parents, right?"

"Yes, I did.  Aigoo, were you half asleep last might, when we bad this conversation. Yes, Jonghyun's parents spoke to me. Behave, Arasseo?"

"Arasseo. I miss you!! What are you up to right now? BOGOSHIPDA!!~~"

"Don't be cute." she laughed. "I'm with Yojinnie."

"Aah, tell Yojinnie Noona that I said HELLO!!"

"Ara...weird kid." she said,

"Ooh was that the cutie?" Yojin asked, running over.

"Mhm, he said to tell you hello."

The younger girl squealed.

"Aww...can I keep him for a few days? I want to stick him in my pocket. Oh those adorable cheekbones!~"

"Andwae, there will be no sticking of people into pockets. What if you sit on him and crush him? You know if you hurt my baby our friendship is over, right?"


"What kind of a baby? Is it a puppy?"

Yoseob gave Kikwang a weird look.

"Mwo? Yeah, she's talking on the phone with a puppy, and it told her to say 'Hello'..." the older boy whispered.



Kikwang jumped on him and got him in a headlock.


Yoseob tickled him to get out of his hold.

"Oppas have a bit of a bromance going. I'm pretty sure it's real! I mean, it's pretty obvious."

"Aah, is that why you couldn't speak when I first met you?" ______ teased.

Yojin stifled a laugh.


"Huh?" Kikwang asked.

"I'm kidding." ______ giggled.

"ANIYO!" Yojin told her. "Oppa is more comfortable with Junhyung Oppa. Sorry Kikwangie Oppa, you're getting cheated on."

"Aish..." he sighed. His face changed into his adorable eye-smile. "Oh well! Yoseobie isn't much to look at anyway."

Yoseob narrowed his eyes at Kikwang.

"Oppas are cute, right?" Yojin whispered to ______.

"Huh?" ______ blushed. "Oh...uh...hehe. Yah, Kim Yojin, I told you that I don't want you to set me up! I have no time for a boyfriend!"

"Arasseo." Yojin pouted.

______ stared at the two guys who were, playfully, shoving each other around.

'One with the cutest eye-smile, and one with the most adorable dimples ever? Kim Yojin, you're trying to break me aren't you.' she thought. "You ."

_____'s text tone chimed.

"Noona, can I dye my....Omo!!!"


______ showed Yojin the text message.

"I'm about to have a heart attack. What the heck?!"

"Is he allowed to have dyed hair in his school?" Yojin asked.

"Not BLUE!! He can have natural colors."

"Noona, can I dye my hair blue? Bbuing bbuing?~~" Yojin read again. "He's trolling you, Unnie."

"Aish...this person means the world to me. I have to keep telling myself that. This person is my life. Abuse is illegal. Deliberately starving someone is illegal, right?"

"G-Gwaen-...." Yoseob started.

"Um...are you okay?" Kikwang asked, cutting Yoseob off.

"Yeah, I'm fine Kikwang-ssi."

Yoseob frowned.

'Just Kikwang? I tried...' he thought sadly.

"Yoseob-ssi, thanks for worrying too."

'She heard me?!?!'

"I'm going to be freaking out for the rest of the evening though." she sighed.

Yojin snickered.

"Changhyunnie is so cute! Please let me keep him!"

"Andwae! I need a few heart attacks every so often." ______ said. "It could be healthy for me. This is a part of my day."

"I've never had a kid that makes me want to rip out my hair."

Yoseob stared at her.


“What was that?” Yojin whined. “You’re mean Oppa.”

______ smiled.

“Oh, by the way, Yojinnie?” Kikwang asked.


“I found this paper at the coffee place. It was at the table you were sitting at?”

Yojin inspected the paper that Kikwang handed to her.

“It’s not mine.” She said. “Aah, UNNIE, is this yours?”

______ looked over at the paper and felt like a weight was lifted off of her chest.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! You found it! I could just HUG YOU, right now!~”

Yoseob’s eyes widened.

‘Andwae…’ he squeaked, in his mind.

______ smiled and gave Kikwang a quick hug.

“Oh…” Kikwang blushed. “I-It was no problem. I’m glad it was close to that table…or I wouldn’t have picked it up. Is it something important.”


“Aah, Unnie, is that was you were stressing about, before I brought you here?”

______ nodded.

“Mhm…thank you, Kikwang-ssi. You’re the best!~ You just saved my life and you don’t even know it.”

She shook his hands frantically.

“Well, I’m glad that I could.” Kikwang chuckled, flashing his signature eye-smile.

Yoseob clenched his fists tightly.

‘Stupid eye-smile. Stupid, smooth, Lee Kikwang.  She’s smiling at him too…’ he thought sadly. ‘What chance do I have? Kikwang is handsome, muscular, smart-ish…and I’m just Yang Yoseob. I’m not much, compared to him.’






Yoo ______ met Kikwang and....the competition has BEGUN!!~~~ ^-^



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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^