the proposal

Our special anniversary


Will you be my wife?


Wednesday night:

“Yeobo….” Yonghwa said as he can up behind his girlfriend giving her a back hug, hugging her tight.

“neh? Replied xiao shi smiling at cute Yonghwa  sounds. He’s using ageyo on her, she can tell because

She has been in a relationship with Yonghwa for almost 2 years now. They both know everything about each other. There 2 year anniversary is on Friday.

“I’m going to be busy for the next two days with work and I’ll be working late on those days” he said sadly.

“WHAT!?!? What about our anniversary on Friday? “xiao shi tensed up in yonghwas arms. He knew she was mad and he was sorry about his work interrupting there anniversary. But he still had something in mind for their anniversary.

 “I’m so sorry …I will make it up to you don’t you worry  ...” he sighed. Xiao shi then became quiet and didn’t say anything for the rest of the night.

Little did Xiao Shi know what Yonghwa had planned for there anniversary. ;D




Xiao Shi hadn’t heard much from Yonghwa at all. The only time she talked to him was when he sent her a text saying “ Saranghae yeobo I miss you “

She missed I’m and she was still mad about the anniversary thing but she understood, he’s an idol and he’s busy so….yeah.

On the other hand Yonghwa was making reservations at  a fancy restaurant , ordering flowers and setting up the plans for their anniversary date that he had secretly planed for Xiao Shi.

He wanted this to be the most special anniversary that they would ever have



Friday morning:


Xiao Shi had woke that morning to find an invitation on yonghwa’s side of the bed and it had her name on it. She picked it up and slowly opened it and it said

“Yebo come to ________ tonight at 7pm I will be waiting for you.”

Xiao Shi was shocked she thought Yonghwa was busy today but she guessed he really had planned something for their anniversary.


Fast forward to 6:30 pm that day:


Yonghwa was at the restaurant that he had made reservations with. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, Xiao Shi’s favorite flowers which were roses.

Yonghwa was nervous and you could see it by the expression on his face.

While he was waiting there Xaio Shi was on her way to the restaurant and she was wearing a long flowing black dress that almost touched her feet. She had some make up on but not a lot.

She herself was nervous to she did not know what to expect from Yonghwa today. This anniversary surprise was different from the other anniversaries that they had.


When Xiao Shi had made it to the restaurant she had found Yonghwa waiting for her. He was dressed up in a tux and he had her favorite flowers in his hand. Xaio Shi was shocked and she was wondering why he was going to all this trouble for this anniversary.

After they had settled down in their seats and ordered food Xaio Shi said

“You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for our anniversary “

“Yes I did because I want this anniversary to be the most special one we will ever have, I want it be in our memories when we look back years from now remembering our memories and all the good times we had.  ...

He paused the continued “Xiao Shi I want to be with you forever and make more memories to cherish “

Yonghwa pulled the ring box out of his pocket and got on his knee’s “Will you marry me?”


Xiao shi was touched by everything she said and she didn’t want to live without Yonghwa at all.


“Yes I will marry you “she softly said. Feeling happy now.

Yonghwa then put a ring on her finger and he hugged he tight not wanting to let go.


Hope you enjoyed it should I create a sequel but this time show how they met and fell in love ?







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i need to earn 250 and fast ;___;
haha sorry this is so delayed
No wifi =.=
anyhoo, it was cute :)
i think u should make a sequel^^ after u update Reflections of a Nightmare =.="
ooh! U finished :D
yes he is ;D
Lkae21 #5
Yonghwa is yummy~ *____*
hehe its cute c':. And yeah you should create the sequel. ;D.