What Happened?

Rolling On.

ParkBom was a bad girl, but when her parents were not by her side, everything changed. Her father ran away from home and found some other hot chick in the street. ParkBom's father had never like his wife, but all he like about her is just her money. ParkBom's mother found out that her husband ran away from home and even stole all the money she got in the bank.


ParkBom's mother was so stressed out of what happened, she took a knife and started stabbing herself. ParkBom saw blood around the floor, she was so scared and ran to her aunty's house. Her aunty's house wasn't that far away. It was just near the neighbourhood.


Her aunty settled everything about ParkBom's mother and ParkBom don't have to worry about anything.


After her parents were gone, her aunty was taking care of her all along and she even became a more responsible student and wasn't being a bad anymore.


ParkBom's talent is singing and dancing but then she has a really bad english since she stopped school at the age of 11.


ParkBom's aunty {Kim MoonSyuek} finally saved enough money for ParkBom to go to high school. ParkBom was really excited to go to school but she was also afraid because she's scared that she will be the only dumb one in the school since she stopped school at the age of 11, but she said to herself "Parky! Stop thinking about what bad things will happen to me in school! Start thinking positive Parky! Think POSITIVE!!"


Suddenly her aunty came home with 3 sets of uniforms on her hands. She came to ParkBom and said "Parky yahh, this is your school uniform. Make sure you wear this all the time when you're in school and don't ever skip class ok?" ParkBom replied with a ok and a smile. ParkBom took the uniform to her room and ironed it. It was a cute and short dress and she liked it :). ParkBom tried it on and it fits her perfectly.


The next morning, ParkBom woke up and start preparing for her school. She brushed her teeth, showered, blowed her hair, tied the hair, wear the uniform, wear converse shoe and packed her bag. After that, she walked to school and finally arrived.




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