o n e { siwon }

No One Like You [SJ Proposal Series]

The sun is shining warmly upon your face, and there is a light breeze surrounding you. You take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh smells of the park. The weather has been terrible the past couple of days, the storms never letting up, so you’re glad to see the sun again.

You’re aware of his footsteps behind you, slow and sure. You frown a little to yourself; Siwon was the one who initiated this little outing to the park, ostensibly to celebrate the great weather, but now he’s so quiet. In fact, he hasn’t said more than a few words since he picked you up at home.

You twist your body around, trying to get a good look at his face. His brows are furrowed in concentration, and he’s looking at the ground. You deliberately stop, and he walks right into you.

“Omph!” His exclamation is muffled. His hands reach for your arms, steadying you. You merely stand there, grinning. He raises confused eyes to you. “Why’d you stop?”

You don’t say anything, but the smile on your face is growing wider at the confusion on his handsome face. Siwon looks so cute when he’s bewildered, and you lean forward to plant a light kiss on his nose, before skipping away. He grins at your action, a light blush covering his face.

Siwon watches you for a moment, before smiling at your childish antics and catching up with you. His long legs cover the distance between the both of you easily, and soon he’s back at your side, matching you stride for stride.

He takes your hand in his, still not saying a word. You feel his digits curl around yours, and you relish in the warmth of his bigger palm pressed against yours.

With all your attention focused on the contact between both of you, you fail to see the small pebble in your path. “Oh!” You lose your balance, stumbling forward.

A pair of strong arms break your fall, and you look up into Siwon’s concerned gaze. “Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah,” you stammer, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment.

Siwon looks down at your feet. “Your laces are undone,” he tells you. But before you can do anything about it – indeed, before you can even think of reacting – he’s already on one knee in front of you.

You place one hand on his shoulder as he swiftly ties your laces together. You’re more embarrassed than ever now; the last time someone else tied your laces for you, you were barely four. Yet you realize how sweet this gesture is – Siwon isn’t afraid of shedding his masculine image just to make sure you don’t fall and break your nose.

Still on one knee, Siwon looks up and catches you staring at him. Now, he’s the one who’s blushing, mollified at being caught doing something sweet for his girlfriend. He places a hand on his neck, as if to hide the flush. He breaks eye contact, his tongue sticking out slightly in a horribly adorable gesture.

“Er…” he begins, just as you laugh awkwardly to cover your discomfort.

Both of you look at each other again, and break out into giggles. Remembering he was about to say something, you gently prompt him. “You were about to say something, dear?”

Siwon clears his throat. “I…”

“Why don’t you stand up first?” You tell him, wondering if he’s forgotten that he’s still on bended knee.

“Willyoumarryme?” His words come out in a sudden rush, and your breath hitches. He didn’t just say what you think he said, did he?

Seeing your stunned expression, Siwon takes both your hands in his, and then continues, more slowly this time. “We’ve been dating for a while now, and I love you. I want to make you mine, officially. I want you to take my name, wear my ring on your finger. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and take care of your every whim and fancy. I want to spend the next fifty years falling asleep to your breathing and waking up to your tousled hair and terrible morning breath. I want to build a family with you… I want little mini-you’s running around with your eyes and your hair. So what do you say, jagi-ya? Will you let me adore you forever? Will you marry me?”

The look in his eyes is so earnest, so full of love, and you feel tears forming. Never in your wildest dream did you imagine that Siwon would be proposing to you now, today.

But you know this is the only man for you, the only man you can ever imagine spending the rest of your life with, so you simply nod and whisper: “Yes.”

Yelling in joy, Siwon picks you up and turns around with you in his arms, both of you laughing and crying at the same time. When he finally stops turning, your faces are barely inches apart.

“I love you,” you whisper to him.

“And I love you too,” he responds, leaning down to seal your promises to each other with a kiss.

~ *  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

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oww... so sweet!!^^update soon please???