
U-Kiss's Dormitory

Let's go back to Eli's room.


Eli - Kiseop ah~


Kiseop - Hm ?


Eli is still reading his magazine while talking and sitting on his bed.


Eli - Water is ready !


Kiseop - Ah ! I'll go.


Kiseop stands up, unplug the heater then starts to pour the hot water in cups but accidentally spill some on his bare white hands.


Kiseop - Aisshh...


Eli - What happened !? Did you spill water on your hands ?


Eli suddenly stands up and takes Kiseop red hand in his.


Kiseop - It's nothing.


Eli releases Red hair boy's hand, go take a towel to wet it with cold water and puts it on Kiseop's hands.


Kiseop - … Sorry.


Eli - Are you alright ?


Kiseop's face turn red, little by little, more and more.


Eli - Have you got fever ?


Kiseop - It-It's not like that… Hmm… I'm ok, thanks.


Kiseop pulls his hand out of Eli's. Eli realises what makes Kiseop's face turn out so red. He starts to blush himself.


Eli - Uh… Sorry.


He go to the bathroom to wash his own face with cold water while Kiseop tries to wipe the cold water which spills out of the towel on his hand.



Hoon and Kevin's room again.


Kevin is reading a book he takes out from his suitcase (that he finally packed out).


Hoon - Want some water ?


Kevin - Oh yes, thanks !


Hoon - Cold or hot ?


Kevin - … Cold.


Hoon open the fridge's door to take a bottle of cold water.


Hoon - Kevin ! Catch it !


Hoon drop the bottle and Kevin catch it while it flies.


Kevin - Hey, be careful, what if it hurts me !? Huh !?


Hoon - Kevin, you do hate me uh !?


Kevin - Yes I do !


Big silence. Kevin bit his lower lips as he felt a big remorse...


Kevin - And I'm upset of about the fact that Manager said that you were calm so you are with me…


Hoon - Huh !? Stop with that already ! You are not a kid !


Kevin - I am still 20 !


Hoon - I am too !!


Kevin - You are still older than me !


Kevin candn't loose even if he know that what he is doing is childish.


Hoon - That not an excuse ! This is only three months !


Again, big silence…


Kevin drop angrily his book on the bedside table and try to go out of the room.


Hoon - Were are you going ?


Hoon grabbed his right arm.


Kevin - Somewhere you are not. Let me go !


Kevin slaps Hoon hands and goes out…




Let's watch Soohyun, Dongho and AJ's rooms now.


Dongho is lying down on his bed while Soohyun discuss with friend through his phone. AJ looks like he is already sleeping.


Dongho - Is he really sleeping ?


Soohyun - Yeah… He must me tired.


Dongho - He is really fast to fall asleep, I didn't know there were people like that. I envy him.


Soohyun - He works hard. Well, you work hard to, plus you have study but integrate UKiss after Alexander is pretty hard to bear with, I think.


Dongho - Hmm… That's must be it…


Dongho reflect about a topic to talk about... Then he suddenly remembers that Leader's suitcase's inside was still a mistery.


Dongho - Anyway, what's in your heavy suitcase ?


Soohyun - Huh ? Nothing ! What have you imagined !?


Soohyun's face turns red.


Dongho - Is there some actually o ? Hahaha… 


Soohyun - There is no way I would- Ya !


Soohyun takes out a big dictionary, a kit and a laptop to show to his dongsaeng why it was heavy.


Dongho - Ah... Ok, this must be heavy. But this is not all right ?


Someone knock on their door, Soohyun stand up to look in the door's hole.


Soohyun - Manager Shim !


He opens the door.


Manager - I have to talk to you about tomorrow schedule ! Come with me.


Leader get out of the room after saying at Dongho not to open his bag even if there is nothingmore... As he said.


Dongho - Ha, he things I'll listen to what he said ?


He starts to unpack the big case when suddenly AJ surprised him. Dongho blushed then try to say something.


Dongho - Y-Ya~ ! I blenched !


AJ - Sorry, sorry…


AJ's mind : Why the hell is he blushing ? Could it be that he actually felt in love with me ?


Dongho - You were actually not sleeping, right ?


AJ - I was... 'till Manager brings out Soohyun.


Dongho - Oh, ok…


They both start to rummage Soohyun's stuffs.


Dongho - Oh my god !!!!


Dongho actually found something more interesting than o DVD (since there really weren't ... Soohyun would say : Of course !)


AJ - What the matter ? Hey… Woooh ! This is real !


Dongho - What ? Real ? Why he had that much photos of me ?


AJ - There are Kevin, Kiseop and Hoon's too… AH, Eli and Mines too !


Dongho - Wait, there are nearly 20 photos of me !! What's this album !? I didn't even remember where those were taken !


AJ - We don't need to ask him why he turns so red anymore… He must be in love with you Manknae.


AJ smirks and saw again Dongho's face turn hardly red. Then he felt himself's heart beating fast and cough.


AJ - But this is not because of those why his back is heavy.


AJ pulls out a big file with lots of paper which seems to concern UKiss.


Dongho - There was also his laptop and dictionary... Well, I won't blame him for now.


AJ - You are a kind boy.


Dongho turns red one more time.

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FlamingMinho #1
Please do update soon!
UPDATE soon. Whhaaa..I want HonVin's chapter again >.<
Agh. Past tense. Anyway. I like this. <3 It's kind of like a reality show!
Omg this is so funny~ please update soon ^^
Update soon! This got good~
Update soon, please ^^
update soon !
i wanna know more :D
I really like the story but the font is hard to read =_=
iamanonymous #9
I see potential in this story. :) but I have to say that font makes it really really hard for me to read on my iPod.