
Beautiful monster



After trying to make himself comfortable on the cold wood, Tao became conscious that he was miserable and tears were rolling down his cheeks. He wondered if they were tears of sadness or self-pity. Or even worse tears of remorse. He tried reluctantly not to cry but his existence without happiness, hope or love made him feel like he was being drowned in a sea of his own very tears. He kept shaking his head from side to side with swollen eyes as if he was denying the allegation made by someone somewhere else.


 Kris had decided to take his morning walk earlier, even though he wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was because Kris was feeling light headed that morning, or maybe it was because destiny had already defined his path.

It would be foolish to say that Kris felt something important was bound to happen. Kris didn’t believe in luck and fate. He believed in hard work and getting rewarded for your good deeds.

Kris smiled, an unusual smile plastered on his pink lips.

Maybe Kris was finally happy after all.

Or maybe he wasn’t.


Tao shut his eyes as if he was trying to block this cruel world out. What had he done to deserve this kind of treatment, Tao didn’t know.

But on a second thought, maybe he did.

Maybe it was his fault that he was now living in the streets, begging for money and compassion.

Who was he kidding? It was entirely his fault.

He was the one that run away from his home. He snickered at that.

Home. What a wonderful and excellent word. But it would be a big misunderstanding if he actually defined the place he lived as ‘home’.

Home is a place where you live with the ones you love, where you go when you have nothing else left. But going back home, was not a choice for Tao.

He might as well hang himself if he ever had to go back there.

So he decided that crying was no more an option for him. Crying was for the ones that lost someone they cherished much, or for those who didn’t have the freedom to take their own decisions.

Tao shouldn’t cry. He should definitely not cry again.

He was the one to bring himself in that position in the first place anyway.

There was no room for regrets now.

But even if Tao had the ability to go back in time and change everything, he wouldn’t.

Things where better the way they were now.

And if he had to fall on his knees and beg for food, if that’s what it takes to survive, Tao would do it without a second thought.

Tao had set his dignity aside a long time ago.


Kris strolled on the streets, a frown visible on his face.

Yes, the busy streets of China were always filled with beggars, in every corner.

He felt sympathy for the poor people but as his teacher used to say, you can’t save everyone, and not everyone is meant to be saved.

Nevertheless, every time he passed by one, his heart clenched and felt it chatter in a million pieces.

Kris stopped dead in his trucks when he spotted a particular black haired young boy with a hoodie laying on a bench shivering.

Kris wanted to burst out crying but he chose not to.

The boy looked so young.

Every time Kris met young kids on the streets he felt like it was his fault he couldn’t help them all.

Kris checked his pockets and signed.

They were empty.

He couldn’t blame himself though, his pockets where never full in the first place.

Maybe he should just talk to the kid, a light conversation wouldn’t harm anyone, would it?

Yes Kris had always been having conversations with the poor since god knows when.

He took further steps, closer to the kid and tapped lightly his shoulder.

The kid’s eyes shot up and light up, as if he had just won the lottery. He smiled from teeth to teeth and stood up to give space for Kris to sit.

“Hi.” Kris said smiled as he patted the younger ones shoulder.

The young boy nodded and looked down smiling.

‘So he is a shy one?’ Kris thought

“I’m Kris. What your name?” Kris asked gently.

“I’m Tao.” Tao said as he eyes glowed more, if that was even possible.

“Nice to meet you Tao.” Kris replied extending his hand for a handshake.

Tao gladly took it, smiling like a small kid who had just bought a new toy.

If Kris’s heart could melt from Tao’s innocence it would.


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Chapter 1: i enjoyed this ; ;
Silver-Gi-tae #2
Chapter 2: Woop woop! This seems really interesting!
Chapter 2: cool :D :D i love your fanfic and i admire the pic :))
hope you update soon :))
Chapter 2: περιμενω να ξεκινησει η ιστορια αλλα μερχι τωρα τα πας πολυ καλα!!
το be strong ποτε θα το γραψεις????????????????????????
fubina7 #5
uuuh intriguing chappie!Keep going keep going(:

ps: Your writing is great btw
up date soon T_T
Yollipop #7
I can feel the love and the tears approaching.
Why Tao must have the bad luck on ;A; it breaks my kokoro.
Hopefully Kris would get into his heart and make Tao can love (him)