Meeting you was fate

Your Memory


     I bowed and apologized to the tenth ahjumma that I bumped into today. Stupid alarm clock! Seriously, why do you even have a snooze button when it’s not going to help for anything? Joonmyun hyung could’ve driven me to school too but no, he has a date with some random guy in his office. What kind of a brother would choose someone else over his brother? Good thing I have such long legs or I would’ve been way later than I already am.


“Why is our school so far?” I muttered, bumping yet another trash can in my way.  Okay, another note to self when I rule the world: lessen the number of trashcans.


      I nearly yelled when I finally saw the school’s gate then my smile disappeared when the guard started closing it. Muttering a curse under my breath, I jogged to the alley beside the school. Cutting classes did have some perks, who knew? As I was walking along the alleyway, I saw him.


      I have been a student in this school ever since I was in elementary and I swear to hell, I have never seen someone so . . . different. It wasn’t like he looked like a freak or anything. If anything at all, he was drop dead gorgeous. Blond hair falling to his eyes, fair skin making his blond hair look even better and though he was slouching against the wall, I could see that he was tall too. Maybe he was even taller than I was. What made him different were his eyes. I had just looked at them for a moment and I knew without a doubt that I had never seen anyone that lonely. It gave me chills just looking at them. That was before I saw what he was doing. He was cutting himself. What the actual hell. . .


    I quickly grabbed the blade from his hands and he looked at me in shock as if he didn’t know I was there at all. My hand trembled as I threw the damned object somewhere. Hopefully it will get lost and no one would ever see or use it again. My fists clenched together and I pushed him against the wall.


‘Yah, have you lost your mind?! You were going to cut yourself?! You were going to cut yourself so close to school too! Are you seriously stupid or mentally unhealthy?! Why would you even do it?! Is this because of the exams?! Oh my god, I know that I’m not the smartest kid in school and heck, you might even be smarter than me so trust me, stressing out for the exams are really stupid! You were going to kill yourself for that?! You don’t see street children cutting their wrists because they’re so poor and they have more reason to hate life than you do! Think about that before you go to an alleyway to kill yourself okay?! Sheesh!” I panted after my long rant.


    He was still staring at me like I was the odd one and not him. My eyes tightened when I saw him smirked. The nerve of this guy is honestly irritating! I gripped his wrists, about to shake some sense to him literally when he hissed in pain. I slowly released him, feeling the sticky liquid in my hands. It was his blood.


‘Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” I kept chanting, staring at my own two hands.


      Just so you know, I don’t handle blood all that well. I locked eyes with the guy then I fainted.


“Is he dead?”

“I don’t think so. Could you die just by seeing blood?”

‘It’s Chanyeol. He’s not exactly normal.”


         I opened my eyes and saw Sehun and Luhan hyung peering on my face just a couple of inches away from me. Geez, talk about personal space. I shoved their faces away from mine, sitting up slowly.


“He lives. “ Luhan hyung chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. Why am I even friends with them? “Is he dead?” I said, mimicking Luhan hyung. “Is that something you would say to a friend?”

“You know I was kidding you, troll.” Luhan hyung looked over his shoulder. “Hm, someone’s been waiting for you to wake up. Sehun and I are going to leave you guys alone okay?”

Sehun’s eyes widened. “Hyung, I haven’t talked to him! Why do I have to go too?”

“So you’ll pick Chanyeol over your own boyfriend?”

“You guys shut up and go away. I hate you guys when you’re like this.” I stuck my tongue out. “Anyway, is someone else here too?”


        The two of them grinned creepily at me before scampering out of the room. I waited, peering around the wall. Then he stepped out.


“Suicide boy. . . “ I murmured.

He rolled his eyes and sat down at the edge of my bed. ‘How are you feeling, Chanyeol ah? I didn’t know you were scared of blood; I’m sorry.”

I glanced at his wrists before answering. “ Your cuts. . . “

He pulled the sleeve of his uniform jacket lower. “Luhan insisted I get them patched up so I had to.”


      I looked at him for a long moment. I could tell that he was hiding his worry for me by acting indifferent. I felt myself smiling at that thought. Here was a guy that I had just met


“You know you’re cute.” I just suddenly remarked.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me like I was crazy. “You hit your head pretty hard didn’t you?”

“I didn’t even hit my head. At least I don’t remember hitting my head?” I tilted my head to the side.

“I caught you before you could fall to the ground.”

I stared at suicide guy in front of me. Wow. Who knew he was so nice? “Thank you, uh. . . can I ask your name? Suicide guy isn’t a really good name to call someone.”

“Kris. My name’s Kris,troll.” He smirked when my mouth fell open.

“T-troll?! How long was I passed out when Luhan hyung got here?!”I ruffled my hair in frustration. Gad, what an introduction.

He chuckled, patting my hair back to normal. “I already know your name, Chanyeol ah. Luhan kept saying troll then Chanyeol. He even accused me of you,”

“H-he said what?!” I jumped out of bed and regretted it instantly. The room looks weird when it’s spinning.

“Steady there.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and towed me back to bed.


     Park Chanyeol you better not be blushing. I cursed myself mentally when I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks. Okay, maybe Kris was a guy with some problems but I would have to be blind, joking, stupid or dead if I say he’s not drop dead gorgeous. I’m ogling him. Wow, I am creepy.


“You okay, Chanyeol?” he looked at me worriedly.

I willed the blush to go away and smiled normally. ‘Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks, Kris.”

Kris smiled and squeezed my hand. “No, thank YOU, Chanyeol. You saved my life.”


      Okay my heart did not just race a mile per second when he squeezed my hand. Nope, nope, nope, no. I cant even lie to myself. Gosh, Kris, are you always this overwhelming? He smiled at my slightly flustered face and settled down beside me. I had the feeling that he wont be going anywhere anytime soon. For some reason, that made me a whole lot happier.


A.N; I update late. .__. gad why am i like this? so sorry~  ;_; 


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Chapter 2: update please? :)
plz plz plz update !
omg chanyeol's gonna die isn't he
Loving #4
I haven't watched that movie but I think your fic sounds great!:)