You Make me cry ( The harsh beginning)

Love , Kindness fails and Friendship bites

Love. Kindness. Friendship.

Those three words, nouns, meanings I’m incapable of doing. Ever since that broke my heart into a million pieces and that betrayed me. I hated the world and everyone in it, except my parents. I have never shown any kindness to anyone but them. But I wish they wouldn’t keep pushing me to be friendlier to other people.

“ Why should I be kind to those people? They don’t deserve my kindness” I answered mums question.                                                     “ But darling, you’re already 19… without any friends” retorted mum.                                                                                                                    “ Exactly, I have survived   without any  …. F-f-friends, in my life.” I replied. God did I hate that word. Having that relationship with another person, sharing each other’s secrets, having sleep over’s, gossiping and spazzing about guys; ugh it’s so sickening.         “ Ahh, I give up on you Bom” Mum let out long sigh and walked back to the kitchen bench. I hated it when my parents would push me like this, always having these arguments about having no friends. I wasn’t always like this when I was 17 I had everything, friends popularity, a boyfriend and good grades; but all that changed in two years.


My boy friend Doojoon had invited me over to his place for dinner. Thinking this must have been important, I dressed as nicely as possible and even practiced how to greet his parents; but I never thought of the worst that could come. Doojoon picked me up from my house and we had a silent ride to his home. I was wondering why he was so quiet so I tried to make conversation but he always didn’t continue talking. We reached his house in silence; as I was preoccupied with why Doojoon was acting like this, he opened the car door for we and grabbed my hand. We walked to his front door and entered the house. To my surprise his parents weren’t home. I guessed it was a romantic evening? I’m not sure myself. The dinner table was already set-up and all the meals were on the table; Doojoon pulled out a chair for me and motioned me to sit there. I thought he was being sweet so I smiled but he just nodded. Okay something isn’t right, I thought to myself. We bother ate in silence. About 10 minutes had passé, I was just about to take another bite at my roast potato when he finally spoke. “ Bom… I need you to listen to what I’m about to tell you..” he spoke clearly and slowly. Did he think I was a idiot? I have perfectly good hearing. “ We’ve been together for a year now, but…” he sighed, looking down. I just sat there in silence eyes wide, waiting for what he was going to say. “ but… I haven’t got any more feelings for you. I’ve found somebody else” Doojoon looked at me with that look  that meant ‘ sorry I’m breaking up with you’.                                            “ Who is it? Tiffany isn’t… you cheat on me for my best friend?! What is wrong with you? Did I do anything to deserve this?!” I yelled                                                                                                                   “ n-n-“ I cut him off.                                                                                                                                            “ That wasn’t a question!” I literally shrieked across the table. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I kept it in. Doojoon got up and walked over to me. “ Look, I’m sorry Bom… but I don’t love you anymore”                                                                                                                                                            “ THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST SAY THAT TO ME WHEN YOU STARTED CHEATING ON ME WITH TIFFANY??!!” I thundered at him. I got up and with all my might punched him in the face. I heard a crack and he fell the  floor. “ I hope that broke your nose!” I shouted, kicking him in the stomach. He yelped and tried to apologise but I ignored it. I stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind me.  I can’t believe he just dumped me like that! I couldn’t hold in the tears anymore.  I could clearly remember that it started to rain, because it destroyed my dress and made my shoes a dark brown colour.  I started to walk back to my house. Good thing it was only 20 minutes away. I took off my shoes and started walking down the street. My mascara had ran face and my hair looked like a birds nest.  I was glad I found out this way, than seeing him with Tiffany.  I reached the front step of my house and  went in.  I remember mum finding me sobbing on the floor in my room, I told her everything and understood. She laughed when I told her I punched Doojoon in the face.


I guess that was the sad reality that happened between me and Doojoon. He actually did break his nose and one of his teeth; which was kind of a bonus . I ransacked my room the next day of anything that reminded me of Doojoon. I put everything in a bin , lit a match and threw it in. Seeing those memories being burned up didn't make me feel any remorse for Doojoon. What he had done was one of the most worst things to do to a girl. 

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yeppuda #1
update soon!!
yeppuda #2
pls update soon!
marysimonsiwon #3
argh the formating for this is pissing me off T_T
marysimonsiwon #4
just kidding, yeah i was planning to ask you to do it... >.>
marysimonsiwon #5
beautifulpetal #6
Oooo nice chapter :D update soon, i wanna know what happens now ^^ oh and get a story poster for this :3