Beginning Without An End

Monochrome Rainbow



❝I want people to see me differently. They don't know me❞

Tiffany Hwang

Tiffany Hwang. Stephanie Hwang Mi Young to be more specific. It's her name. When many people saw her as a cheerful and bubbly girl, her heart is as fragile as glass. Her routines everyday is pretty much the same. Wake up, going to the office, having lunch, work again, and go home at the exact 11 pm by bus. She lived alone, with no parents or siblings. It's not like she didn't have family or relatives, but she didn't get in contact with them. She wanted to show the world if she could do everything alone.

Despite of her ambitious personality, Tiffany is a unexpected girl that full of secrets.


"So," she yawned, "What time is it?" she asked to no one in particular. she rubbed her red and sleepy eyes, which is so obvious from the bag under her beautiful almond eyes. she slept at 2 am yesterday, and waking up at 5 am in the morning.

Realizing that it's already morning, since the sunlight has shined lightly to her room. She lazily got up, turning off her alarm, and checked her phone. It's written there: "Deadline for next article is 25 December". Knowing that she didn't have much time, she took her towel and tiptoeing to the bathroom. 

"It's going to be a busy day. Again," she sighed before opening the door silently.


Tiffany stared blankly for a while. She finally there, to her so-called office building. She worked for "Ceci", a quite well known magazine, in South Korea and world. She always got fascinated by the building. Her eyes, like usual, exploring the outside office view. In fact, she stood right in front of the building. Then, with much confident, she walked in like a diva. Her favorite Forever21 heels that she wore was greeting softly (with a bit of her style) to everyone in the office that morning. Attention , that a nickname that explained Tiffany a bit too well.

"Tiffany!" one of her friend, Jessica, shouted.

"Oh, hey Jess," she stopped walking, looked confused for a second, then fixed her gaze to Jessica. "How's your paper?" she asked, emphasizing the word "paper".

Even before she asked, she already knew the answer. It's too easy to guess Jessica's answer; seeing from the whole bunch of papers, books and assignments on Jessica's desk. Her desk was seriously messy and untidy, her eyes giving a slight hint of frustration. Gah, she knew her friend attitude. Being a the "late and carefree queen" for 3 years in a row, it's not suprising if she often turning her article late from the due date/deadline. Lucky though, her article was never dissapointing. It's beyond expectation and amazingly, neatly written. With her suga-coating words and well planned article, no doubt she never got a warning or fired. She is truly one of the best writer on Ceci. 

"What do you expect from me, Tiff? You knew me, gave me 200 won if you think I could finished it tomorrow," she blurted sarcastically, her hands was too busy typing. she kept her concentration and replied to Tiffany, giving Tiffany her normal "ice princess" attitude once again.

"Nope, I won't. Anyway, good luck with your article, okay?" 

She left Jessica alone and waved goodbye to her. Not forgetting to show Jessica her smile without walking again to her desk. She loved teasing Jessica, that friend is indeed funny, and eventhough she looked a bit cold, Jessica is sweet. She isn't the type that open up easily, some people in the office kind of scared with her because of her outside looks. But believe me, if you be friend with her, she'll be like the nicest person on earth.

She sat on her pink chair. She has a for pink, don't ever ask why. She the computer, open her previously saved draft for the upcoming article. Her eyes dilligently finding for some fashion reference. She is a competitive and ambitious girl when it came to fashion. She worked quietly, really quietly and her eyes loyally focusing on the computer. Her hands looked tired and overly worked from clicking the mouse, to copy and paste information and typing. She wrote some important information and points for "Ceci New Year and Christmas Special Edition". She promised herself to make a good article, maybe her boss could gave her bonus if she did well in her newest article.

Beside her desk, you could see a capucinno there. Whenever she looked losing her concentration or her focus, she would sipped on her coffee, without losing her sight from the article that she worked on. Anyway, She did everything with full concentration and well-planned. Being a fashion editor isn't easy. She knew that from the first time she got accepted to be one here. She started working on the age 17, she felt honoured because it's rare for a big magazine like Ceci to accept people within the age of 20 and above. That's why she felt really responsible with this job, her competitiveness always getting in the way. She wanted to give the loyal Ceci readers a fresh and unique article that worthy and fun to read. It's one of Tiffany Hwang natural traits. 

"Done!" she screamed noisily. finally she managed to finish her article, after struggling for 6 hours to complete and checking that the article has been well completed and written. "Time for lunch" she packed her bag and walked out from the office with a big satisfied grin.


She walked through the Seoul beautiful streets, delighting her eyes with Seoul busy views where everyone were going to have their own lunch. Tiffany chose to went to her favorite place: "Rainbow Bakery and Pastry House". If people asked her why she chose to have lunch with bread and cakes, the reason was because she loved the sugary taste from the cake. The cakes and bread there tastes overly nice, and the building gives off a warm feeling when you first went there. It's full with colours. All rainbow colours; and everything there is too good, making her had no reason to not visiting there everyday.

"Taeyeon-ah!" her loud and feminime voice echoed through the shops, annoying another customer whom eating peacefully before Tiffany came.

Taeyeon, the girl that Tiffany called, suprised. She blinked her eyes for a few times, until realizing whose voice that just called her this afternoon. Taeyeon is the owner of this shop, and one of Tiffany best friends for 5 years. 

"Wh..What?! Tiffany!" she quickly ran to Tiffany, who had just opened the rainbow coloured door from her favorite bakery, "I miss you! Where have you been?" she continued and hugged her tightly. it's implied clearly from her face that she missed Tiffany so much. 

After loosening her tight grip to Tiffany, she embraced her shoulder and offered her to sit on her usual place, the seat on the right corner, near the window. It's always been Tiffany favorite place everytime she visited this place. She loved visiting this cake shop/bakery, and she has a for rainbow. For her, rainbow is really special.  Rainbow meant deeply for her. She wanted to be like rainbow. Rainbow came from one light/white light, but it could expanded to 7 different rays of light when they met rain. She wanted to be like that. She wanted to be useful to other people, and she wanted to see everything in different perspective, even the negatives ones. Rainbow it's beautiful too. She wanted to have a heart like rainbow. Beautiful. Outside and Inside. She chose her favorite kind of cakes: Cheesecake, and started to ate them with pleasure, while chatting and enjoying her stay with Taeyeon together.


"Where are you going?" Donghae, or with his nickname fishy asked me. He gave me a really suspicious look. Which I really hate that from him.

"Guess?" I replied back, not wanting to tell him where actually I'm going to

"Han River?" 

"No.", I shrugged and left him.


  • Russetyto @ White Blood for the header
  • Sadmuffin for the page divider
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update please. want to know more.
sounds great enough to draw my attention.
Ievunnie #3
I made you a poster (Chapter4)
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omg omg update! :D
update please~! yeah AFF is weird that's why i don't update too
careun #6
update please.. :))
HyukFany124 #7
update please