
Don't Wish Life Away


“Goodnight Sung Hee!” Ren cheerfully bid her coworker goodbye, as she exited out of the grocery store. 


Breathing into the cold air, Ren turned around to find Zico standing on his usual spot. The feelings rushed up inside Ren quickly, but she tried her best to brush it off.


“I didn’t think you would be show up,” Ren jokingly said, and Zico chortled. “You know that I’ll be here to walk you home every night,” he replied, and Ren smiled. “Even when I have a boyfriend of my own?” She asked, and Zico shook his head.


“Of course not!” He exclaimed, and Ren chuckled. 


Zico watched Ren giggling to herself, as she started to walk up ahead. Following behind, Zico listened to Ren’s quiet humming. He loved it very, as Ren’s hums are always so soothing and peaceful.


Sometimes, Zico wonders to himself if Ren sings. It would be great to the ears, if Ren ever sang. He bet himself that, Ren’s singing voice probably sounds like an angel from above.


“Ren,” Zico faintly called to her. “Hm?” Ren turned around to face him. “You’re always humming to that old school song, GOD – Mother. Why so?” Zico asked, and Ren shrugged.


“I’ve always loved that song. Plus, it reminds me a bit about when my mother and I had struggled living,” Ren answered with an ill-fated expression. 


“Do you sing, Ren?” Zico asked, and she looked at him in confusion. “I can’t sing,” she answered, and then continued on walking.


“Lies! I’ve been listening to you hum every night when I come to pick you up. I bet your voice is wonderful!” He told her, and Ren shook her head.


“Sometimes, humming and singing comes off in different obstacles. I may sound good when humming, but my singing lacks,” Ren honestly gave Zico an answer.


“Your singing lacks because you just don’t have the confident to prove yourself to the world,” Zico replied, and Ren’s mouth dropped in shock.


This is why Ren can’t pull her feelings away from Zico. He’s always there to give her such comfort that she’s never gotten from another guy before. 


As for Ukwon, Ren doesn’t quite feel the same. Yeah, Ukwon is a great guy. However, he’s not Zico for Ren to think of. 


“Jiho, answer me honestly,” Ren said, as she had changed the subject. “Okay,” Zico plainly replied. “Do you like me wholeheartedly to be your girlfriend?” She asked, and Zico stood in shock.


“Ren…I…” Zico wandered off in his mind, as he didn’t know how to answer her question. 


‘Yes, I want you to be girlfriend.’ Zico answered inside his head, but searching for response to blurt out is harder than he thinks. 


“Why are you asking me this?” Zico asked, as he doesn’t want to answer. “Well, I overheard you earlier this afternoon. Which is why I didn’t want us to talk about last night, when after school came along,” Ren answered, and Zico’s heart dropped.


‘So she did hear!’ That voice inside his spoke, and Zico just wanted to pick up a blade and stab himself.


“Listen Ren, about earlier in the afternoon and last night…” Zico then paused, as the image of Ukwon flashed right before him.


“It’s okay if you don’t like me, Zico. However though, I like you. But it’s probably just a tiny crush for now,” Ren replied, and then flashed him one of her sincere smiles.


At this point, Zico just wanted to beat himself up. Ren confessed like a man, and Zico as a man, couldn’t even bring himself to do anything. He was nothing but pure .


“Actually,” Zico started out, and Ren looked at him. “What is it?” Ren asked, and Zico reached out to hold both her hands.


Sighing heavily to himself, Zico didn’t know what to say or do. But whatever it is, Zico is not going to have regrets.


“I like you too, Ren. I’ve found more interest in you last night, when we both shared that kiss. So please stop saying that last night was nothing, when it was something. I felt a meaningful spark between us, and I really do wish that you are my girlfriend,” Zico blurted out his confession.


Ren gave him a blank stare still, as she knew that he wasn’t done explaining.


“However though, how will I break it to Ukwon? He likes you too, and if I tell him that I want you to also be my girlfriend, hell will go loose. Ukwon liked you first, and I don’t want to be the who had taken you away from him,” Zico finished off, and Ren lightly squeezed Zico’s hands.


He looked up to lock eyes with her, and Ren then tiptoed a bit to peck his plump lips. Zico gawked at Ren when she pulled away slowly.

“Then that will be our last kiss, since you’re that concern of Ukwon. We will not hurt his feelings, if we both want to be happy,” Ren spoke up, and then pulled away from Zico’s hold.


Zico was speechless, as to him, Ren didn’t sound too happy. Well of course she wouldn’t, since two best friends are in love with her. Zico just doesn’t want to hurt Ukwon, but he doesn’t know that Ren is also hurt inside.



The next couple of days came along, as well as Zico’s following week of his birthday. It was on Friday, which is two days from now, and there’s nothing to even be psyched about.


He had found himself detaching away from Ren, and he too, felt that Ren was keeping her distant also. Zico himself was dying inside, as he couldn’t take it any longer. He needs to tell Ukwon that he is also in love with Ren.


“Ukwon, how much do you like Ren?” Zico asked, as the two were hanging out in the track field. “Hmph, I like her enough to think that I love her,” Ukwon answered, and then sips his drink.


Zico almost slipped off the bleachers, as he heard Ukwon’s answer. He didn’t expect to hear an answer like that.


“So…if any guy out there gets Ren to be his girlfriend, what will you do?” Zico questioned, and Ukwon looked at his friend. “Tch, what can I do? If Ren is happy with him, then I should probably be glad that she’s found one whom she sees herself with,” Ukwon replied.


“Oh, coolness,” Zico mumbled, and then heard a tiny chuckle come from Ukwon. “I will be hurt for a couple of a days or so, but I’ll heal. Ren isn’t the only girl left in the world,” he continued on, and Zico bit his bottom lip.


“If you’re cool with it being said like that, then you wouldn’t mind Ren being with another guy?” Zico asked, and Ukwon shook his head. “It’s her life, not mine,” he answered.


“Well then, will you hate me if I tell you that I am interested in Ren?” He asked the question that he wished that never happened. “Hahahaha! You’re totally kidding, right?” Ukwon laughed, but Zico stood there with his poker face.


“Ukwon, I’m sorry, but I’m interested in Ren also,” Zico said, and Ukwon stopped laughing. “You really like her?” Ukwon questioned, and Zico nodded his head.


Suddenly, a punch from nowhere came flying and kissed Zico on the cheek. Tumbling down the bleachers, Zico caught his balance and stood up.

“What was that for?!” Zico asked, as he spit the blood out of his mouth. “You dare ask me what that punch was for? Zico, how can you betray me?!” Ukwon asked furiously, as he ran after his friend.


Zico jumped off the bleachers, and headed towards the track field. Ukwon who chased after him, soon made a huge jump and landed on Zico.


“Why do you have to be interested in the same girl?” Ukwon asked, as he punched Zico on the face. “It’s not my fault that my feelings for her grew!” Zico shouted back, as he rolled Ukwon over and punched his friend back.


“You hated Ren! You never liked her in the first place. Why are you doing this? Did I ever do something to make you hate me? Is that why you’re always with Ren on purpose, and now telling me that you want her?!” Ukwon threw questions at Zico irately, as the two wouldn’t stop fighting.


Students were surrounding the boys already, but no hall monitors were around to be found. Whilst shouting back and forth, the two boys just kept their engaging fight going on.


“Ji Ren, Ji Ren!” A female student’s voice shouted for her, as she entered inside Ren’s homeroom. “Hayana, I saw you sing the other day. You were amazing!” Ren complimented the girl, but the girl’s expression didn’t seem happy.


“Come with me, unnie!” Hayana shouted, as she dragged Ren out of homeroom. “Where are we going? What’s going on?” Ren asked, but Hayana didn’t answer.


When they both reached the track field, lots of students were already crowding Zico and Ukwon. All Ren heard was her name and the word ‘betrayal’. Fuming through the crowd, Ren saw Ukwon and Zico covered in blood lightly.


“Stop it, you two!” Ren shouted, as she tried to break them apart. “Get out of this!” Zico yelled, but Ren didn’t listen. “Stop fighting each other!” She continued talking, but the boys didn’t bother to care.


Trying to break them apart, Ukwon’s hand then accidentally flew and slapped Ren across the face. Everyone gasped, as Ren weakly fell down on the ground. Zico’s eyes widened in horror, and then push Ukwon off of him.


 “Ren, Ren, are you alright?” Zico crawled up to her, but Ren pushes him away. She faced Ukwon, and then walks over to his post. 


“Please, don’t fight with Zico anymore. He didn’t betray you, as it was I who made the decisions. I’m really sorry,” Ren spoke up to the silence Ukwon.


He looked at her in confusion, as Ukwon didn’t understand a thing. Also, he was also in the state of shock for accidentally slapping her too. 


Ren then stood up and left the crowd after saying those words, as she actually didn’t want anyone to see her tears. Though Zico and Ukwon called after her, Ren didn’t stop to turn back and face them both. 


Throughout the entire day after getting a lecture from the principal, Zico and Ukwon didn’t stop staring at Ren’s empty seat. After the two had found out that she ditched, both boys felt guilt building up inside.



“Ji Ren-ah, why aren’t you in school?” Her mother asks, as she brushes Ren’s hair back. “Because I miss you,” Ren softly sniffled, and her mother chuckled.


“Did something go wrong with that boy?” Ren’s mother questioned about Zico. “Who, Jiho?” Ren asked, and her mother nodded.


Ren heaved a sigh, as she didn’t even know anymore.


“He fought with his best friend today, because of me,” Ren spoke up, and her mother gave her a confusing look. “Why is it because of you?” She asked curiously. 


“They both like me, and Jiho probably told his best friend, when I had thought that we both agreed to not say anything,” Ren answered, and her mother chuckled.


“You silly girl. Already having guys fight for you? Mother envies you,” her mother joked, and Ren pouted. “Mom, this isn’t time for jokes. I’m really hurt that I had broken up their friendship,” Ren replied.


“Well, what does your heart want, Ji Ren? If you like Jiho, you should simply tell his best friend that you want to be with Jiho. Don’t lead the other young boy on, as hiding it from him will hurt more. So I think that what Jiho did was great. Telling his best friend was better than finding out,” her mother explained, and Ren sighed once more.


“Mother, I have something to tell you,” Ren said, and her mother looked at her. “What is it, dear?” She asked, and Ren even chuckled to herself.


“Jiho and I kissed…” Ren happened to pull a smile, as she told her mother bluntly. “Ahhh, and how was it?” Her mother teased, and Ren giggled. “It felt nice, and when we kissed, I knew it that Jiho had to be the one,” Ren truthfully answered.


“Then tell the young boy that you like him,” her mother said, and Ren moved her hand to scratch her neck. “I told him, and he confessed back that he likes me too. It’s just, his best friend is also important,” Ren replied anxiously. 


“The other young man should understand, as a pair of lovers who love each other cannot be seen with no other. Yes, that young man will be hurt, but it’ll only be temporary. But I’d rather have you choose what’s best for you, and make yourself happy,” her mother advises, and Ren nods her head.


“I love you, mom. You’re always a great listener,” Ren said, as she hugged her mother. “I love you also, my Ji Ren,” her mother replied, and plants a soft kiss on top of her daughter’s forehead.



Ren walked out of her mother’s room after her mother fell into a nap, and ran into both Zico and Ukwon. Both boys with light bruises and cuts on their apologetic faces, tried to smile at her.


“What do you both want?” Ren asked, as she was not in the mood to speak with them both. “We’re really sorry, Ren,” Zico started out first. “I didn’t actually mean to beat up Zico. I was just boiled with anger,” Ukwon continued.


“Please don’t hate us,” Zico then said, and Ren lowered her gaze. “I don’t hate you both, as I hate myself instead,” Ren replied, and both boys gave her confusing looks.


“Why would you hate yourself?” Ukwon asked, and Ren glanced back and forth at them two. “Because of me, your friendship is probably ruined,” she answered, and the two boys broke into a mini laughter.


“Actually, we’re still friends,” Ukwon said, and Ren was surprised. “Plus, this isn’t the first time that we ever fought,” Zico added, as Ren crossed her arms at them.


“So I blamed myself for nothing?” Ren asked, and both the boys nodded their heads. 


The three friends then laughed quietly in the hospital hallway.


“However, I think Zico has something to tell you,” Ukwon said, as he nudged Zico by the shoulder. Ren looked at Zico, but his gaze was remained on Ukwon. “What are you talking about?” Zico asked, and Ukwon gave his friend a wink.


“Hurt her, and I’ll kill you,” Ukwon whispered into Zico’s ear, and then left. 


Before Ren and Zico can call to him, Ukwon had disappeared behind the walls already. Now awkwardly standing in front of each other, Zico reached out to hold Ren’s hand.


“So what made you spill it to Ukwon?” Ren asked, and Zico chuckled. “Because I couldn’t stand my feelings for you anymore. Also, that last kiss which you gave me last night was only from your thoughts. You didn’t even let me have a say in it,” he answered with a tiny pout.

Ren chortled, as she poked Zico’s chest hard. He motioned into being in a pain, and Ren giggled silently.


“Chae Ji Ren, please be my girlfriend?” Zico asked the question, and Ren blushed instantly. “Are you sure that you want to be engaged in a relationship with me?” Ren asked before answering.


“If I say yes, would you say yes also?” Zico questioned another, and Ren beamed. “Yes, Zico. I would love to be your girlfriend,” Ren answered honestly. “Well then, I’m more than happy to be in this relationship with you,” Zico replied also, as he kissed her forehead.


Ukwon didn’t leave, of course. He wanted to witness from afar. Ukwon wanted to see Zico make Ren happy, since he wasn’t going to be the one there for her. 


Seeing Zico and Ren interlocking their arms, and walking together hand in hand, Ukwon’s heart cried. He was in deep pain and felt like someone had stabbed him right through the heart.


“Ukwon hyung!” The deep voice Jihoon shouted, as he saw Ukwon entering through the orphanage gates. “Hey,” Ukwon’s voice was rather raspy and low. “Something wrong?” The young boy asked, but Ukwon shook his head.


Being the smiling representative he always has, Ukwon faked a smile at his young friend.


“Let’s play some basketball,” Ukwon suggested, and Jihoon nodded his head. “Uhmm…beautiful noona isn’t here today?” Jihoon questioned about Ren, and Ukwon shook his head.


“She’s busy,” Ukwon lied to the boy, but to him, the answer was quite true. 


Ren was busy being with Zico now. Ukwon somehow, wanted to just drop dead, as nothing but anger was still stirring up inside of him.


Why, just why is that out of all the men in the world, why must Zico be the one? His best friend, a brother from another mother, Zico just had to like Ren, and her feelings for him returned.


If it were probably another guy, it would’ve been easier for Ukwon to get over. Just a couple days, Ukwon should heal quickly. However, a couple of days to heal won’t happen, as Zico is the guy.


Perhaps months would make Ukwon back to being the sane person he is again, as he is still crushed by knowing his best friend and his dream girl are now dating.


Yes, you Ukwon lovers can shoot me all the bullets and arrows all you want. I'm really sorry for breaking poor Ukwon...

BUT HEY, RENZI ARE TOGETHER. XDD *tries to shield myself from Ukwon-bombs*

Dnw, the story won't end soon JUST YET.

Dramas are JUST about to begin, as I hope that you all haven't forgotten about TAMI. hehehehehehehheeeheehheheheheehehe.






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soooo goood
update soon pleases and thank chu
i read it.. his annoying game... jaebomb couple.. i totally will read this!!
When are you updating????
Chapter 11: Yay!!
An updte!
I love it unnie!! :)

Zico and Ren are so cute!!
Im glad that she still trusts kwonnie,
but i think itd be better it she had told zico..
Zico does kinda know about it already..
Maybe he should be the first one to say something first..
I sense something bad happening soon!
Chapter 11: when tami was getting all angry after finding out about them two dating i just laughed XD but i like how close they're getting. And her dad 0_0 ugh~
sorry kitty kwon ,,,
she's all zico's now =)
@b2utyfulbbc: Uhmm... if u want to cry, then please dont do it front of me. i'll cry too! T_T Hahaha, similarities from story and real life. awesome!! XDD Ukwon will...hopefully.. >.> lmao

@mochi216: HAHAHAHAHA! I'll help you throw shoes at Tami too!
woop ren and zico are together now :D oh yeah tami 0_____0 she's going to be so pissed off. Don't worry ren i'll throw my shoe at her for you >:D