Chapter 21. The Morning After

Year of the Zodiac: Story of the Rat

The feeling of the sun on his face made his eyes twitch and scrunch together as he realized he needed to get up. Yesung took a few seconds to get his eyes to cooperate and wake up and get his brain to register where he was as well.

He was still at Heechul's house, he noticed that he wasn't in his own bed right away. He looked around and heard a groan beside him.

He looked and saw a very Nana lying next to him, she grumbled before sitting up the blanket falling off her, "Is it morning?" She asked.

Yesung looked at her a bit in shock, he had really had her. It wasn't a dream, he was here with her in bed. He had done it.

Nana looked around and she jumped when she saw Yesung next to her. Immediately, she tugged on the blanket to cover herself. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"I've already seen everything. There's no need to cover up but if you prefer to for your comfort, then fine." Yesung said.

Nana processed the information and her jaw dropped, "Last night was real.." She said.

"Yes, it wasn't a dream." He said flatly. He reached over to her to pull her into his embrace. He had finally gotten her and he had no plans of letting her go.

But neither did he plan to tell her about what he was.

"So..." Nana said.

"So..." Yesung repeated.

"You're..." She started.

He kissed the back of her shoulder, "I know." He said.

"You do??!" She turned back to look at him in shock.

"Yeah, you kept repeating it all last night. I'm the best you've ever had." He said cockily.

She hit him lightly, "Don't let that get to your head. I haven't had that many." She told him.

"I also know that for sure." He replied.

"And how could you have possibly known that?" She asked him.

"All those delightful noises you made when I touched you. It seemed like it was all new to you. As if no one ever tried that with you before." He answered.

"That's not true." Nana argued. She had never told him before, he couldn't have known. Not like she even made that much noise, she thought.

"Right." He said with sarcasm. He had known that she wasn't that well-versed in her body by the amount of things she jumped at.

"Well.." She said.

"Well.." Yesung repeated.

"What now?" She asked him. She wasn't even sure what she wanted though, but maybe he knew. Or maybe he knew what this meant for them. Because last night determined it for her, she definitely had feelings for him. But she didn't know if that's how he felt as well or if she was just someone easy for him.

"Depends on what you want." He answered. He wanted a relationship with her. But if she didn't, then there was nothing he could do about it.

"What is it that you want though?" She pushed on. His side was more important to her.

"I want a relationship with you. But if that's not what you want, then it's okay." He said bluntly. He might as well tell her straight what he wanted, there was no point in beating around the bush.

Nana pursed her lips together thoughtfully. He wanted her as more than just a one night stand. That said a lot, but he also never really said if they would be together officially and whether or not he liked her.

"What about you?" He asked her.

She turned around in his arms and looked right at him, "I'm not sure what I want yet. But I know that I like you. I just.." She mumbled softly towards the end.

"You've been hurt before then?" He asked her, somewhere in the back of his mind, he was angry at this. How dare someone hurt his woman! But at the time, he didn't know what she would be to him, so there was nothing he could do about it. Except maybe prank that person as often as possible.

"Yeah.." She said softly. "It was a long time ago. But that's why I've been commitment free for a while." She explained.

"Will you ever tell me what happened?" He asked.

"Someday." She answered with a smile. "But what does this mean then? You want a relationship but I'm not sure what I want right now."

Yesung frowned a bit, "Yeah. But this is also really sudden so I understand your hesitation. So how about we just clean ourselves up and go home then on Monday if you want a relationship with me, come look for me. And if you don't then I'll know where we stand." He suggested.

"Where will you be then?" Nana asked him.

"If you wait until after school, then I will stay in music practice room 8 for you." He said.

"Okay." She said, before they went about their separate ways to get their stuff together and get out of Heechul's house.

Author's Note;
Not much left :)
But I have an oral midterm for Korean on Monday.
So I shouldn't update until after that.


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Chapter 27: Finally commenting on this XD I always have the tab up I just never write my comment XD but omg. That . Yesung and Nana... Omg. Ah, this was so good!! I'm bummed to see it end~~ D; but I have 11 more to look forward to ;D but love Ailee's and Hyori's little congratulatory party XD love that their the match maker people XD pic spaaaammmmm!!!!!! We're you freaking out when you found out they were in Hawaii?!?!

And speaking of cute little rat... Read that comment Brani posted... And omg!!!! Already imagining Joong Ki's cute af cow form!!!!!!!! Kyeopta~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! >w<
Chapter 27: rianne ahhh such a great story I am excited for your other parts ^^
bb_outrageous #3
Chapter 27: OMG *o* Who's the guy with the perky ?! Donghae?!
Lol ... okay got a little distracted there but you can't blame me.
Yay~~ Unni you finished <3 No more hardships with dealing with feels and writing for Yesung xD
That ... *o* Hot damn. Dominating Nana. Yesung finally met his match bwuahaha. Has to learn to be equal.

P.S. Cute little rat? Cute little creatures means ... adorable baby cow for Joong Ki?!?!?! <3?
2481 streak #4
Chapter 27: I loved this first installment!! :D The way Nana and Yesung went from hating each other to loving each other through the pranks was just hilarious and fluffy at the same time. x] I'm very excited for the next installment and I can't wait to see what happens next!! :)
Chapter 22: Oooo yesung is becoming nice

good luck on your exam
princesscloudz #6
Chapter 22: aw...i wonder what happen in her past love.
Chapter 21: Oooo that was hot hehehe
bb_outrageous #8
Chapter 20: Unnniiiii~~~~
I'm back. Wow youre almost done already. Just six more chapters to go xD I knew you could do it. Not bad for someone with no Yesung feels whatsoever.
<3 mwuahahaha~
princesscloudz #9
Chapter 20: wow!i cant wait!