Link & The Rules

SEOUL LOWv2 - A Paparazzi, FB-Based, Roleplay

Link! --- > Here


The Rules:

  1. Reserves last three days.
  2. If you’re inactive for two weeks and not on hiatus, you’ll be removed. Active counts as posting, not just logging in.
  3. If you do happen to leave the roleplay and don’t deactivate your account, it is your responsibility to unfriend everyone.
  4. OOC drama is stupid and completely unnecessary, and drives people away. If you do have an issue that can’t be resolved, contact an admin and we’ll try to settle it peacefully as mediators.
  5. Try to be at least semi-accurate, pleeeease. This isn’t AU, so we shouldn’t have a drug-dealing Taemin running around crying with his childhood friend, Taeyang, the girly Princess of Azkaban.
  6. You can’t be more than one person from a group. For example, you can’t be both Bora and Hyorin from SISTAR- you can only be one.
  7. Your name must be Romanized. No exceptions. Tagging you is impossible if your name is 오리 엉덩이.
  8. On the note of names, please be accurate. Nicknames go where FB gives you a place- for example, your name shouldn’t be displayed Lee Joon, but Lee Changsun (Joon)
  9. Keep OOC out of the newsfeed! We have an OOC group (which you should refrain from spamming just btw).
  10. After you have been accepted, you have a week to make the FB and submit your link


You don’t magically know if someone is in a relationship just because it says “Jane and Joe are in a relationship” on the newsfeed. It’s up to the people in the relationship to determine who, if anyone, knows. Alternatively, you can hide your relationship status.

  1. Note, admins will take the OOC portion out of the application once it is published to our tumblr. This is to protect our Role Players. The information given will not be disclosed with any other Role player. 
  2. Please add “Seoul Low V2-*” To your “ABOUT ME” on your profile so that we know who is part of our role play. Also, please send in your URL BEFORE you add the admins to avoid any confusion. If you do not send in your URL before you add the admins, we will not accept your request!
  3. If you have read all the rules, and agree to them please place your bias group/artist before the phrase “looks pretty in pink” somewhere in your application.


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