When You Kiss Upon Ice-Cream

When You Kiss Upon Ice-Cream


When You Kiss Upon Ice Cream

“And this week’s #1 on Music Bank K-Chart is… SHINee with their ‘Hello’! Congratulations!” Song Joongki announced and handed Onew the trophy. He then pushed the flowers into Taemin’s arms. “Give them to your girlfriend, yeah?” He whispered before winking.

“Sure, hyung!” Taemin beamed. He scanned through the crowd and sighed. Aeyoungcould not make it that day as she had a project to do. Still, he had to look cheerful enough for his passionate fans. “Please prepare for your encore stage, SHINee.” Seo Hyo Rim announced.

“Of course we would!” Onew finally ended his never-ending thank you speech and gestured for s to prepare on stage. Taemin sighed again.

“Hello, hello” If only we could do Lucifer.

 “I brought up the courage” If only you were here.

“Hello, hello” I remember you saying I looked hot in Lucifer.

“I want to talk to you for a moment” Of course, I remember whatever you say.

“Hello, hello” Man, I have had enough of Hello.

“… … … … a bit” Oh my god, I screwed up.

“Who knows? We might” Gosh, you’d better not seen that.

“Oh yeah” Yeah, bye Hello. Hello my Lucifer Lover.

☆    ☆    ☆

Taemin stepped out of the van and waited, desperate to see Aeyoung.

“Relax dude, it’s only been a day.” Minho .

“Hyung don’t you know, when you are in love, every minute feels like eternity without her. To think I’m the maknae yet I have more experience. Hyung, you really cannot make it.”

“What’s wrong with not dating? In fact, you should not be dating at such a young age.”

“Come on, even Jonghyun hyung is doing it.”

“I’m not!” Jonghyun spoke up suddenly.

“Fine, then what did I see in the papers the other day?” Taemin continued.

“Hey, you know what’s going on, right? I do admire Sekyung a lot, but… I don’t want to date now. It’s too… unreal.” Jonghyun tried to explain. Everyone rolled their eyes before fixing their eyes on the silhouette in the distance. Aeyoung was sashaying towards their vehicle with Ye Eun overtaking her.

“Heyyyyy hyungs!” Ye Eun bear-hugged Minho before stopping herself from jumping into Jonghyun’s arms. The latter’s scandal had made them a little awkward around one another. Instead, it made Ye Eun and Minho even closer.

“Annyeong oppas!” Aeyoung greeted her SHINee oppas before being swept into a hug by Taemin. “I missed you.” Taemin murmured before planting a kiss on her forehead, making her blush.

“Yah, I thought Jonghyun’s the only one who loved skinship. Oh and Aeyoung ah, how old are you again? Don’t stay too close to guys okay?” Onew half-joked.

“Oppa, do you want me to stay away from you too?” Aeyoung continued with the joke.

“You punk…”

“Cut it out guys, here Aeyoung, I’ve got flowers for you!” Key announced.

“Gomaweo oppa. Hey, they look extremely familiar to the ones I saw on TV.” Aeyoung rolled her eyes.

“Yah, I went to buy them for you okay? See how pretty they are? Just like you.”

Aeyoung smacked Key playfully while Taemin gave Key a deadly glare. What’s wrong with you? Taemin mouthed. Key shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his tongue.

“Key’s right. You are… pretty.” Jonghyun murmured.

“Why, thank you.” Aeyoung was surprised at the compliment she had just gotten. It hadn’t been long since the “JongKyung” scandal and now he was behaving weirdly.

“Hyungs, what’s wrong with you guys? Let’s just go eat, I’m hungry.” Taemin grabbed Aeyoung’s hand and pulled her to the back of the vehicle. Aeyoung could sense how irritated he was and smiled. He was jealous. She squeezed his hand before secretly pecking it, showing that she cared about him too. Taemin beamed and messed up her fringe, a sign of affection.

“Yah Taemin, you forgot your line just now, didn’t you? I seriously laughed out loud.” Ye Eun chuckled.

“Yeah oppa! You made my day!” Aeyoung laughed along with Ye Eun. Taemin pouted, embarrassed.

“It’s okay oppa! You were so cute!” Aeyoung gushed and pinched his cheek.

“Yeah Aeyoung, you are also so CUTEEEEEEEEEE~” Ye Eun grinned evilly and messed up Aeyoung’s hair.

“Yahhh… What’s your problem?” Aeyoung smacked Ye Eun back.

“Chill guys, I know we’re excited and all but we don’t need any cat fights!” Minho teased.

“And here’s one for you!” Ye Eun smacked Minho playfully. Everyone burst out laughing after seeing Minho’s shocked Keroro-like expression.

Taemin sighed. It has been so long since they could laugh so freely. The times they had gone through were not all smooth-sailing but he was glad that everything turned out well. Especially now that Aeyoung was back with him.

☆    ☆    ☆

“Oh my god, you are still eating? I’m bursting!” Aeyoung asked Ye Eun, shocked.

“Yah, they’re prawns! I’m Prawn Princess, remember?” Ye Eun said with full.

“And I’m Chicken King. I shall go get more now.” Onew announced.

“Hyung, are you nuts or what? That is your hundredth plate already!” Key retorted.

“Don’t be stupid, it’s probably only my tenth. Jonghyun ah, do you need anything else?”

“No thank you, I’m fine.” Jonghyun replied.

“Hey quit emo-ing. Come get some ice cream with me.” Aeyoung suggested.

“What about me?” Taemin asked, putting on his innocent face.

“You can stay here and peel the prawns together with Minho.”

“What the – “

Aeyoung got Jonghyun to his feet before Taemin could protest anymore. She knew that he was unhappy because of his scandal with Shin Sekyung, and she knew exactly how he felt.

“Jonghyun oppa, will you do something for me?” Aeyoung asked when she led him to the ice cream section.

“Sure… what is it?” Jonghyun asked.

“Give me a smile and let it stay there forever.” Aeyoung looked him in the eye. His pupil was completely dark and empty. It was as if his soul was gone.

Jonghyun was taken aback. What did she mean? “I…”

“Come on, oppa. Look at yourself, your face, your eyes, your everything. You look like the old me. Living life like it was hell. We are still living, oppa. If you love her, just say it. You don’t have to care about anyone else. Do you still remember the time when you were encouraging me not to give up? I didn’t and now, look at me, I’m so happy. I feel loved all over again. Oppa, I know it’s hard, but you have to believe me, you have to tell her that you love her. It won’t even matter if the whole of SHINee World hates you, or even, everybody despises you. Because this is for her. I’m quite sure your love for her is greater than all of that, right?” Aeyoung tried to knock some sense into him, while trying to scoop some ice cream.

“But… I don’t think Sekyung and I would go far. If only our relationship was kept secret like yours and Taemin’s, it would feel more real. I’m afraid Sekyung is being manipulated by her company to hang out with me. You know, to raise our popularity or something.” Jonghyun rattled on, anxious. What am I saying?

“Then tell me, do you love her?” Aeyoung probed, finally succeeding in filling one bowl with ice cream.

“What? I…” Jonghyun froze. He looked down at his feet.


The one I like is you.Jonghyun wanted to shout it at Aeyoung but he knew he could not. Aeyoung was already Taemin’s and he knew that they were going to be together forever. Perhaps it was just love for a sister.

“Yah, you’re my dongsaeng. Why are you asking me all of this? You busybody, bet you learnt it from your brother.” Jonghyun tried to laugh. It sounded fake.

“Oppa, I’m helping you. Well, if you don’t want me to poke my nose into your business, bring back the old cheerful Jonghyun. The one who’s funny but totally lame.” Aeyoung smiled.

“YAH. Who said I’m lame?” Jonghyun smiled, genuinely this time.

“Me. Me. Me. Try to get me.” With that, Aeyoung ran back to the table with the ice cream. Jonghyun smiled even wider this time. Really, she’s still just a child. It’s just a brother looking over a sister. I was right.

 ☆    ☆    ☆

“Let’s do something fun. I’m bored.” Key the remaining ice cream on his spoon.

“How about… burping?” Onew suggested, which led to a smack from Minho.

“How about thinking of better suggestions?” Ye Eun high-fived Minho.

“Ow… how about scissors paper stone? We’ll see who will finish the melted ice cream.” Onew said, shielding his head.

“How about truth or dare?” Jonghyun asked suddenly.

Everyone looked at him. “What?”

“Awesome! I’ll go first. Onew hyung, when did you last zip your pants?” Key pointed at Onew.

“What?!” Onew looked down immediately. The zip was still intact. “You…”

Everyone broke into guffaws.

“You’re getting it, Kibum ah!” Onew tried to smack him but missed.


“Yah…” His second attempt was still futile.

“Oppa, please act your age… How about  just asking questions and the person who does not wish to answer has to get ice cream smeared on his or her face?” Aeyoung asked in between laughter.

Everyone nodded. “I shall go first,” Ye Eun said, “Onew, rank the SHINee members.”

“Is everyone aiming at me today? Yah!” Onew protested but in vain.

“Go on…” Everyone was eager to know what the leader felt.

“Firstly, I think I shall put myself at #1. #2 will be… me. #3 will be me also. #4 wi-” The poor leader was immediately smeared with a very generous serving of ice cream.

“Yah! You punks! Fine, I’ll continue asking. Ye Eun, pick between Jonghyun and Minho.” Onew grabbed the serviettes on the table and wiped his face vigorously.

“Must you do this to me? Fine, I choose…” Ye Eun held her breath. Minho and Jonghyun did the same.

“I choose… ICE CREAM ON MY FACE!” she broke the silence suddenly which led to the disappointment of both Minho and Jonghyun.

“Hey, you guys are totally unfun! Watch me. Taemin ah, between SHINee and Aeyoung, who do you choose?” Key asked.

“Of course it’s Ae-” Taemin was immediately pinned to the table by Key.

“YAH! I answered your freak question already!” Taemin shouted, indignant.

“Too bad, you deserve this for picking her over us!” Key retorted.

“YAH, what’s wrong with choosing me? Let go of him already!” Aeyoung grinned.

“Whatever happened to 2Min?! Taemin-ah!” Minho tightened Key’s grip on Taemin.

“You are going to get it tonight, Taemin!” Jonghyun joined in the fun, smiling wickedly.

“Lee Taemin, you ingrate!” Onew placed his hand on Taemin’s head.

“Lee Jinki! I dare you to do it!” Aeyoung shouted, smug.

“It’s not your turn yet!” Onew protested.


“WHAT?! Fine, let him go guys.”

“I love you, oppa.”

“But I hate you.”

“It’s okay, Aeyoung. I love you so much.” Taemin said as soon as he was released. The rest of the people rolled their eyes.

“Shall I continue? Aeyoung , do you love your brother or me more?” Taemin asked, expectant.

“Oppa, why are you doing this to me too? I can’t pick!” Aeyoung asked, flabbergasted.

“Yah, I picked you over the four of them! You can’t not pick me!”

“Jinki’s my BROTHER. You’re my BOYFRIEND. It’s like choosing between chocolate and… chocolate.”

“Fine, I shall smear it on you then.” Taemin said, grinning.

“Fine, you’d better use chocolate though because chocolate is good for the sk-” Aeyoung felt ice cream on her lips. And then her lover’s lips. She then stared at the closed eyes of Taemin for eternity before regaining her composure when she started breathing again.

“YAH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING. THE RULE WAS ON THE FACE. YOU KISSED MY SISTER ON HER LIPS. YOU E!” Onew shrieked and pushed Taemin away from Aeyoung.

Both of them were still in a trance. Yay, I did it! Taemin thought and smiled. He caught Aeyoung’s eye and noticed that she was smiling too.

“Aeyoung, are you okay? Stop smiling like an idiot!” Onew said jokingly.

“Hyung, it’s not the first time…” Taemin said slyly, still maintaining eye-contact.

“What?! My younger sister has more experiences than me?” Onew continued, acting surprised.

“Yes, like you even have any!” Jonghyun retorted, laughing at Onew. Surprisingly, he did not feel jealous at all. It was brother-sister love afterall!

“How did you know? Crap…” Onew replied, joining in the laughter.

“Yah, you are like so fail? Gosh, we should give them some time…” Key suggested, arching his eyebrow.

“But…” Before Onew could continue to say what he had in mind, he was dragged out of the restaurant.

“You know, I don’t mind having ice cream smeared all over my face if you do it that way to me…” Aeyoung said, then paused. “Okay, I take it back. You don’t get any wrong ideas okay!”

“Hmm? That you like ice cream? Shall we try another flavour?”

“How about straw-”

And the scene from before replayed. Replay, replay, replay… forever.


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this is soooo cute!!!!! ^_^
ohkyuhyun #4
loved it :DD
m0zarts0nata-- #5
SMzShawol #6
Kyaaaahhhh <3333<br />
<br />
I loved this ending way better than the other one lolol ;DD
Omo the ending was so cuuuuute loved it
so sweet!! LITERALLY!!! haha i like this ending better than the other one!!!! your really good at story writing!!! keep it up!!!
Love the story! <3 ^_^
omygosh xD i like the last part!<br />
ahaha. the ice cream thing :P