Where will "it" happen...?

Classy is my middle name - Sequel to "Being cruel is fun"


The night didn't continue as I had thought it would. He brought me to my apartment, threw his hands on the wall behind me and kissed me deeply. I was panting and a wide smirk spread on his beautiful features.

"Go and sleep. Make yourself prettier for tommorow night." he breathed in my ear, my earlobe in the process. I tangled my arms around his neck, bumping our foreheads together.

"Am I pretty already?" I asked nervously. I was looking for trouble, wasn't I?

He closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking.

"On a scale from gorgeous to ugly, I'd say you're..."

He grinned at my vivid curiosity, shown by a slight glint in my eyes. I knew it was there.

" ...a quarter gorgeous."

At least I wasn't ugly. He placed his hands on my hips and whispered:

"Does it please you?"

I nodded because I wanted to kiss him again and I didn't want to spare any second with talking. I leaned in and he gladly united our mouths. I granted him access and he tasted every corner of my mouth. He grinded our hips together and I felt myself heating up. Then...he distanced.

"But Min...I thought...we came this far..." I said, voice low with dissappointment. Pray tell why I was so obvious.

He patted my and pushed my hands aside. Good God, it wasn't even funny how he teased me...at least, for me, it wasn't.

"It's boring and too much of a clichee to devour you right after we met. It sounds as if we're in such cheap romantic comedy."

But I wanted to be in some cheap romantic comedy! My only desire was to spend some y time with him...

"Where are you taking me, Min?" I dared to ask , wanting to change the subject and he looked at me, cutely widening his eyes.

"I don't want to spoil the surprise. Now go."

He waved and winked. As soon as he was out of sight, I shoved the key inside its designated place and opened the door. 

I pondered on whether I should finger myself in the bath tub. I imagined, however, that nothing could feel better than his slim fingers or his hardened, huge…

No, no I musn’t think of that. If I let him monopolize my thoughts even if he’s not here with me, what dignity do I have left? It wasn’t much to begin with, anyway…

I decided to watch some TV before I fell asleep on the blue couch. It usually worked wonders with me trying to succumb into the sweet numbness of sleeping. I growled at several good looking women in various commercials and fetched my phone to check the time. 9:30 PM.

Some historical drama popped on the screen and, as it featured one of my favourite actors, I was happy I had switched to that channel. Soon, the screen began to darken and I wondered what the hellwas going on. When it became down right black, I realized I had fallen asleep.

I  woke up to the annoying sunshine creeping from behind my thin curtains. As soon as I finished with my daily routine and dressed up for work, wondering what am I gonna pose as, today, anxiety and curiosity engulfed me whole. I hadn’t given him my number and he didn’t bother to collect it, either. I should’ve asked him yesterday. Where, when, how hot is he gonna look so I shall try to surpass him…as if he’d tell me that.

Hopefully, if he hasn’t forsaken me because of his twisted personality. we’ll meet at work. Stupid me, already missing him…

I barely got to the studio in time. Traffic had been awful. Of course, it had nothing to do with me not being able to decide what to wear and changing my clothes again and again…

“Hey Mimi!”

A silhouette left the crowd of busy workers and came running towards me. I smiled widely, hugging the guy in front of me.

“I can’t believe you’re here! You came back from LA already, Junsu-ah?”

He giggled and sqeezed my hands, tilting his head:

“I was done with the photoshoots there. Besides…I missed Korea and the people here. Look, this time I’m posing for a cooking magazine!”

I loved to see my fellow model friend, Kim Junsu, beam like this. He wore this tall, chef hat and had a bright white robe. I started laughing at his poses. The photographer called him, waving towards me instead of greeting. Junsu blew me a kiss and went back to posing.

Just as I was about to head towards my dressing room, a hand grabbed my shoulder.

“Morning, beautiful.”

I blushed and turned to find the most successful model in our company, Park Yoochun. Sheesh, I really thought it was…

“Do you have any plans today? Want to grab a bite to eat later?”

I bowed, still blushing at how handsome he was:

“I’m sorry, Yoochun-shii. I just got to work. I think I will have a lot to work today. You know, with all the demands from the public. I’m still not sure changing my concept is good, but my photographer says…”

“He says it’s boring to remain as the posh . Hello, Park-shii.”

I was pretty sure my heart had skipped a bit when I heard the familiar voice behind me and a head burying its chin in my right shoulder. I heard Yoochun-shii growl.

“You’re always so good at butting in into people’s conversations, Shim…you’ve only been here for a week and you’re acting like you own the place.”

Changmin smirked and grabbed my hand with his free hand, in the other one holding a camera. One of those big DSRL ones.

“I believe owning her is enough for a guy like me, Park-shii.”

Yoochun-shii rolled his eyes in disbelief at his audacity and went away, after waving to me. I bowed again and heard Changmin burst into laughter.

“God, just because he’s popular…”

I frowned and turned to him, trying to push away my incredible joy of seeing him again and be rational:

“Good morning to you, too, Min.”

He looked down at me and smiled. Leaning in, he gave a peck on my cheek and painfully grabbed my wrist:

“Come on we’ve got a lot to shoot today!”

The day turned out to be exhausting. People came to change parts of our equipment so I had to wait until Changmin picked out what he wanted and believed to be the best, all dressed up, with make up weighing a ton on my face and trying to walk around in high heels because I was childish and got bored easily. Then a water pipe broke and ruined some outfits. We had to improvise and Changmin started cursing left and right. I had deemed him to be calculated and with a taste for detail and precision. In one word: a perfectionist.

It was 7:00 PM when everything seemed to come to an end. I felt tired, dirty and grumpy. I greeted some colleagues who were leaving and was disappointed when I couldn’t find Junsu amongst them. He was probably off to some other foreign country, again.

Changmin threw himself on the floor near me. My feet were swollen from so many pairs of heels. He noticed my grimaces of slight pain and caressed my right pinky:

“You should’ve called in sick today. I had no idea it would be so in’ troublesome. All those people squirming around and touching my stuff…”

I was carefully listening to him and suddenly burst into laughter. He widened his eyes, as though questioning me as to my change of attitude. I said, in a little voice:

“That came out wrong, Changmin-ah!”

At first, he smiled and giggled softly, throwing his head over his shoulders. Then, he came closer and whispered:

“I take it that’s what you have wished you could do all day? You were really attractive today, as well. I’m not sure which one of you I like better: the posh is great, but I guess I have a thing for your stupid, whimsical actual self…”

I was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and he pulled down one strap, only to bite hard on my shoulder next. I gasped and gently slapped his cheek.

“Let’s go.” Changmin chimed as he stretched and got up, looking for his camera’s bag. I knitted my eyebrows, surprised:

“Where, Min-ah?”

“What do you mean ‘where’? I ordered you to come to a date with me, didn’t I?”

“But..but Changmin! I look horrible! My hair is all messed up, my clothes are sweaty and I think my blatter is about to explode because I haven’t gone to the toilet once today!”

He swept me off the floor and bumped our foreheads together.

“As long as you have this big mouth, you’re still you, however horrible you might look. Now get your jacket. We’ve got a long drive to do.”

I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling genuinely thankful. He slipped his tongue in and bit my lower lip.

“Don’t make me have you in my nicely cleaned, expensive Porsche. I’ve got a better place in mind.”

I shook my head, cradling my body, hopefully signaling him I wanted it as soon as possible. He put me down and pushed me through the open door.

“Wait for me outside, you irrational being, you.” I heard him raise his voice.

I was really looking forward to whatever he had in mind. Straightening my checkered skirt and black sleeveless shirt, I inhaled. It’s okay, it’s okay, I have my Victoria’s Secret lenjerie on.

His car was just a few meters away. I had a thing for cars and for drivers in general. So I blushed heavily when he slammed the door behind him, sitting in the driver’s seat. I scoffed at what a non-gentleman he was and opened the car door.

“Don’t expect any romantic, candle light date. Since you women want to be the equal of men in EVERY SINGLE THING, very well. I’m not giving you any red carpet treatment.”

I shook my head from side to side and looked at him, deciding to tell the truth which was an advantage in this situation:

“Actually…I hate romantic stuff. Candle lights are a hazard, I loathe Paris, the so-called ‘city of love’, wine is not among my favourites.”

I had closed my eyes, still not knowing how he would react. He slid his left palm across my thigh, the other one busy with driving.

“Just now…”

He looked at me, conspiratively:

“You leveled up to 50% gorgeous.”





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Chapter 2: nice, awesome!!!!
Chapter 2: aww... amazing!!! tat was simply amazing!!!
houtafifistories #3
good job .the little game is intersting ;)
*bows* thanks so much!
hot!!! hahahahaha =)) xD

good job!!
little_tea_pot #6
There's a sequel YAAAY! :D