Chapter 1 - Introductions

Training Her Voice & Heart


I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I’ll debuting in a couple months, but there’s a lot of competition to compete against, especially YG’s new girl group. I’ve been practicing alone everyday to perfect my dancing since I have the responsibility as lead dancer of the group. I turn up the volume and push play, hurriedly getting in position. As soon as our debut song comes on, stress flows out of my mind and my body moves with ease to the music. After the song ends, I hear clapping behind me. Panting, I look in the mirror to see who's bothering me. It’s Manager WonJun with a couple of guys. I squint and notice they’re from Super Junior. How long have they been standing there? I turn around, and a blush crawls up my face as I bow ninety degrees. 


“Serene-ah. Urgent meeting. Go get cleaned up and meet us in the meeting room.”


The guys behind him whisper to one another. 


“Neh, Manager Wonjun.” 


I bow again and politely bid them goodbye.






I take a seat in between SunJoo and YeJin, both of them looking just as confused as I. I ask them where YenNa was, but neither of them has an idea. I try to make eye contact with Manager Wonjun, but he’s busy getting the members of Super Junior and the President situated. A few members playfully wave at us from across the table, but I look at them blankly. Why would Super Junior and President Lee SooMan be here? 


“Alright everyone, please take your seat so that we may begin.”


“But YenNa isn’t here yet,” YeJin speaks up. 


“Let me explain, YeJin,” Manager WonJun says nervously. “YenNa... She has decided to leave the group.”


“What?!” SunJoo exclaims. “We’ll be debuting soon, and she just leaves us? Did she do something out of line? Is she sick? Oh no, did she take the blame for something I did? Mianhae, I won’t do it again.”


“Please girls, calm down and listen to your manager, please.” We immediately shut up, and President Lee SooMan nods his head to our manager to proceed.


“YenNa has left due to a family emergency and has chosen to pursue her studies for medicine.”


I nod; It was a tough decision, and she had the heart to give up her dreams for the sake of her loved ones. Her younger twin siblings had been suffering with an illness that’s been attacking their bodies since they were babies. Their conditions must have worsened, and YenNa probably decided to go to medical school to become a doctor and find a cure. I understood her decision, but leaving this close to debut made our situation difficult. YenNa was our main singer, whereas YeJin was the leader and the group’s visual, SunJoo was the maknae and second lead vocalist, and I was to be the main dancer and rapper. I guess that since none of our focuses was on singing, we had to make adjustments accordingly.


“So will there by a new member joining us? Will our debut be pushed back?” I inquire, trying to grasp the situation.


“Aniyo, we don’t plan on adding a new member. Most of the newer groups these days consist of five or more members, but we’d like to keep you three as a smaller group.” Manager Wonjun glances at President Lee SooMan and he grunts in approval, telling our manager to continue. “We’re aware that YenNa was the lead singer, so instead of shifting the role onto another member, you three will undergo additional training to improve your singing skills, as well as your variety, acting, and dancing abilities.You will have to step up your game since you lost one of your most crucial members.”


“Manager Wonjun. Quick question. Not to be rude or anything, but why is Super Junior here?” SunJoo glances at the boys, who are gossiping quietly amongst themselves.  


“They’ll be your mentors. We want to prevent any rumors from spreading, and if people do find out you’ve been trained by them, wouldn’t that just boost your image as an idol group? And why hire more people when we have talented idols in the company?” President Lee SooMan gestures at the boys, who are now looking attentively at us. “Kyuhyun, you will be assisting SunJoo here in her singing. Her singing is already very strong, so there’s no need to be harsh. Ryeowook, you’ll be tutoring YeJin. As for Serene, Yesung will be helping you out.”


“Leeteuk-ssi will aid all of you in your variety skills, and Eunhyuk-ssi will supervise your dance practices. As for acting, Donghae-ssi will give you three some lessons.” Our manager hands out the schedules, which state the times for our individual and group practices. 


“If there aren’t any issues, Manager WonJun and I need to excuse ourselves so that we can prepare for SHINee’s overseas concerts. Please take this time to become acquainted with one another.”


President Lee SooMan and a flustered Manager WonJun quickly exit the meeting room, leaving us alone with Super Junior. 


YeJin, being our leader, clears and approaches Super Junior. 


“Annyonghasaeyo. I'm YeJin. President Lee SooMan has yet to give us our group name, so the other two will introduce themselves individually.”


Leeteuk nods. I assume he'll probably be tutoring her on her leadership skills as well. 


“Annyonghasaeyo~! I'm SunJoo. I’m the group’s maknae, so please take care of me well.”


A couple of the boys chuckle at her aegyo-filled introduction since she’s our adorably chipper maknae. 


“A-annyonghasaeyo,” I greet quietly. “I'm Serene. I’ll work hard to improve my abilities as a future idol.”


“No need to be so shy! You were dancing so fiercely just ten minutes ago!” Eunhyuk smiles, flashing his gummy teeth. 


“I know this is a lot to take in, but we’ll be supporting you, so please don’t hesitate in asking us for help.” Leeteuk warmly greets us, shaking our hands as he compliments our perseverance. “Regrettably, a couple of us need to leave to record for Strong Heart. Why don’t you guys just jump in and start working with your vocal instructors? We’ll meet again soon.”


Leeteuk and the other members wave and rush to their next schedule. I look over at SunJoo and YeJin, who are already deep in conversation with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder.


“Annyong~ I'm Yesung. Would you like to head over to the practice room? Those guys are being too loud,” Yesung cutely pouts as he gestures over to my other members. My face heats up as he laughs. “After seeing you dance, I didn’t think you’d be so quiet. Aigoo, you’re so squishy.”


“S-squishy? I should say the same about you.”  Damn you voice, why are you stuttering?


Yesung continues to laugh as he holds the door open and places his hand on my small back, guiding me to the practice room. My body stiffens at the contact, but I say nothing. He breaks contact as he opens the door to the practice room. It’s quiet.


“Um, thank you for taking the time to be my teacher, Yesung-sunbaenim.” I curl my toes; this situation is extremely embarrassing. 


“I see no point in being so formal with each other since we’ll be seeing each other everyday anyways. You can just refer to me as “Yesung Oppa.” Is that okay with you, Serene-ah?”


“N-neh, Yesung Oppa.” I take a deep breath and calm myself down. There’s no need to be so nervous, he’s just trying to make me feel more at ease. “I’ve seen your live performances on Immortal Song, Oppa. You have an amazing voice.”


“Gomawo. I have such an attentive dongsaeng.” Yesung’s smile was so soft and sincere that I began to smile too. “Ah, you’re pretty when you smile.”


I stood there, stunned. I could only imagine how red my face was. I wasn’t exactly used to being called pretty. YeJin was the one with the looks. Before I could retort and say something stupid, Yesung spoke up again. 


“Shall we get started on your lesson?” Yesung began to prepare a seating space for us to discuss the lesson, but I remained in my frozen state. 


“What are you doing still standing there?” Yesung calls me over, patting the seat next to him.


Oh sweet Shisus. Someone teach me how not to be awkward. 




*⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* ) 



First chapter is here already~ LOL it's because I wrote out the whole thing before the actual foreword ^^;; 
This was just a boring intro, I'm excited for this fic because I absolutely love romance. So, maybe these chapters will come out faster, who knows? 
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think~  \(

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BeautifulNightmares #1
author-nim! please update! I wanna know what happens next!!!!
mssyella #2
The story seems interesting, please update soon^^
Donghae will be helping with... Threesomes...? WHAT. LOLOL.