

"Minkyung-ah! Wake up!" Michelle jerked the covers from the girl and fell backwards. She landed with a hard thud and

Minkyung mumbled nonsense and cuddled closer to her pillow.

"You've got to be kidding me.", Michelle hoisted herself up and ran into the small kitchen they had. 
She grabbed a bronze colored metal bowl and a silver spoon. Back in the bedroom she stopped by the door, looking at

the three sleeping girls.

"You've left me no choice." Michelle stood in between the two bunk beds and began banging the spoon against the

The girls immediately jumped up, confused at the sudden intrusion.
"We're under attack!" Jinhee shouted, "It's happening!" She climbed down the ladder and ran into their wardrobe.

Jenny got up and grabbed the bowl from Michelle, tossing it on to the bed.
Minkyung groaned, sitting up against the wall. "Well, no one would wake up! I had to do something!", Michelle defended

Jenny walked over to the closet and opened the door, "Jinhee, come out. We aren't under attack."
She stuck her head out, "Are you sure?", she asked.
"It was just Michelle, being a mean leader."
She put her hands on her hips, "HEY! We have to go downstairs soon and talk to Director Tae and the President, or

did you forget?"

Jenny yawned, "Of course we didn't, but we're just so tired!"
"It's your fault unnie, you're the one that agreed to sneak out last night."
Last night... Michelle found herself smiling at what had happened between her and Barom. "Just get dressed please.",

she said softly and took the dishes back to the kitchen.

All of them were in the practice room once again. Michelle sat against the wall, constantly checking her phone to see if

Barom would contact her. Nothing yet, maybe it was just some bet...
Director Tae entered and everyone stood up right away, lining up side to side in the center of the room. 
"Okay, good morning everyone!", he smiled, "I'm going to bring you up in groups, and you'll get your news!"
Michelle's mind was elsewhere when he began calling names.
"Michelle!", she blinked and saw Jenny standing in front of her.
"What? I miss something?", she looked around. The other girls face palmed, "They called us up!" Jinhee looped her

arms with hers and began walking towards the door. 
On the elevator ride up the girls were shaking with excitement, wondering what news they would receive. It never

occurred to Michelle that there were seven of them going at once. Every trainee and current artist in Yedang knew that

if Michelle were to be part of a group, she would be crowned leader. No one ever doubted it.

As they entered they all bowed when their CEO stood up.
"Morning girls.", he nodded at them, "I know you are very excited."
Michelle focused on what he was saying this time. "Well we have been discussing for a while now and I think we should

let you know who we plan to debut..."

It was so quiet, only the sound of the clock ticking could be heard.
"Now, the directors decided on a five member group set to debut in about five months.", he moved to sit in his chair,

"And the five that we've chosen are Yoonmi, Semi, Jinhee, Jenny and your leader will be Michelle."
Michelle looked to her left and saw Minkyung's head lower as he finished the announcement. "If you five wish to

continue with the process then later in the day we'll have another meeting and discuss the final decisions." The girls all

nodded, some with watery eyes. "We'd actually like to talk to a few of you. Minkyung, Jungmi, and Yejin please stay the

rest of you may leave."
The second they walked out the girls that didn't make it let their tears fall and broke down. Michelle, Jinhee, and Jenny

were still in shock that Minkyung wasn't chosen to debut with them. They had grown attached to the girl the second

they had met her. 
The other two girls, Yoonmi and Semi, stood awkwardly next to them. Sniffing from the others

stopped for a few seconds. 

"Congratulations guys.", they smiled through the tears, "You're going to be amazing!"
They each gave them a hug and moved towards the elevator.
The three of them stayed put though, wanting to see Minkyung. After another ten minutes or so they walked out of

the office with the other two congratulating them. 

Minkyung smiled sadly, "I'm so proud of you guys.", her eyes began to water. "Please don't cry!", Jinhee wiped her

eyes, "Cause th-then I'll cry."

"I'm the one that c-cries first!", Jenny covered her face. 
Michelle brought them in for a hug, "And I'm the biggest cry baby here!", she whined.
In the middle of the hallway they held each other, not wanting to face the fact that they wouldn't be together anymore.

"It's fine, it's fine.", Minkyung sniffed.

"What he tell you?", Michelle asked.
"They're proposing that we transfer companies. They think that the one they've chosen is better suited for us."
"Where are they moving you to?"
"WM entertainment.", Minkyung bit her lip, "I said yes."
Jenny giggled, "Are you plotting your evil plan to win Gongchan's heart?"
Minkyung lightly slapped her arm, "No! I wouldn't do that, but...I took it and I'm going to start all over again.", she

chucked weakly.

They patted her back, "I'm just not ready yet and that's okay."
"Can we at least go eat together before you important people have to sign your contracts?", she smiled.
"Of course! Let's go!" With arms linked they began to walk towards the elevator.
As they waited for the doors to open Michelle heard her name being called out.
Barom stood a few feet away, hands in his pockets. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. "Uhm, I'll catch up to

you guys.", Michelle took a step back.

They took a quick look at Barom and nodded, "Okay we'll meet you downstairs."
As the elevator doors shut she walked up to him. 
"I heard you made it.", he spoke up first. 
She nodded, "Yeah...Minkyung didn't though."
Barom took her into another hallway, opening one of the vocal practice rooms. So that no one would be able to see

them talking. 
"Look, about last night...", he began, "You were right, we can't. It's against the rules and...thank you for not punching

me in the face or kicking me in the balls."

Michelle chuckled, "Hey." Barom looked down at her, his brown eyes boring into hers. She brushed his bangs back

lightly and kissed him. Barom smiled and brought her closer to him. 
They both sat side by side on the couch, her head leaning on his shoulder.
"It that this can't happen.", Michelle sighed. He held onto her hand and frowned. "Not right now anyways...", he

said, wanting lighten up the mood.

"They never really gave us a dating ban, but...", he leaned his head on hers, "I know for a fact they wouldn't allow this."
Michelle gulped, "I heard that ours is four years."
Before he could whine about how old he would be by then, they both felt Michelle's phone vibrate. She immediately

stood up, "Oh my gosh they've been waiting for me!"

They both stood up and he hugged her tightly once more.
"Can you promise me something?", he asked.
"Hm?", Michelle looked up at him.
"In four years, when you and the other girls are at the top of the charts and have all the fanboys and male idols saying

you're their ideal type...Please give me a chance, as a matter of fact, I should be the first in line."

She laughed, "Promise."
Barom nodded, feeling a little better about the situation, "You shouldn't keep them waiting any longer."
Hand on the door knob she kissed him one last time before opening it.
She smiled, "Bye Barom."
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Infinitely4k #1
Finally!! A story with my new obsession haha! It was a lovely fanfiction thank you ^^
What group is this? I've never heard of them what company are they in? What songs do they have? Are they a new group?
Anyways besides me not knowing anything this was incredubly cute I loved and also the OC's name is the same as my unnie's so that kinda makes me happy anyways I loved this it was cute and fluff filled and the promose at the end was cute. :)