Getting to know him

Wild Impulsive

Some weeks passed, and I was getting used to spend really long periods of time where I would play along with Zhou Mi, keep practising with my violin, playing the piano, reading down the huge tree, or climbing its branches.

I liked how peaceful and quiet this place was, and I started feeling comfortable.

Xiaomei would always pick us wherever she went to, she said it would be healthy for us to get out, and it would be of any use for me to get to know Taiwan a little bit more.

Most of the times it would be to the supermarket or the mall, we would help her put carrying the groceries or the things she bought.

And then Han Geng would sneak out again.

It was always like that, she would take us out, we'd buy stuff, then right after we had gotten out of the store she would realise Geng was missing, though both Zhou Mi and I would already know he actually sneaked out when we were in the store.

She would freak out and phone him. He would never answer, and eventually she'd give up and say "Oh well, he knows the way back to home, I guess"


That day it wasn't like that. I was so eagerly curious about what he did whenhe was away, so right when we arrived to the mall, I whispered to Zhou Mi in the ear

"Gege, I am going with Geng today, I want to know what he does when he's not with us"

Zhou Mi frowned

"So you're going with him?"

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone, not even him"

"He didn't invite you?"

"No, but please don't tell anyone"

Mi sighed.

"I want to go, too"

"No, you have to stay here or else Xiaomei will cry and faint"

Okay, that didn't sound as a good excuse, but he had to stay with her. He basically was Xiaomei's favourite of of the three of us.

Hangeng was a rebellious teenager who basically did what he pleased, I was a weird kid who basically talked to no one and couldn't get along with otyher people; then you have Mi, he was kind and warm-hearted with everyone, he told his parents he loved them, and hugged them a lot, he was all smiles, obedient, and loved his cousin and little didi a lot.

But, honestly, she cared about us a whole lot.

"Okay, but...can I go next time?"

I wasn't even sure if there was going to be a next time, but I nodded.

"Yes, I promise"

"Okay, then."


The time arrived, Han Geng was slowly getting away from us, and I noticed, so I whispered again to Mi

"Gege, I think it's time"


Geng quickly ran away, an Zhou Mi let go of my hand and tried to distract Xiaomei.

"Mom! Look at this shirt! It's really pretty!"

Then I ran as fast as I could, trying to reach for Geng, he was a few meters away, but the he stopped running, he turned around to see if anyone was following him, not noticing me, and got into a clothing store.

I followed him. He was just standing there, looking at the things that were being sold, so I walked quickly towards him and pulled his hand.

"Geng-gege" I said, trying to sound calm. I didn't want to be noticed. He turned his head and saw me, eyes like plates, and his jaw dropped. He obviously seemed worried.

"Henry! What are you doing here?" he almost screamed, then covered his mouth, realising he almost gave out a yell "Why did you follow me? Is Xiaomei near? Why are you here?"

"I was curious about what you did when you were away, I wanted to be with you" I answered to his questions simply. 

"Does Xiaomei knows where are you?"


"God, this kid..." he murmured "Just, wait here, I am going to tell xiaomei you are here with me, and she will pick you up"

"No, I want to be with you, gege"

"Don't call me like that!" He smiled "Not even Mi talks me liked that!"

True, but Zhou Mi was his cousin, and tachnically speaking, he was more like a big brother figure to me. And to Zhou Mi he was just his cousin, okay, we both saw him as our big brother, though Mi would never call him gege, don't know why.

"But, I like to call you like that! And I don't want to go with Xiaomei! I want to accompany you!"

"But you hate trying out new things! You'll feel uncomfortable!"

"Yes, but, I want to know! Pleeeeaaaassssse!"

It was time to put in practice what Zhou Mi thaught me one time I asked him what were those weird poses he made whenever he told Xiaomei he liked this or that one thing. He called it the way to make someone give in and give you what you wanted.


"God, Henry, please don't pout like that" he said "It looks goodon Zhou Mi but yours is emotionless" Okay, so it was an utter fail...I guess I'll tell Zhou Mi his way of getting things from other people later.

"Then, let me be with you for this time, just...for this time okay?" I asked, trying to sound as kind as possible "Or else I'll keep pouting and like that"

He thought about it for a second. And breathed heavily.

"Okay, but just don't get into troubles,okay?"



We went first to a lot of different stores in the mall. He bought me clothes "So that Xiaomei won't recognize you " so he bought me a hoodie and told me to keep it up in my head that until we got out of the mall

e also bought a lot of clothes to himself, but he didn't change the outfit he was wearing. We had hamburgers for lunch, and somwhere near 3 PM, we got out of the mall and grabbed the bus.

"Henry, you should know I like dancing very much" he started "But, the problem is, that, well, I really want to become a professional dancer, and my parents wouldn't allow me to do so"


"They kind of think I am the heir of their bussiness, but I don't like it...but the again, they won't allow me to do the thing I like the most, I want to be an entertainer, and my uncle, of course, would agree with everything my dad said even if it's totally crazy and wrong, and, well, there in Beijing I can't sneak out and have dance practices with my friends, since I am always surrounded by my bodyguard, but, well, here in Taiwan I can perfeclty do so, but I just can't tell anyone what I am doing. Mi somehow knows, but he's too oblivious to even notice that what I am doing is being disapproved by the whole family."

" one really knows?"

He shook his head "You and Mi were perhaps the only one who would ever knew, but not really, I don't think I would had been able to tell anyone"

"So, where are we heading to?"

"Some dance studio, its name is 'Freestyle Taiwan Crew' we are gong to dance a lot, Henry"

"To some classes? We are going to attend dancing classes?" He laughed

"Yes, Henry, but don't worry, nobody's going to make fun of your awkward movements" he said, mocking me "All of them are really nice people, I assure you"

" I having those classes as well?"

"We're not gonna be back until night, you'll get bored...or else I can just phone Xiaomei and tell her you're with me an she'll pick you up"

"No! Okay, I'll dance with you...I guess"


The ride didn't last long, but we didn't talk a lot either. I just stared at the window.

As we got more into the city, I started worrying about Mi and Xiaomei. She'd be biting her nails in despair because her child was lost...and Zhou Mi would be starting to freak out because he couldn't hide the truth to her mom, of course.

Geng's phone rang, it was a text. He picked it up and read it, chuckling

"Your mom knows you're with me, don't worry. Zhou Mi told her. She is really upset, she thinks I forced you with me"



We arrived to the dance studio. It was a tall building, the studio ocuppied the last three floors, out the 12 the building had.

Geng would usually use the stairway, but he had a little asthmathic child with him so

he decided to take the elevator with me.

I saw a lot of people of different ages, there were even people of my age! But Geng made sure to have me always by his side, so other children who were curious about me didn't had a chance to talk to me.

He led me to the bathroom, and lend me a bag of clothes.

"Here, change your clothes, you'll be more comfortable using these."

I changed the outfit I was wearing for some loose pants and a loose shirt, got out from the bathroom, and Geng, walked me to the room we were using to dance.

Someone approached us and starting to chat eagerly with Geng in chinese. It was a thin guy and his tall friend, both of them teenagers. They asked him a couple of things, and then did they notice me. The pointed at me and asked something, again.

The thin guy approached me and told me something. I just stood still, startled. He seemed confuse and asked me the same thing again. I just blurted out in  a quick and coy english "I am sorry, I can't speak mandarin" and the guy nodded, ashamed. "No, it's okay" I heard him say.

He told them I was his little cousin, from the United Kingdom, and couldn't understand a word of chinese.

The tall boy came next, and asked me gently:

"Hello, my name is Siwon. Choi Siwon. I am korean, I can't fully comprehend chinese either, so you are not alone, what is your name?"

A korean in Taiwan? Well, perhaps he was just on vacation. I didn't talk back, anyway.

The guyseemed to notice how uneasy I was feeling, so he grabbed the thin guy by the shoulder.

"This is my friend, his name is Cho Kyuhyun, he is also korean,and also has problems speaking in chinese, I tell you, it's okay to not understand english isn't that good either...what is your name?"

Their accent wasn't like Geng's. The kind of dropped the final letters.

"Come on, tell them your name" Geng said, patting my shoulder.

" name is Henry, Henry Lau...I am not british. I am canadian, but I am currently living in the UK"

"Nice to meet you, Henry"

The other boy just smiled and waved to me, he didn't talk at all. He couldn't be just a teenager! He more or less apparented Mi's age!

Geng apologised for me, saying I didn't talk a lot, and had some problems getting along with people. He also said I wanted to accompany him this time around, but wouldn't dance a lot.

"Alright guys!" said Siwon, clapping his hands, in english "Let's get going!"

All of the guys around entered the room. Geng grabbed my hand.

"Henry, let's get in!"


The guys I met that day were all bubbly and funny. Though I only talked to Siwon at first, because Kyuhyun would just say two or three words.

"Don't worry about him, he does talk a lot, but he just is a bit nervous" Geng told me.

I just sat in a chair in the corner, watching them dance. They danced to western music, and they danced really good, they were all sincronized and they made it seem very easy.

It turns put all of them except Geng were korean, in some sort of a trip together. They were five in total: Geng, Siwon, Kyuhyun, a tiny boy named Ryeowook, a really funny one, Hyukjae, and this cool one, Sungmin.

About an hour after the practise started, a guy around thirteen years old arrived, covere in sweat. He bowed a lot of times and said something really quick, Geng sort of reprimanded him and he bowed again, apolgetic.

He soon joined the group, and he was really a good dancer.

About three or four hours later, they all soon got all tired, and took a break. It was then when the boy who arrived noticed me, he smiled widely and waved.

He soon approached to me and asked something, receiving a response from Siwon, who told him something, perhaps he told him I couldn't get a word of what he said or something.

So he switched languages.

"Hey, so you're Hankyung-hyung's little cousin? Nice to meet you, my name is Lee Donghae, who are you?" What was he saying? Who is Hankyung? What is a hyung?

"Um, who is Hankyung? and why did you call him 'hyung'?"

The boy smiled

"Um, I meant Han Geng, is Han Geng your cousin?"

"Um, not really, but he is very close to me...he is more like a big brother to me"

"What is your name, then?"

"Eh...Henry Lau"

He reached my hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Henli" Henli? It's not Henli, it's HenRy! Perhaps he had some problems pronouncing it, it would be quite rude if I corrected him, so i decided to let him call me like that.

The he smiled again and left, the break was over, so he had to go back and practise.

I am so sorry I kind of made you guys wait a lot. They just met and we already are in the sixth chapter. I am so sorry. Also, I am just going to feature suju-M mrmbers since adding the rest of the boys would be quite tiring and difficult, hope you understand it ^^ And, although I do not reply, I appreaciate all the comments and subsroptions this thing has received so far! It keeps me going! <3
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Henry finally travels to Taiwan, but Xiaomei arrives late!


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lau_29 #1
Chapter 2: Oh... just wanna cry with TT.TT
lau_29 #2
Chapter 1: Smart n so innocent at the same time hahahahaha
YAY!! DONGHAE SHOWED UP! lolol I was getting sad waiting for him OTL I'm happy to see the story starting to progress a little faster :DD

Hmm...I wonder what will happen now that they've met. It was a much less anti-climactic meeting than I thought xD Then again, maybe I was just expecting a lot. This story is slower, I'll admit, but it's not a bad slow ^^ It feels like its building up to something crazier (hopefully >< <3 )
Maaan last chapter I thought we were on the verge of meeting Donghae D; lol oh well :) I really hope next chapter we'll get to see him!
Please update :))) I really like this story and henhae is so rare on AFF!

Ooooh is the boy going to be donghae? I hope so, iT would be dramatic haha