The First Day and Him...

Random Happenings

Sooji's POV

After introductions, Kevin and I took our seats. There were only three seats in the second to last row in front of Eli, one all the way in the back left corner, and one right smack front and center. I hesitated on deciding...I didn't exactly want to be taken away from my best friend and I definitely didn't want to sit near Eli. Being in close proximity with him made my stomach queasy. Kevin made the choice for me by sitting in the front. He's a good, smart student that would do well there...I guess I could've been there too, but like I said, I was hesitating. Definitely gonna try to stay away from good. That's what he is. No good...!

"Are you planning on taking your seat yet, Ms. Kim?" said my new homeroom teacher. I turned and scowled at him then hurried to take the open seat in the back...before I could get there though, another student rushed into the classroom, bowed, said good morning to the teacher, and sat in the seat I was about to take. She looked up to me and apologized, "Mianhe Unnie, this is my seat. I was a little late this morning, so I aplogize for the inconvenience. I'm Soyoung, btw."

"Soyoung-ah. Nice of you to join us, but can we finish with the introductions. Sooji, go sit next to Hoon. It's the only seat open anyways," he continued to speak cynically. Does this guy hate teaching that much?? I sighed.

man. I don't normally curse, but today is definitely not going the way I had hoped! I quickly walked over to the desk in front of Eli, which, I guess was next to...Hoon? and planted my for certain this time.

"Good! Now, don't think about moving around because these will be your seats for the rest of the year!" exclaimed the teacher.

Now way...I sighed and looked over at Hoon...his head was laying on the desk just like Eli's had been early...I turned back to look at Eli and found him sleeping again. My goodness, what is with this side of the room and sleeping?? Does the teacher not notice? Or does he really not care?? Aigoo! I faced front only to realize that the teacher had already begun the lesson. I don't even think the teacher told us his name...I guess we'll learn it sooner or later...

The first couple of classes went well. I breezed through all the subjects, Math, Science, even English (I mean, I am a foreigner). Since the classes were easy enough (and since Eli managed to sleep through each one uninterrupted), I had time to ponder about why this Eli person was able to affect me so much when I hadn't even met him properly.

The bell rang and lunch time came. We all headed to the cafeteria, where everyone seemed to already have their particular group of friends that they'd found. Kevin and I got there in time to snatch a table. We sat across from each other and took out our homemade lunches that our chefs had prepared for us.

"Oppa~" I said, looking at Kevin.


"I just realized something..."

"And what is it that you just realized Sooji-ah?"

"Oppa...what are we going to do about food?"

"What do you mean? Our food gets made everyday by our-" and he froze, thinking about it.

"We live on our own oppa..."

"We could always ask a chef to come over and cook for us!"

"What happened to living like normal kids!"

"Normal kids don't normally live on their own, now do they?" he retorted.

"I guess not..." I pouted playfully, only because I was truthfully messing with him. I knew how to cook. My mother taught me, but I don't think I ever told him that. I watched as his face changed expressions while he tried to come up with a solution. I couldn't help it anymore. I had to laugh. So I did.

"What's so funny Sooji-ah??"

"Your face!" I continued laughing. I poked him in the chest and told him, "Oppa! I can cook! Pabo. I'll make us lunch every day! It'll be yummy!" Instead of being upset, he smiled, "Chincha??" Aish...just too pretty. I hope he doesn't get bullied here.

"Ne!" I giggled excitedly. Suddenly, a figure sat next to me. I stopped laughing and looked over to find...the girl that took my seat this morning! Or...I guess, took back her seat...? What was her name again? Soyoung? What did she want??

"Annyeonghaseyo," she said, bowing to us, "I'd like to formally introduce myself. My name is Moon Soyoung. Would it be alright if I ate lunch with you?" She looked at us hopefully. I grimaced and looked at Kevin for an answer, he looked back to me with a response. I sighed and turned back to her and nodded reluctantly. And here we go again: Introduction time, "Annyeong Soyoung-ah. My name is Kim Sooji."

"And I'm Woo Sunghyun," he said timidly, "but you can call me Kevin," he added. I think that's becoming a habit...

"Annyeong~!" She smiled cheerfully. Aish...I guess she isn't so bad. She's pretty cute, but is she even Korean? She must be! But, her hair is blonde...I guess I can ask...

"So, what brings you to our table?" spoke a quiet voice across from me. I looked at Kevin curiously. He normally doesn't talk so openly with people he's just met.

"Ah! Well, I wanted to apologize to you unnie," she said facing me.

"What for? You apologized this morning."

"I know, but I'd like to apologize again, since I was selfish. I didn't want to sit in front of Eli..."

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name..."And what's so bad about sitting near Eli?" I asked uncertainly.

"Well, for starters, he's my cousin and he's part of the taewondo club. He's actually the club president, since he's the best. There's no one that can match him! I know that sounds cool and all, but most people stear clear of him because of his unpleasant demeanor and because they fear that he'll beat them up! Even I'm afraid! Surprisingly, he does have friends. They are also members of the taewondo club. That group consists of Soohyun, Hoon, and Kiseop, who are all in our class. As well as Dongho...he's the youngest of the bunch. He has a different schedule from the rest, so he's in the other freshman class. He's so cute that I can't even begin to understand why he joined taewondo. Maybe Eli forced him! But that doesn't even make sense! Hmm..."

See, no good.

"So he's a bully? Good to know. I'll try my best to stay away from him. Unfortunately I can't change seats, but I don't have to talk to him."

"Mianhe unnie."

"It's fine. Nothing I can't handle."

After that, lunch went by nicely. Kevin opened up easily and we all ate our meals. We joked and laughed and got to know more about Soyoung. In turn, she learned about us, for the most part. We kept secret the fact that we come from a high class family. No need to be telling anyone that.

The bell rang once again and it was time to head into class. Our next subject? Independent study. Expected something epic like PE? Well, that comes after.

Kevin, Soyoung, and I walked into the class and took our seats. Our teacher had begun to explain what we could and could not do during independent study. Most people didn't seem to be listening and neither was I, because as soon as I sat down, I heard a voice behind me begin to speak.

"Who's the new girl?" he whispered to, I assumed, Soohyun.

"Don't you remember? She came in this morning and introduced herself as well as that pretty boy in the front over there," he whispered back.

"Of course I don't remember. I was sleeping. Pabo."

"Ow! Don't be hitting your hyung. Sheesh. And why do you even care who she is? You never take an interest in anyone new. You didn't even flinch when you heard that your cousin was transferring here."

"My cousin is here?"

Oh my god. You've got to be kidding me. What kind of idiot is he?

"Um, excuse me miss," I heard a bothered voice say as I felt my back being poked by the eraser end of a pencil, "did you just say something to me?" I turned to face him. (Luckily the teacher had finished talking and everyone was going about their business.)

"I didn't say anything," I responded calmly. I was determined to not let him control my emotions the way he had this morning.

"Really now? Cuz I think I just heard you call me an idiot. Am I wrong?"

And without thinking, "I didn't say that! I just thought it!" is what escaped my mouth. I froze. Did that really just come out of my mouth?? I don't normally act like this. What's going to happen now? AISH!

Okay, so like...this chapter is finished...I'm honestly not sure what to think of it even entertaining...?

If it's least this is!

And this...

OMFG WHAT! MWOYA?! <- my reaction to this video...not saying i didn't love it, i totally did! I'm just...i need to know (see) more... *///*

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Hey this is a really good story! :) lol I just had to point that out.
Please update soon~