
Love is in the Air

Key dragged himself tiredly out of the plane.

The pilot had already left, with the words: “You’re the co-pilot, it’s your job to make sure that everything in here is in the right place.” It had been a lie, and Key knew it, in all his time as a co-pilot (which wasn’t that long admittedly), he had never needed to do this. But he didn’t say anything, he was too tired.


In anticipation of a good nap, Key entered the building. Maybe there would be enough free space in the lounge to lie down for a bit after getting the instructions for his new flight – hopefully he would have a few hours to himself.


The visit to the office was partly satisfying.

Key’s next flight would already be in two hours, a bit too soon for his taste. But it would be to Paris, which meant that maybe he could sleep a bit during the 12 hours.

He didn’t know who exactly he would be flying with, though. Well, the other’s name was Kim, but honestly, how many Kims lived in Korea? Hell, he himself was a Kim!


Luck was on his side, the lounge was almost empty; it was 10 p.m. after all.

After getting some energy drinks and snacks (healthy ones of course), Key decided to eat where he could watch the planes. Even after so many flights as a co-pilot, he never got tired watching them. They were so beautiful.

He was so tired, his eyes kept attempting to fall shut and his feet seemed to have a problem with parting with the floor. The prospect of lying down was so tempting…

Key rounded a corner and suddenly he saw something that made his entire spirit come back. There, on the spot on the long bench Key preferably used sat someone who seemed achingly familiar. Key couldn’t see his face but the hair – bleached in three different shades of blonde – was enough to make his stomach feel like there were millions of butterflies in it.

“Jj- Jjong?” He asked, just loud enough for the other to hear.

The other man’s head snapped up – and Key’s tray crashed onto the floor. Those big brown eyes. The sharp, defined jaw line. Those big, uneven nostrils… it really was his Jjong, his Puppysaurus, his boyfriend.

“Key?” The elder asked unbelievingly before a wide grin appeared on his face and he stood up. “Key~!”

“Jjong!” Key exclaimed loudly and, ignoring the tray on the floor, threw himself into the shorter man’s arms.

Taken by surprise, Jonghyun tried to catch him but couldn’t help but stumble backwards, so that they landed on the soft bench in a mess of limbs, Key lying on top of Jonghyun.

“Hola, are you happy to see me, yeobo?” The elder asked chuckling and patted Key’s back with the only hand he could use at the moment. The other hand was crushed by Key.

“Yes” the younger sniffed.

“Omo, are you crying?” Jonghyun asked worriedly and attempted to prop himself up. But Key held him down by burying his face into the elder’s neck.

“No, I’m not.” He snapped half-heartedly. He couldn’t fool his boyfriend though.

“Princess, you’re shaking and I can feel a certain wetness there where your eyes are. What’s the matter?” Jonghyun obviously tried to sound composed and cool but this time it was Key who wasn’t fooled.

“Oh come on Puppysaurus.” Key looked up and grinned despite the tear that glistened in his eyes. “Don’t act like you’re all cool right now. I can see that your eyes are red.”

Jonghyun blushed. “Ok… Ok! I feel a bit, just a tiny bit, like crying too. Happy now? After all, the last time we saw each other was two months ago.”

Key nodded and added: “And I thought I had to wait another month to see you again.” He smiled a wavering smile and couldn’t help but let a single tear of joy slide down his cheek. Jonghyun wiped it away gently with his thumb.

“Don’t worry, I’m here now.” He said softly and hoisted himself up until he sat normally on the bench with Key’s head in his lap. “Where did you come from?” He asked while absentmindedly caressing the younger’s face.

Key was torn: He wanted to close his eyes and relax like he had intended to. But he also didn’t want to stop seeing his boyfriend’s handsome face. Eventually he let his eyes flutter shut – the elder’s hand was just too comforting.

“From Daegu.” He mumbled sleepily. “And you?”

“Sapporo, it was freezing there!” Jonghyun replied. “When do you have to leave again?”

“What time is it?”

“Wait… it’s half past ten.”

Key yawned, then said: “I have one hour, my next flight is at midnight.”

“Ah, ok. I’ll wake you up, just sleep a bit. You’re tired, aren’t you?”

“Mhm…. But Jjong, aren’t I too heavy? And when is your next flight?”

“Don’t worry, I’m perfectly comfortable. I have one hour, just like you.”

Key felt Jonghyun shift underneath him, then there was a light, soft pressure on his lips. “I love you.” The elder whispered, Key could feel his warm breath on his face.

“I love you too, dino.” He whispered back before he drifted off to sleep.


“Princess, you need to wake up~ yeobo, come on, we have to leave.”

The low and gentle voice slowly pulled Key out of his peaceful nap, making him warm all over his body. Long, soft fingers his hair and caressed his face. Key smiled – but on the other hand he wanted to cry. He didn’t want to part, he didn’t want to have to wait a whole month to see Jonghyun again.

“Key, I don’t want to leave either but think about all the passengers. They’re tired as well and I personally hate upsetting passengers.”

Sighing, Key opened his eyes and the smile he had lost immediately came back. There he was, his Puppysaurus, smiling at him affectionately and looking as handsome as ever.

“Good morning.” He greeted, still smiling and reached up to touch Jonghyun’s perfect face. The latter chuckled in return.

“It’s halt past eleven at night and you say good morning.” He mumbled to himself. “Did you sleep well?”

“Perfectly well.” Key replied and snuggled closer to his boyfriend.

“I’m glad.” There was a short silence then Jonghyun suddenly asked huskily: “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in uniform?”

Key immediately sat up straight and looked at the elder with narrowed eyes.

“You don’t plan on doing something, do you?” He asked suspiciously – he knew fully well how his boyfriend could be at times and he remembered clearly certain encounters in the airport-bathroom-stalls which always resulted in a stinging pain in Key’s spine and very crumpled clothes.

“I would never…” Jonghyun started but then grinned. “Oh, well, yes, I would. But not now, we have to go. I have a surprise for you.”

Key nodded curiously and stood up, biting his lower lip. He wouldn’t cry – not in front of Jonghyun again at least. Instead, he pulled him into a lip-bruising, passionate kiss. He poured all his love into it, all his longing, as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. He felt Jonghyun’s  hand roaming over his body, thankfully leaving the most sensitive parts out – it would be hard for both of them to control themselves if the touching became too much.

When they pulled away, both of them were panting. Their hands were interwined and their lips slightly swollen.

“Why do we have to live in different cities?” Key asked wistfully, once again cursing the fact that he had to find love in the cold, impersonal halls of the airport and in the air.

He would never regret falling in love with his Puppysaurus though.

“Don’t think about that yeobo, let’s go to the gate, it’s a quarter to midnight already.” Jonghyun replied, placed one last kiss on Key’s lips and lead him out of the lounge. They picked Key’s forgotten tray up on the way and stuffed everything in their pockets.


It didn’t take long to get to Key’s gate (although Key wanted it to take an eternity). The lady behind the counter where the passengers already checked in sent them angry glances and tapped discreetly, accusingly on her watch.

With a deep sigh, Key turned around to say good-bye.

“Aish, I hate that woman. So, Jjong, which is your next flight?” He asked, trying to prolong the moment.

“It’s the flight to Paris at midnight. My co-pilot’s name is Kim.” The expecting grin that spread across the Puppysaurus’ face was unbelievably wide.

Key stared at him with an open mouth and wide eyes; he desperately tried to process the new information – it took a bit longer than usual. But when he understood, he gasped, whirled around and fled to the exit the staff used to get to the plane.

He couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t needed to suffer all this fear of leaving Jonghyun again. The lump in his throat that had formed at the thought of saying good-bye was unnecessary.

Key wasn’t angry at Jonghyun, of course not, he understood that the elder had wanted to surprise him. But he needed to get away from the curious passengers and that insufferable stewardess. The joy he felt was just too much to let out in front of them. Jonghyun would have to make up for it later.

“Yeobo, wait! Are you upset? Please don’t be angry with me princess, I wanted to-” Jonghyun called behind him when he was about to enter the plane. Key smiled – this was a side of his lover he absolutely adored: It seemed like, that in Jonghyun’s eyes, Key could do nothing wrong. Jonghyun always blamed himself. That was why Key could never even pretend to be angry with him.

He turned around, still smiling and looked at his boyfriend who panted from his sprint to Key.

“Don’t worry, I’m not upset. I’m never upset with you.” Key said and reached out to grab Jonghyun’s hand.  

They entered the cockpit hand in hand, purposefully avoiding the curious looks they received from some passengers and staff members. Jonghyun sat down on the pilot’s seat. Key, as the co-pilot, was next to him.

After they made themselves comfortable with the machines, they started talking. They talked about everything that had happened to them during the time they hadn’t seen each other – things they hadn’t written in those numerous text messages.

Eventually, Jonghyun laid his hand on Key’s shoulder, silencing him gently with a kiss and looked into his eyes before saying: “Now about the surprise~”

Key frowned. “I thought the surprise is that we’re flying together, isn’t it?”

In response, Jonghyun grinned widely, almost smugly. “Well, that’s only a part of it… Do you like Paris?”

“Huh? Yeah, the airport staff is really nice and the halls are very clean and~”

“No yeobo” he was interrupted. “Not the airport. I mean the city Paris.” Jonghyun chuckled.

“I don’t know, I’ve never been there.” Key was confused (and tired).

“Well, what would you think about three days in a hotel there, just for us?” The elder’s smile got even wider when he saw Key’s expression.

This time, it didn’t take long for him to understand. In fact, Key understood immediately but couldn’t believe it at first. For the second time in ten minutes, he stared at his boyfriend, at a loss for words.

Jonghyun raised an eyebrow as his smile slowly faded. “You don’t like it?” He asked sadly.

Key awoke from his shock and squealed loudly – so loud that his boyfriend quickly covered his ear to prevent any damage.

“Like it?!” He screamed. “I love it!!” With two hands he grabbed Jonghyun’s face and pulled it to him so that he could plant a passionate kiss on those addicting lips. Jonghyun immediately responded, making them melt into each other for a while until they had to pull away to catch their breath.

“How did you do that?” The younger panted while interwining his fingers with Jonghyun’s.

“Well, I waited until your lips parted so that my tongue could~ Ouch!” Key had smacked him. “Ok, ok. Do you remember that steward, Choi Minho?” He got a nod in return. “And that other steward, Lee Taemin?”

“Omo, don’t tell me…”

“Yes! I organized a long flight for the two after talking with Minho – from Santiago de Chile to Seoul and as far as I know, it worked. And because they said they owed me I called Taemin while you were sleeping and he promised to talk to his cousin. His cousin is Lee Jinki. You know who he is!”

“Yeah, of course, he’s our supervisor~” Key cut himself off when realization hit him. “Ah, I understand. Clever puppy.”

Jonghyun winked in return and started to say something but a voice interrupted him.

“Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim, are you ready?” It asked. Jonghyun replied: “Yes, we are.” Then, in a lower voice: “I love it, when they say ‘Mr. Kim’ twice – it feels like we’re already married, don’t you think?”

Key blushed. “You’re an idiot, Jjong.”

“Yep, but as long as I’m your idiot it’s ok. So come on, let’s get us to Paris, I can’t wait the hotel room and~”



First of all: Remember, this is fiction. I have absolutely no idea how things work for pilots. Still, I hope you liked it at least a bit. I had fun writing it :)

I simply love them n_n

Thank you all for reading it, especially those of you who subscribed to the foreword <3

P.S.: Please comment, please, I need a feedback to this.

Hii. Editor animelover here. This took a bit longer to edit than I thought since I didn't have a computer all day. But it's edited now ^^ I thought this was a pretty cute oneshot and I hope all of you think so too. That is a really big picture of Key in his catch me if you can uniform, it's just...unf. And isn't that one of the best jongkey gif sets ever? I've seen it on tumblr and fangirled over it for like 10 minutes. Can anyone tell me what song they were singing? One last thing, feel free to point out any mistakes I didn't catch in the comments, actually that would be really appreciated.

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Third fanfic of the day! Just like the first and the second, kawaii-desu! I love their characters in this one! c: Especially Jonghyuns, hurr hurr. He's so cute, and Key too! I also love the fact that Jjong calls his yeobo princess xD
I like it ~ I like it ~ I love JongKey *.*
susumiya08 #3
awwww wanted them to go and live together,not jus three days

so cute~~~
and that pic of key
monsterheartbreaker #5
love it!!!!!~
Awesome ch..luv it..hope to see squeal. ^^
*squeals* that was soooo cute! I just... can't.. no words after the wonderfulness that was this one-shot ^.^
Omo! That was so cute :) jjong is such a sweet boyfriend
Gaw, this was the cutest thing ever *_*

Jjong's such a hopeless romantic xD
cute :)
and aren't I is correct lol