Deja Vu

The Path to You
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  Yesung's breath caught in his chest as he stared at the approaching car. His limbs were frozen, but his mind raced frantically and he could only think of one word; Kyuhyun. Tires screeched with a sickening sound and Yesung stumbled backwards onto the sidewalk. The smell of burnt rubber lingered in the air and the driver blasted his horn while hurling obscenities out the window. Yesung didn't process a single word the stranger had said, all he could think about was Kyuhyun. He clasped a hand over his racing heart and gasped for air as his legs gave out. Floating black spots clouded his vision and he wondered if this was what a heart attack felt like. He laid back onto the cold concrete as he tried to calm his hysterically beating heart. His strength was fading and his body refused to obey him. Yesung cursed his own stupidity as his eyes slowly drooped closed; he wanted to call Kyuhyun, but his world faded to black.    - - -   Yesung found himself back in the subway station, standing in the exact same spot as before when he was trying to decide which train to take. What the hell just happened? Yesung rubbed his temples, he felt a headache coming on, he was probably imagining things due to lack of sleep. He made a mental note to never agree to doing a closing and opening shift back to back ever again. The number seven train pulled up right in front of him; he usually took the thirteen back home, but the seven would get him there with a transfer and Yesung just wanted to get home as soon as possible. He hopped onto the number seven train and braced himself against the railing as he watched the sliding doors close with a lazy yawn.    His eyes were slowly drooping closed when a bright orange shirt caught his attention. “K
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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: ?????. An ending is desperately needed..........!!!
teddiebears #2
going through some older fics and showing love <3
404 streak #3
Chapter 3: I want the ending~~~ T____T
Chapter 1: "Dont run away to somehwere zi cant follow" OMG the feeeeels
Chapter 3: It's actually a lot more cofusing than the first chappie! God! I don't want my Yesungie to be ghost!!! O_O No no no no noooo, plz no! He must join his Kyunie! Wanna see them together!!!!!! >.<
I feel like crying now ¡Sobs* :'(
Please my Sungie, be okay!!!!! :(
Looking forward the next, I wanna understand all this! '^^ thanks a lot for the update sweety! <3
*Huuuuug you so tight*
Fighting!!!!! ^^
lahdeedah000 #6
Chapter 3: OMG I'm so glad you finally updated this! Yes, this was confusing, but I can't wait for more already to explain it. :)
Chapter 3: omg.....i love this XD total fan of kyu and yesung kekeke~ im kinda lost...but im sure u will explain later^^
LalaLucky #8
Chapter 2: Wait for it....wait for it....
I really love this story T-T
Especially since there is a sweet and bratty Kyuhyun in it! \(//∇//)\
Update soon?
nuuuu i dont want yeye to be hurt D: