
The Path to You
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Yesung found himself at the subway station alone, staring at the signboards, trying to decide which train he wanted to board. He had no destination today, he had nowhere to go, he just knew he wanted to go somewhere, anywhere but where he was at the moment. His cellphone buzzed and vibrated in his back jean pocket, he fished it out to see two missed calls and five text messages – all from Kyuhyun. He turned his phone off and tucked it back into his pocket. He had three choices: go home, go to school, or go back to work. None of which seemed appealing. His life just droned on in a meaningless cycle, then he'd wake up and just do it all over again. Yesung closed his eyes and just wished he could get away from it all.

A train had come to a halt on the platform before him once he opened his eyes, it was the number thirteen, the train that he usually rode home. He sighed to himself, “Might as well go home now, Kyu will be waiting.” It wasn't that he didn't like his roommate, on the contrary, he liked Kyuhyun a lot; sometimes he just felt like he couldn't keep up with Kyuhyun. Even though Kyuhyun didn't seem to do much other than eat, sleep, and play video games; he had a better grip on his life. Kyuhyun had a plan, Kyuhyun was confident, Kyuhyun knew what he was going to do after college. Yesung paled in comparison and in the back of his mind, he was always worried; worried that one day Kyuhyun would leave him behind. But rather than think about it, he chose to avoid it and his roommate. He figured the less he saw of Kyuhyun, the less chance they would have to talk about the future, and they less they talked about it, the less chance there was for the future to change. But in the end, what was eating Yesung up inside, was the fact that there never seemed to be any change.   The doors of the number thirteen train slid open and beckoned to him, Come on home, but he was frozen stiff. He would have to go home and face Kyuhyun, but how long could they really go on like this? How long could they live together as friends and roommates? Just two more years of college left and Yesung hadn't even decided on his major yet, he kept changing his mind. While Yesung made up for lost time and credits, Kyuhyun would graduate and be long gone. His vision blurred and he began to hyperventilate, he needed to get aw
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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: ?????. An ending is desperately needed..........!!!
teddiebears #2
going through some older fics and showing love <3
410 streak #3
Chapter 3: I want the ending~~~ T____T
Chapter 1: "Dont run away to somehwere zi cant follow" OMG the feeeeels
Chapter 3: It's actually a lot more cofusing than the first chappie! God! I don't want my Yesungie to be ghost!!! O_O No no no no noooo, plz no! He must join his Kyunie! Wanna see them together!!!!!! >.<
I feel like crying now ¡Sobs* :'(
Please my Sungie, be okay!!!!! :(
Looking forward the next, I wanna understand all this! '^^ thanks a lot for the update sweety! <3
*Huuuuug you so tight*
Fighting!!!!! ^^
lahdeedah000 #6
Chapter 3: OMG I'm so glad you finally updated this! Yes, this was confusing, but I can't wait for more already to explain it. :)
Chapter 3: omg.....i love this XD total fan of kyu and yesung kekeke~ im kinda lost...but im sure u will explain later^^
LalaLucky #8
Chapter 2: Wait for it....wait for it....
I really love this story T-T
Especially since there is a sweet and bratty Kyuhyun in it! \(//∇//)\
Update soon?
nuuuu i dont want yeye to be hurt D: