While You Were Sleeping

The Path to You
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Kyuhyun found Yesung asleep on one of the oversized black leather chairs in the campus library. He was in a sitting position, hands folded in his lap and his head lolled over to one side. Kyuhyun gently brushed away the long layers of hair that fell over Yesung's face and he could see exhaustion etched into the corners of his hyung's mouth, his heart broke a little at that moment. Finals week had been hard on everyone and Yesung had to work as well in order to pay for his tuition. They were assigned as roommates by chance and Kyuhyun was fortunate enough to never have to worry about money, so he offered to pay for all of the living expenses, but Yesung never accepted help – he was stubborn. Kyuhyun wished the older student would just accept his good intentions every now and then instead of working himself to the bone. Yesung hadn't returned to their apartment for several days and had been sleeping on campus instead. Kyuhyun was kind of upset by this fact, he was used to seeing his roommate everyday, maybe Yesung was avoiding him.   Kyuhyun slipped into the large armchair and wrapped his arms around Yesung, letting his chin rest in the crook of Yesung's neck.    "I missed you..." Kyuhyun sighed and whispered into the brunette's ear, “Hyung, I think I'm in love with you.”   He watched Yesung for several heartbeats, willing his hyung to wake up. Yesung was usually a light sleeper, but there was no reaction this time.   "What are you dreaming of?" Kyu
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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: ?????. An ending is desperately needed..........!!!
teddiebears #2
going through some older fics and showing love <3
409 streak #3
Chapter 3: I want the ending~~~ T____T
Chapter 1: "Dont run away to somehwere zi cant follow" OMG the feeeeels
Chapter 3: It's actually a lot more cofusing than the first chappie! God! I don't want my Yesungie to be ghost!!! O_O No no no no noooo, plz no! He must join his Kyunie! Wanna see them together!!!!!! >.<
I feel like crying now ¡Sobs* :'(
Please my Sungie, be okay!!!!! :(
Looking forward the next, I wanna understand all this! '^^ thanks a lot for the update sweety! <3
*Huuuuug you so tight*
Fighting!!!!! ^^
lahdeedah000 #6
Chapter 3: OMG I'm so glad you finally updated this! Yes, this was confusing, but I can't wait for more already to explain it. :)
Chapter 3: omg.....i love this XD total fan of kyu and yesung kekeke~ im kinda lost...but im sure u will explain later^^
LalaLucky #8
Chapter 2: Wait for it....wait for it....
I really love this story T-T
Especially since there is a sweet and bratty Kyuhyun in it! \(//∇//)\
Update soon?
nuuuu i dont want yeye to be hurt D: