Y.O.U (Part 6) Final

Does That Answer Your Question Part Six


It was the perfect blend, the exact mixture needed to set stars ablaze in heaven.
These were the emotions, feelings, and the hum of a connection that was sealed in a wave of tumultuous events.
Does That Answer Your Question (Y.O.U) Part 6
“So, why don’t you try to explain, what it is you feel for me,” I asked the most beautiful man next to me.
His face grew serious and concentrated in thoughts, “I can’t explain exactly what I feel, I mean, I have know you since freshman’s in college, back when I was new, didn’t speak English, and had no friends,” he laughed out as if all of that was funny now.
“Now every one is your friend,” I stated.
He looked down at me, tightening the grip his arm had around my shoulders, “Maybe, but when I am with you the day passes like a minute, with others it feels as if time slows down when all I want it to do is speed it up so I can be with you again.”
I sniggered at his statement. I seriously forget how romantic YiXing can be sometimes, “And why are you always rushing to be by my side?”
“You might laugh harder, but honestly, I feel like the main character of a movie, its like I picture that I am about to film an action scene to come see you, and I have to battle all these people I call my friends that are surrounding me, and once I defeat them, I become a hero,” he ended looking up with his chest sticking out in a proud manner.
He was right, I did laugh, I had to stop walking to catch my breath.
“Maybe I shouldn’t let you out the house anymore to be with your friends,” I managed to squeeze out after catching my breath.
“You’re laughing, but I am serious, you’re perfect to me, sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you, fighting, crying, and hugging, if this is love then I made a great decision to make you mines,” leant down and pecked my lips making me mute.
He was mine.
“Besides,” he straightened up again, looking proud, “All the guys in the world are jealous of me,” I looked at him with questioning eyes, wondering where this cockiness came from. 
He stole some slide glances from me before straightened his back again, “They have to be jealous of me because I have you. Even after the sun goes down, I sleep by your side, and when the moon goes down, I awake by your side, it will never change, I am the guy you can trust, you will find that out.”
I wrapped my arms around his waist not wanting to let go. He was mine, only mine, “I love you,” I whispered.
I was beginning to feel emotional because of his words, I know he cared about me greatly, but I always insist that he explain how he feels and when he does, he constantly say the right words.
He stopped me from walking by putting both of his hands on my shoulders making me face him.
Looking directly into his eyes, they told me everything he spoke was the truth, “I will trust, protect you and comfort you, I will be by your side for eternity, I will never leave you, I promised it as your friend, and I vowed it as your husband, didn’t I?”
I shook my head agreeing with him, “I love you,” he said kissing me. 
“I Love you!” he said louder grabbing my hand.
“I LOVE you!” he practically shouted this time.
“YiXing,” I scolded at his loud voice.
“What? Is wrong to tell this planet that I LOVE YOU!” he yelled, smiling at my mortified face.
“You know what, I think you are wrong,” I said causing him to look down at me with a confused face, “I think all the girls are jealous of me, after all, I do have you,” I smiled at him, once again wrapping my arms around his waste and looking up to him.
He laughed before looking down at me, “this whole planet is jealous, huh?”
I just stared into his face, that beautiful face I fell in love with, “let’s go home,” we reached for each others hand.
“I thought you wanted to go out to eat,” he said.
I smiled to myself, an idea forming in my head, “I have something better to snack on at home.”
It was the perfect blend, the exact mixture needed to set stars ablaze in heaven.
These were the emotions, feelings, and the hum of a connection that was sealed in a wave of tumultuous events.
After four years of knowing each other, someone finally got enough courage to tell the other how they felt.
Even though the events that happened after were turbulent, chaotic, disorderly, and nearly unmanageable, what was happening now made up for it all.
The blending was like warm milk and hot chocolate, smoldering pass each other in waves of heat.
The five senses gifted to humans were not nearly enough to describe, to formulate, to express, their expression of love.
The sounds, the taste, the smell, the look, and the touch of the two souls tangled together was enough to make them both go crazy with a rekindled passion previously expressed only moments ago.
Warmth…warmth was all I felt surrounding me blindingly. It was like a continuous burning in my heart. It blocked out all other senses that were not trained on the man that seemed to glide so effortlessly above me. Even my brain seemed to have lost years of trained vocabulary because the only word I seemed to know and remember was ‘YiXing’.
I laugh at myself in these situations that I never imagined only felt.
“Nothing can stop me from loving you,” he whispered in my ear so gentle and lovingly before moving lower to brush his lips against my neck, goose bumps filled my body, I loved when he talked to me like that.
I grabbed his head, raising it above my face so I could look him in the eyes while I ran my fingers through his hair, removing wet pieces from his forehead before smiling the happiest smile I have ever felt my face contort into.
“Now that this is on my finger,” I started, wriggling the shiny object in front of his face causing him to grab and kiss my hand, “I wouldn’t want you to stop,” I laughed out teasingly.
A glint lit in his eyes, seductively, “then let’s not,” he said before closing the space between our two bodies again.
I laughed again, “Lay, I am hungry,” I whined out, stopping him from his ministrations.
He pouted his lips, “You said you had a better snack at home,” he reminded me of my words earlier.
I giggled at his naivety, “I already had that snack,” I said sitting up, causing him to rise with me.
“And what was that?” he pouted out, wrapping his arms around my bare form.
“You,” I smirked at him.


A/N: …and it’s over! OVER I TELL YOU!!! This was the last and final part, I truly hope you guys enjoyed this final oneshot. 
And for those who kept up with the series of oneshots from the beginning, I hope that these oneshots have cleared up anything that you were missing from the original.
Haven’t read the original or the other parts?
Check them out…and COMMENT!!!
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Chapter 1: That ending was adorable! The secret to excellent writing is descriptive adjectives - you are a master.
--oreos #2
omg i love lay!
Chapter 1: Ahhh all the oneshots are soooo good! Haha it's such a nice and cute story~
jopm93 #4
Chapter 1: oh well...here's my comment AGAIN xD I love this serie of your's! The fact that they're life weren't all happy go lucky is awesome because it makes they're story more realistic :) but in the end they're love brings them together again ^^
Chapter 1: Omg! All these feels. ;_____;
I loved all of this.
You did such a good job!
Adorable. My feelings....
Gosh!!! This whole series was so adorable. TuT
I had to finish all of it before going on with my "life."
I loved it. :) I'm just sad that it ended. T^T

I also loved your song conversations!! The "Y.O.U" one I picked up right away, and squealed (omygah, I'm so dumb, right?).
Milchfrau #9
Thank you so much for this! It was a-a-awesome!
deniseloveskey #10
It was so great! It's good that you added more things into it. :)
Great job!