
Our Intertwined Red Thread

She sat in front of the vanity mirror and starred at her reflection. Her skin was flawlessly pale, her hair was done in a beautiful curly bun, and her makeup was done to compliment her already pretty face. A diamond necklace was hanging from her neck to her elegant wedding dress.

It was her wedding day already.

She wasn’t alone at the room; her bridesmaids who were mostly her close relatives were filling the place with their chatters. However, she couldn’t bring herself to smile despite the utmost effort of her bridesmaids. It had been two months already since she brutally ended her relationship with him yet she hadn’t been able to remove him out of her mind.

It was probably karma since she had probably scarred the poor guy for life.

She smiled longingly at the thought of him. She wondered how he was doing.

“You’re pretty in your wedding dress.”

A deep familiar voice brought her out of her reverie. She looked at the mirror to see her fiancé was reflected on it, leaning to the door frame. He was using a handsomely made black suit that contrasted his pale skin and dirty blonde hair.

One of her bridesmaid shrieked at the sight of him and quickly pushed him out of the door.

“You’re not supposed to see the bride until the ceremony, Oppa!” She scolded him while pouting angrily.

He laughed at her cousin aggression. “Soojung, how do a dozen of ‘Sweet Mary’ cupcakes sound?” He tried to bribe her.

The long haired teen shook her pretty head while still pushing him out of the door frame. “I don’t accept less than three dozen, Oppa! There are too many bridesmaids here!”

The other bridesmaids giggled at their antics. Soojung was always friendly with everyone but Kris was exceptionally close with her.

He pretended to think for a while before giving his last offer. “Two dozens or no deal at all. If you don’t realize yet, I’d love to remind you that you won’t be able to get me out of the door anyway.”

Soojung’s eyes widened; she almost lost her favorite cupcakes. She hurriedly took the deal. “Deal. Now Joohyun-unnie is all yours.” She shook his hand and left the room in a hurry. He smiled before clearing his throat.

“Ladies, could I have a private moment with my bride for a while?”

The other bridesmaids giggled at his request. However, they complied with it and left the room. The maid of honor, Yoona, hit him playfully on the arm. “You can have all the time you want after you said your vows; can’t you keep your hands to yourself a little bit more?” She winked suggestively.

He only chuckled. “Mind your own business, girl.”

Yoona stuck out her tongue before she closed the door behind her.

“Your bridesmaids are very lively, eh?” he asked her as he inched closer to her. However, she didn’t buy his friendliness.

“Cut the crap, Gege. What do you want?”

Kris wasn’t surprised with her hostility; she had always been like that since that time: when she broke up with him.

He rolled his eyes.

“I want you to smile at the wedding. It will be bad for the media if my bride was scowling during the whole thing.” He ordered her monotonously. He was always like that, only caring about his damn image. However, she reminded herself to get used to it since she need to live with him for only God knows how long.

“I’m a good actress, Kris. You had known me long enough to know it.”

He nodded in assurance. “Glad to hear that.”

A silence blanketed them before he decided to break it.

“He is doing alright.”

She immediately turned at her fiancé.

“Who?” she asked him even when she knew who he was talking about.

He rolled his eyes again.

“Your boy toy, who else?”

She winced and scolded him.

“He is not a boy or a toy, Kris. He has a name.”

“Yeah.” He agreed absentmindedly while fishing out his phone from his inner pocket.

He unlocked his smart phone and browse through it before he handed it to her.

She took it and her eyes were widened in surprised.

She saw many paparazzi styled photo of Jongin. There are pictures of him in the cafeteria, hanging out with his friends, and even sitting in the coffee shop. He wasn’t smiling in most of the pictures but when he did it was a genuine one. She smiled at the photograph. She was relieved to see his wide smile.

“Why…” she didn’t manage to finish voicing out her question as Kris cut her off by snatching his phone from her.

“I’m not as ruthless as you might have thought, Joohyun. There is a reason why I—unlike you—never mess with the pure ones.”

She glared at him; he had just accused her of messing with the feeling of innocence people. However, it was somewhat true as she realized that all her past boyfriends were the really kind ones.

“Well I don’t like to dirty myself with red light impurity, thank you very much.” She bit back at him. He laughed and ruffled her already styled hair like he always did when they were young before leaving for the door.

“See you at the altar.”



I see that the majority of you have immense hatred toward Kris for how he acted during the 3rd chapter and most possibly also in the final chapter since I didn't alter his character much. In this chapter, I didn't try to change him or anything either; I just want to show you all a side of him that I wasn't able to show during his brief play in the main arch.

I didn't mean to make this chapter as a way to redeem the love for Kris because he is always loved anyway. :P

So here you go. Please tell me how you think about it. ^^


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wrotedearly #1
Chapter 7: I'm crying. oh god, i just love to read this fanfic. oh gosh, somehow i felt sorry with seohyun condition, she might be rich and can get everything yet she couldn't get her love. and poor kai, he must be heartbroken. i can't say anything about kris since his character.... i don't know. :/ can't wait for sequel and how i wish seokai will be together.
Chapter 4: I just read the whole chapter now!
Like seriously? Why am I too lazy before.
Anyway..I just hope it'll be SeoKai till the end, but, oh well.
This fanfic is beautifully written.
Chapter 4: soooo saaadddd....
Seohyun...u're so pure
great story
seomate_sone #4
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please make another Seokai........
Why I finished reading this in one go.
Not much of a Seokai shipper, but then, the story is captivating.
Well written! ^^
I'm moving on to le sequel~ I want Seokris. =3
Heh. :D
I really didn't like the seokai pairing at first cause I thought it was awkward. But as I read on, I fell in love. Such a beautiful story :) now I'm going to go read the sequel lols
cant wait...!!i'll be waiting..
okay i'll be patiently waiting! ERRR! but yeah thanks for this :)
ei author-nim sorry if imma be going to be a little demanding reader here again, but seriously we readersneed some sequel for this!