Chapter Three~ The Setting Stones of Chance

Fix Me, Break Me, Leave Me

Donghae stood against the wall outside Jongwoon's classroom, he'd actually found it quite easily, despite the confusing buildings and map. He tapped his foot, humming his current favourite song whilst he waited for his friend. The door opened and people filed out of the room, eventually Jongwoon emerged smiling, behind him came Ryeowook and Henry. He knew them through Jongwoon and he liked them, he was happy that Jongwoon had friends in his class, but he was still surprised at seeing them there.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" He asked, smiling at them as they approached.

"Ah it's a long story" Ryeowook explained.

"Oh okay, fair enough. Well, I'm glad you're here anyway" Donghae said, his voice was friendly.

"He said that too" Henry laughed, pointing to Jongwoon.

They headed downstairs to the cafeteria. Jongwoon, Ryeowook and Henry found a table whilst Donghae went to get them all coffee. The three noticed him watching a blonde boy, whilst waiting to pay. They then witnessed him drop his money all over the floor when the boy seemed to ask him if he was part of the queue. 


"Donghae right?" The blonde boy asked as he leant down to help Donghae with his money.

"Y-yeah, that's me.. Uh, you don't have to help pick this up, it's my fault for being so clumsy" Donghae said, cursing himself in his head.

"No it's okay, I don't mind helping. My name's Hyukjae" The other boy insisted.

"Yeah I know" Donghae smiled, pointing to Hyukjae's still visible name tag, not admitting that he would have known it whether he was wearing the name tag or not.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to take it off. Oh well" He replied, shrugging.

Hyukjae handed him the money he'd picked up and Donghae felt flutters of butterflies as their skin touched.

"Well, I'll see you in a bit for our next class then" Hyukjae said, his hands now in his pockets.

"Yeah, sure, see you then" Donghae replied, waving a little too enthusiastically. 

He mentally cringed at what had just happened as he paid for the coffee's before wading his way through the tables to his friends. 

"I thought I was supposed to be the clumsy one" Jongwoon declared, as he sat down.

The other two were attempting to hold in their laughter.

"Oh shut up, I dropped my money, so what?" Donghae blushed.

"What about all that stumbling over your words? You're not usually one to have that problem" Henry decided to give his input too.

"What? Stumbling over my words? I wasn't?" Donghae insisted.

"Aww does Donghae have a crush?" Henry carried on, cooing, in a sing-song voice.

"What? No, I don't even know the guy and he's definitely not my type" Donghae assured calmly.

The others shrugged losing interest in the topic, but Donghae's eyes hovered for a few seconds to where Hyukjae was sitting with a few friends.  

"So how was your first lesson?" Donghae asked, turning to Jongwoon.

"It was boring, just really boring" Henry interrupted before Jongwoon could even open his mouth.

"He asked him, not you" Ryeowook said, feeling slightly like Henry's mother for telling him off all the time.

"It was fine, Henry's right actually, it was kind of boring. You know how first days are.. What about yours?" Jongwoon agreed.

"Yeah, mine was the same" Donghae said, staring into his coffee cup to hide his blushing cheeks.

Donghae was open about liking guys to his friends, Jongwoon and almost everyone he knew had been very accepting of the fact, so he'd never had any reason to hide it. Usually he wasn't that bothered by the guys that he met, but this time it felt different. Hyukjae made him nervous and when Donghae was nervous, he was unpredictable. 


Jongwoon sat back in his chair, scanning the rest of the cafeteria, taking in the vast variety of people around him. There were girls chatting and giggling, boisterous boys watching them in groups and students huddled over textbooks, which Jongwoon found a little strange, giving that it was only the first day, but that thought soon left his mind when he noticed a boy smiling and waving at him at a table across the room. After a few seconds, he realized that it was Leeteuk, the boy he had met earlier in the day. He waved back, grinning, then his eyes diverted to the boy sat next to Leeteuk. It was 'Spoilt Rich Guy' - as Henry had nicknamed him - who'd bragged earlier in class about his car that he couldn't even drive. 

The boy didn't pay attention to Jongwoon for even a second, instead choosing to carry on with whatever conversation he and Leeteuk had previously been having. Jongwoon wondered why someone as friendly as Leeteuk would want to be friends with someone like that, but then Ryeowook's words echoed in his mind about not judging someone before you knew them and he did his best to forget his first impression of the other boy. He turned back to the others.

"Made a friend already?" Donghae asked, looking in the direction of where Leeteuk was sitting.

Jongwoon nodded,

"Kind of. He helped me when some idiot gave me the wrong directions" He replied, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Are you sure you didn't just get lost?" Henry asked quickly.

"No, I'm pretty sure that wasn't it Henry. This guy purposely got me lost, apparently he's quite known for this kind of thing" Jongwoon explained.

Donghae sighed.

"I guess you can't escape people like that no matter where you go" He said sadly.

"Speak of the devil and he shall come"  A voice called from behind them.

They all looked up in confusion, stood there was the very topic of their conversation.

Jongwoon rolled his eyes and shuffled in his seat a little.

"Hello again" Heechul smiled.

"Is this the one?" Donghae whispered, leaning towards Jongwoon, who nodded in response.

"Oh, you've been talking about me a lot I see!" Heechul smirked.

"What do you want Kim Heechul?" Jongwoon asked tiredly. 

Heechul was surprised for a second, but he didn't let it show. 

"Oh, nothing, just to see my new friend, that's all" He answered casually.

"He isn't your friend!" Donghae piped up.

Heechul snorted,

"I didn't know he needed a spokesperson. Look, I was only being friendly. Never mind" He said, flicking his hair as he walked away, his friends who had been waiting a few meters away, following swiftly behind. 

They had gotten to the end of the corridor when one of Heechul's posse spoke.

"How does he know your full name?" 

Heechul grinned,

"Firstly, the whole school knows my name. Stupid question. Secondly, you remember earlier when I said I'd lost my wallet?" He questioned.

His friends shuddered, remembering the tantrum he'd had about it, before nodding.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be very lost after all, he's got it" He explained, eyes sparkling as he spoke.

His friend looked at him in confusion.

"Aren't you going to get it back then?" 

Heechul shook his head,

"Not yet.. But I will" 

"How?" His friend asked, still confused.

"He'll bring it to me" Heechul said simply.

"How are you so sure he will?" His friend inquired further.

Heechul sighed,

"Look, he just will. I know his type.. I give him a few days before he's approaching me, apologizing" 




A/N: I'm SO sorry about how slow I am updating this story.. There's a few personal reasons why, but I'll try my best to be more regular updating. I'm really thankful for everyone who's subscribed, even though my writing is mediocre at best and I'm really thankful for you all being patient with the storyline and it developing XD Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read. I promise to do better  :D Also, I'm quite curious as to whether anyone has any predictions for the story so far? :P 

P.S- This is SUPERRR short I know, sorrrrry 








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will update this week :)


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390 streak #1
Chapter 3: no next chapter button? I'm sad T^T
Chapter 3: I really like the sound of this story so far; though I know it has been a long while since it's been updated unfortunately.
But I will keep my subscription to it in hopes that some day it might get an update. <3
The friendship between Donghae and Ye is so precious; and I would love to see how Kyu and Ye end up meeting. ^^
Great job on this so far, even if it is unfinished!
LalaLucky #3
Chapter 3: Update soon please? I'm curious what'll happen next!
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 3: Angel eteuk as always and donghae stuttering is so so cute ><
Chapter 3: HAHA My Chulie is so full of himself, like usually! :D This is my Diva! *o* xDDD I just hope that he will really be friend with my Yesungie and even protect him :p
Oh well, what happen to my KyuSung here, Kyunie is ignoring a beauty like Sungie?!!!!! O.o how come? >.< aww stop it already and focus on him xD Yaaaah! But of course I wanna see your evil side :p
And Hae, cutie! You are falling deeply in love with that blonde, aww I supose that my EunHae are coming first! :o
Can't wait for the next! :D FIGHTING SWEETY! <3
Chapter 3: No kyusung moment yet?? But that's okay^^
Lol heechul, so evil!
And eunhaee, one of my fav otp :D
Update soon~~
Waaah this is cool. I like the sound of this being a long fic with lots of developments. Please update soon!!
i see a snob!kyu here.... oh dear... xD
KcuLL22 #9
Ouh, I really hope there's a slight of siwon here ;)