Of Forehead kisses and Late-night Escapades

Sibling Rivalry


Yoona woke up, slightly disoriented. As she tried to sit up, the terrible pain in her ribcage brought back memories from the day before. She fell back down on the bed, whimpering slightly. Groping the bed blindly as she tried to look for Seohyun, she felt disappointed when she didn’t find her. She wanted to give her a good morning kiss.

The doe-eyed girl craned her neck, letting her chin fall all the way to her chest, as she curiously lifted her pajama shirt. She gasped slightly when she saw the black bruises on her upper abdomen. Letting her head fall back into the pillows, she sighed.

“Wow…” She whispered to herself. “Now I know why Hyunnie cried last night when she saw them…” It was just then that she noticed she wasn’t gasping for air anymore; the nurse had been right. Bracing herself for the pain, she pressed her hands tightly into the mattress for support as she sat down. “Ouch…” She whimpered, shutting her eyes tightly. She could even feel tears pooling her eyes. It became clear to her that the painkillers had lost their effect. Just as she was about to call the maknae, there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” She called. Yoona was exceptionally happy to see Seohyun, clad in her school uniform, holding a tray with food. It smelled great.

“Good morning, Yoongie!” Seohyun said excitedly. Seeing her made Yoona smile; she looked way better than the night before. “I wanted to make you breakfast before I go to school. I hope you like it.” She added, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed and placing the tray on Yoona’s lap. Yoona looked at her lovingly, bringing one of her hands towards Seohyun’s face, her cheek. Seohyun’s skin felt like a baby’s. The maknae placed her hand over Yoona’s.

“I’m sure it’s good. And if it isn’t, I’ll just pretend it is.” Yoona joked, earning a playful pout from Seohyun. As Yoona slowly started to dig in (too slowly for her shikshin self), the maknae just watched her bring spoonful’s of the healthy breakfast up to , taking breaks after gulping it down.

“Do you want me to feed you, Yoongie?” Seohyun asked. The doe-eyed girl frowned and nodded.

“I think it would be the best thing to do. Every time I lift my arm, my chest kind of hurts.” Yoona explained. Seohyun scooted closer to her and took the plate with the blueberry buttermilk pancakes and resumed Yoona’s previous doing.

“You haven’t taken your medication, maybe when you do you’ll be able to move more freely. Seulong just brought it, I asked him to stay but since you were asleep, he said he’d come by later.” Yoona nodded, a solemn expression never leaving her face. “What’s wrong, Yoongie?” Seohyun asked, dropping the fork in her hand to caress the side of Yoona’s face lovingly. The slightly older girl turned her head towards the soothing touch of her Seobaby.

“I feel like I’m being some kind of burden.” The doe-eyed girl whispered. “You’ll get tired of me by the end of the day.” She finished. She intentionally didn’t mention that she was nervous about both her appa and mostly Chansung coming home. Seohyun shook her head, patting Yoona’s cheek.

“Don’t say that. I’m happy to be taking care of you. I did it once for… Chansung, when he got into that fight at the bad, so why wouldn’t I do it for you? Especially since you took all those blows for the two of us.” Seohyun reassured, feeding Yoona again. The doe-eyed girl noticed the hesitation in which Seohyun said her brother’s name.

“Then I’ll enjoy it fully. After all, I’ve always wanted a nurse all to myself.” Yoona flirted with a mischievous smile. Seohyun returned it.

“Then it’s your lucky day.” The maknae flirted back, happy that Yoona finished her breakfast. “How was it?” Yoona beamed a smile.

“It was awesome! Who would have thought something so healthy could taste that good.” Yoona commented. Seohyun smiled in self-praise.

“Maybe it will inspire you to eat healthier. You don’t know the damage you’re doing to your body by eating junk food.” The younger girl remarked playfully. Yoona gave her a look of pure adoration and love. She didn’t care about the pain as she brought her hand up to Seohyun’s cheek.

“You always take care of me. I’ll try to eat healthier just for you. No wonder why you always look gorgeous and radiant.” The doe-eyed girl lowered her voice as she complimented the blushing maknae.

“Someone’s very flirty today, isn’t she?” Seohyun pointed out, making them both laugh.

“Maybe it’s my meds. Or maybe I’ve just fallen more in love with you ever since what happened yesterday…” Yoona bit her lip. Seohyun smiled at Yoona’s words, even though thinking about the day before only brought angst on her.

“Talking about your meds, here they are. These are supposed to be even heavier than the ones they gave you at the hospital, so you’ll probably sleep until the afternoon. That’s good considering I have to go to school and you’ll be alone.” Seohyun said as she gave Yoona the prescribed painkillers and a glass with orange juice so she could swallow them down. The doe-eyed girl did as she was told, but she knew perfectly that Seohyun had only used that as an excuse to change the subject. “Sica-unnie wants to see you before we go to school, is that okay with you?”

“Yeah, why not?” Yoona asked absentmindedly. “Hyunnie… you did see the cops yesterday at the hospital, right?” The doe-eyed girl asked. The maknae nodded, avoiding eye contact. Yoona tilted her chin so that they were looking eye to eye.

“I did.”

“I told them off when I was signing out of the hospital. How do you feel about… not pressing charges?” Yoona whispered the last part. Seohyun stared at her like she had suddenly grown two heads.

“You don’t want to press charges? Why not?” The maknae asked, as calmly as she could. The idea was inconceivable to her. Although she had always been forgiving, she didn’t want to be around Chansung any longer; maybe some jail time would teach him a lesson.

“Because he was out of his mind when it all went down. Can’t you see how pity worthy he is?”

“Pity-worthy? He deliberately hurt you, Yoona, how is he pity-worthy?” Seohyun  reasoned, annoyance evident in her voice.

“It’s not exactly easy to grow up without anyone. I guess when he thought he had you, he didn’t feel so alone…” Yoona responded, partly feeling guilty over Chansung’s rampage. Seohyun sighed.

“All I know is that I don’t want him to hurts us. He did once and now you’re here, writhing in pain.”

“He’s still my brother, Hyunnie. Would you give him a second chance? Just for me?” Yoona asked, pouting. The maknae still looked skeptical. “Besides, I’m really okay since I’ve got you to take care of me.” Yoona added, putting her hand on the back of Seohyun’s neck to give her a reassuring kiss.

“Fine, but I honestly don’t think this will work out.” She whispered against Yoona’s lips as they slightly pulled away. Yoona nodded understandingly as she pulled Seohyun into a loose hug. The younger girl hid her face in Yoona’s shoulder. The doe-eyed girl just hoped she’d be able to prove Seohyun wrong, but she wasn’t sure either. Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking their little moment. Seohyun pulled away slowly, careful of not hurting Yoona.

“It must be Sica-unnie.” She whispered before getting up the bed to answer the door. A few minutes later, Seohyun came back inside followed by both the Ice Princess and Yuri. Yoona smiled secretly when she saw Yulsic’s linked hands.

“Yuri-unnie, Jessica-unnie!” Yoona greeted excitedly. Yuri sat down on the edge of the bed, examining Yoona.

“You don’t look so bad, from what Sica told me I was expecting you to have black eyes and be casted all over.” Yuri joked, earning a slap in the shoulder from Jessica’s and a mock glare from Yoona.

“You came all the way here just to tell me that? Leave now, please.” Yoona crossed her arms playfully and stuck her tongue out. All four girls laughed.

“I still can’t understand how that had the guts to hurt you!” Jessica said, furrowing her brows. Seohyun cringed at Jessica’s use of words as they all turned serious. The injured girl shook her head.

“It could have been worse if it hadn’t been for Hyunnie.” Yoona smiled at Seohyun sweetly. A collective ‘aww’ was heard in the room.

“How bad is it? Can we see?” Yuri asked. Yoona nodded her head started lifting her pajama shirt. As expected, a dolphin squeal left Jessica’s lips when she saw the horrendous black bruises. Yoona blushed and pulled her shirt back down. “Wow… that’s bad, Yoona.” Yuri said lowly, feeling sorry for her best friend.

“I don’t think it’s as bad as it looks, unnie.” Yoona said with a half-smile.

“You were really brave, Yoona. And you too, Seohyun.” Yuri said seriously. Then she made a mock crying face. “I’m such a proud, unnie.” She finished humorously, wiping a fake tear from her eye. The collective laughter helped release the tension, and both visitors decided to change subjects before Chansung could come up.

“Come on, Hyunnie, it’s getting late.” Hurried Jessica, taking Yuri’s hand and leading her out. “It was nice seeing you, Yoona. Take care of yourself while you’re alone.”

“I will, unnie. Thanks for coming.” She saw Seohyun was about to follow her two unnies out the door, so she whistled at her playfully. “Don’t leave me, Hyunnie! Well, at least say goodbye…” Yoona pouted.

“Babo!” Seohyun said with a giggle as she approached Yoona on the bed. “Do as Jessica-unnie said. Try not to get up, arasso?” The doe-eyed girl nodded like a child as she hugged Seohyun good-bye. The maknae pulled away and sweetly kissed Yoona’s forehead.

“Have a good day at school. I love you.” Yoona said, blushing. Seohyun blushed as well, surprised to have taken the first step.

“I love you too, Yoongie.” Seohyun said back, before finally going out the room, where both her unnies were waiting for her. They had peeked to see the sweet little farewell. As expected, they all the way to Gyeonsing High.

That same afternoon.

Due to the painkillers, Yoona had slept almost all through the morning. Before dozing off, she had showered herself quickly. Scrubbing herself and putting on daily clothes earned a lot of tears from her part. Seulong had visited her shortly, not only to check on her but also to give her big news that both Chansung and Mr. Im were going to be discharged. The thought of being in the same house with Chansung once again started to fall on Yoona. Seulong simply assured her it was all going to be okay and that he’d go and pick them both up at the hospital to bring them home. When she woke up for good, she noticed it was already 3:13 p.m., so she easily grew tired of being laid down. Painstakingly, she made her way out the room and sat down on the couch. The painkillers were helping, of course, but the feeling of being on her feet without anything to hold on to still felt uncomfortable. As much as Seohyun had asked her not to move out the bed, her choding-self forced her to. She turned the TV on, but her mind was elsewhere. She just wanted time to stop so that she didn’t have to face Chansung. Her gut feeling was kicking in, telling her things were going to get hard. It felt weird, since the night before, at the hospital, she so adamantly wanted to see him. Now it was like she wanted him to vanish or something.

Apparently, the sleepiness from the painkillers came back, sending her back to Morpheus’s arms. She didn’t even realize that she was falling asleep in an awkward position on the couch. The next thing she knew, a hand on her shoulder was shaking her out of the deep, dreamless sleep she had fallen into. As her eyes slowly fluttered open, the first thing she saw was Seulong’s face. She groaned as she sat up straight, the pain in her ribs catching up to her.

“You shouldn’t have gotten up the bed, if you had fallen or something…” She heard him scold, but barely even paid attention. The realization of why Seulong was there made her wake up instantly. She tugged on Seulong’s shirt, getting his attention.

“Are they here already?” She asked him, her eyes reflecting nothing but fear and anticipation. Seulong sighed.

“Yeah, I just brought them here. Appa is okay, but Chansung isn’t talking.” Yoona furrowed her brows and was about to ask Seulong to elaborate on that, but they heard slow footsteps approaching them. It was Mr. Im, already clad in sleeping clothes. He looked a little pale, but overall he seemed okay. Yoona smiled at him lightly and was about to get up to approach him, but he raised his hand to stop her.

“I see you’ve woken up. Don’t get up, the less you move your body, the better.” He said as he approached her, giving her forehead a kiss. It had been a long time since he had last shown affection to her, she noted. It felt different, but nice nonetheless.

“How do you feel?” She asked. Mr. Im made a vague gesture.

“I’m having a little headache right now, but it’s normal. I just wanted to check on you before I go to sleep. I take resting seriously, unlike you.” He said jokingly, making both her and Seulong giggle. Yoona wanted to ask him if he had at least crossed a few words with Chansung, but at the same time she didn’t want to bring up something that would make him worry.

“Alright. Goodnight, appa.” She said, squeezing his hand. He nodded and slowly made his way out the living room.

“Do you want me to help you go upstairs?” Seulong asked him. Yoona smiled to herself, thinking that her oldest brother and Mr. Im were really getting along like father and son.

“Aniya, I can do this.” He responded. “Goodnight, Seulong. Thank you for everything.”

“Great, now I know where you get your stubbornness from.” Seulong remarked once Mr. Im was out of earshot, and playfully poked Yoona’s nose.

“You almost say that like you’re not stubborn at all.” Yoona teased back, earning a chuckle from Seulong.

“I guess you’re right. Do you want me to help you go back into the room before I go?” Yoona shook her head.

“Aniya. I’m tired of lying on that bed.” Yoona argued when she saw Seulong scolding her with his dark eyes.

“Why do I even bother…?” He muttered to himself, before leaning down and kissing Yoona’s forehead. “Goodnight, then.” He whispered before bowing and leaving. What’s up with forehead kisses today? She thought to herself, shrugging. She turned the TV back on, but didn’t fail to hear footsteps down the stairs. Thinking it was her appa, she turned around slightly, but flinched back to the TV when she saw Chansung’s silhouette. Her whole body started trembling. She heard the older boy take more steps, but sighed in relief when she noticed he was going towards the kitchen instead of the living room. She held her breath as she listened to everything he did, to the point where she even knew he was eating his nightly bowl of cereal. She also heard when he put the empty bowl back in the sink as he finished. He started walking back to the stairs. Yoona sighed in relief, thinking she was out of danger, but then…

“I know you noticed me, Yoona. There’s no point in acting like you didn’t.” He said, even though his voice didn’t sound mad. In fact, he sounded… somber, somehow. “If you want to send me to jail, do it. I’m not stopping you.” He said firmly. Still, Yoona didn’t have the guts to turn to look at him.

“I won’t.” She said, just as firmly. She braced herself and turned her head to look at him. From what she could see of him due to the dim light coming from the TV, she definitely noticed he looked as somber as he sounded. His eyes looked empty.

“Then I promise I’ll stop being a burden to you soon enough. It’s what you wanted, isn’t it? To finally get rid of me.” He looked at her one last time as he said those words, before turning around in his heel and rapidly going upstairs. Yoona didn’t have the words or the time to answer him as he left. She pondered hard on what he said, but still failed to find sense to it. She decided to keep the positivism and think that his words were the promise of a better Chansung; one that didn’t hold that much grudges towards her or Mr. Im. She was still thinking hard on his words when she heard a thump and then a deaf sound coming from the side of the house. It was as if something had fallen right outside.

Worried that it might be a thief, she stood up and walked towards the window as fast as she could in her condition. She leaned on the window porch for support, handling the pain. She looked around but found nothing. As she looked towards the street, she saw the silhouette of a young man walking hurriedly. She didn’t even have to look too hard to know it was Chansung. And whatever he was going to do, she knew it meant trouble.


*Gasp* What is Chansung going to do now? You’ll have to read on to see what happens. Thanks for reading, and comments are appreciated :)

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Almost done with the epilogue, peeps!


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Chapter 40: This is really amazing. I'm glad i found this fic. I love every moments of YoonHyun, they are too sweet >.<
but seriously i have to give the commendation to the writer. You really did well hence the result is amazing :)
Chapter 30: In the penny for your thoughts part, Yoona's remarks are really hilarious haha. Always a choding ^.^
Chapter 3: ayyee this is a cute chapter hahaha Yong so gentle
Chapter 1: I'm back xD
And reading this again. God, I missed this story. This was one of my faves! :D
Chapter 40: Finally got the chance to read this story.
I have been wanting to do so for a long time now. And all i have to say is that i should have made time for this story a lot sooner. This is just wonderful. beautiful story. I LOVE it!!
Great job author-ssi.
Chapter 40: Omg I love this so much ;~; great job authornim!!!
Umji4life #7
Chapter 40: Nice end to the story. I can faint from the YoonHyun moments in this story, you know that? They're kissing in almost every chapter and their sweet words for each other, my YoonHyun feels haha. In the earlier chapters, I always felt like they were having an affair, sneaking around to see each other :p I'm happy Seohyun got better, and YoonHyun was accepted. It was also interesting to see how Chansung developed from shy to possessive to good guy.
Seriously though, this YoonHyun fic is one of the sweetest I've read in awhile. I'll be reading 'Just My Luck' soon :)
Umji4life #8
Chapter 9: I just read this story up to this chapter, and I'm loving it. What a complicated love story these characters have. YoonHyun love each other, but Yoona's with Fany and Seo with Chansung. Seo and fany are friends while Yoong and Chansung are half siblings. Woah.
Will comment again when I've gone further haha. Nice story!
Chapter 40: this is the best fanfic that i have read so far, and it's from yoonhyun coupLe .. Author your doing great .. Your such a good writer ,, i'm enjoying read it ..