[Short Drabble] Kyuhyun became a Kyuhae shipper

[Short Drabble] Kyuhyun became a Kyuhae shipper

“That is not acceptable, Kyu.” Siwon said solemnly the minute he hears the click of someone on the other line picking up the phone. 

“Well, hello, hyung.” Kyuhyun said dryly. 

“What’s with this hyung business?” Siwon’s voice raised a pitch. He is not pleased and the boy is not making things any easier. 

“What’s not acceptable?” Kyuhyun asks revealing his own annoyance. 

“What’s with hugging Hae on national tv?” Siwon sounds pissed off now. 

“It’s called skinship, hyung.” Kyuhyun replied, emphasizing on the last word out of spite. 

“So now you are a Kyuhae shipper?’ Siwon is out for revenge for spite himself. 

“Haven’t you heard? I am a pretty versatile shipping candidate.” Kyuhyun taunted unkindly. 

“But Hyukkie ~” Siwon toned down the venom in his voice. 

“Oh? So he was the one who ratted on me?” Kyuhyun sounds dangerously closed to being mad.

“No! No! I saw the clip on youtube…..Hyukkie looks so sad hugging himself. That’s all.” Siwon’s voice faltered weakly. 

“Jongwoon hyung took care of that, didn’t he?” Kyuhyun replied impatiently. 

“Bu-but….Hae looked like an unwilling victim when he grabbed him….”Siwon pouts unhappily. “It can’t be good for your image…” 

“What image, hyung?” Kyuhyun is dripping with sarcasm now. 


“You mean my image as Choi Siwon’s boytoy?” 

“You are not my boytoy!” Siwon bellowed from the other end of the line. 

“Then what do you call what we have between us?” 

“It’s…it’s love.” Siwon splutters with indignation. What’s wrong with that boy today? All snark and needles.

“I never knew.” Kyuhyun laughed but it sounded anything but jovial. “The infamous gentleman, Choi Siwon, shows his love by running away in the middle of the night after having .” 

“Kyu ~” 

“Let me tell you something, I am not some cheap one night stands! Not even a note! You just upped and left, disappeared without a trace, even manager-hyung did not know where you disappeared too till we got the official memo.” Again, the sarcastic emphasis on the last two words. 

Siwon sighed. “Look, it was a last minute thing. My dad called, I had to go.” 

“Oh yeah, I bet you are so busy you can’t even call or text me for a minute.” Kyuhyun jeered. 

“I was….busy.” 

“Sure, sure, but not too busy now to call me and rile about some stupid skinship.” 

Revelation slapped Siwon in the face. “You did that on purpose!” He accused. 

“Don’t be too full of yourself.” Kyuhyun chided coldly. 

“You did that to get me to call!” Siwon cheers loudly. Kyuhyun cluck his tongue in annoyance but chose not to say anything. 

“I miss you, baby.” Siwon coos softly into Kyuhyun’s ear. “I’m sorry I am such a bastard but I will make it up to you when I return.” 

“How?” Curiosity creeping into Kyuhyun’s voice. 

“We’ll start with the most expensive dinner in town and go on from there.” Siwon replied, his tone of voice suggestive. 

“On my terms.” Kyuhyun states demandingly. 

“On your terms.” Siwon agrees. 

Kyuhyun smiled at last and Siwon could almost feel it in the silence that descended upon them. 


“Yes, babe?” 

“I miss you too.”

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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Lovely... I love WonKyu so much..
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 1: please continue!
Chapter 1: /sighs dreamily
Chapter 1: are they talking about the From You video? kkk~
this is so cute. i sometimes do this, making someone jealous.. ^^
Hana_Amuri #5
Yay!! Behind every action there is Wonkyu~~~
My friend showed me the clip and the both of us (I'm Wonkyu shipper, she is Eunhae shipper) were lightly confused, but now everything is clear^^
hayarahma #6
Yeayy wonkyu^^
freakadellic #7
stupid horse. kyu had to do that just to get a phonecall?! tsk... bad wonnie...
awww.. the last part is effin cute!!
heartbabykyu #9
Thank you! Thank you! :)
And now that Siwon is back and Kyuhyun is looking exhausted....guess they had the dinner and after dinner activites XD