
I Remember
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  We knew as soon as pulled up in front of Niel's school campus gates that something was wrong, namely the dark van with the tinted windows that was lerking nearby.    "That's the car that was outside your place," Yongguk hissed with frustration. He didn't stop and drove past the school, trying to not draw attention to his own car.    "We can't just abandon my brother," I yelled, freaking out again. "Yongguk, what are you-"   "Shhh," Yongguk interrupted, not turning to look at me. "We're not leaving Daniel, don't worry."   He drove about two blocks from the school, and then pulled over to a side street.    "What are you doing?" I asked.    "Making the car a little less traceable." Yongguk grabbed a small toolbox from his trunk, and started to remove his license plate.   I watched him, and took out my phone to call Niel.    "Turn it off," Yongguk told me, climbing back into the car. "I think this whole thing is bigger than anything you or I had imagined, and they could easily be tracking your calls."   I bit my lip, but listened to him.    My poor brother, just coming out of soccer practice. Just the thought of those guys getting to him first was making me shudder.    "Niel takes this route home, right?" Yongguk asked, glancing around at the road. I nodded, and Yongguk started the car again. "We'll just have to be quick."   Yongguk had hid the car around a corner, and we waited with baited breath with the car on idle. Less than five minutes later, Niel rounded the corner, headphones in and tossing a soccer ball around casually in his hands.    "They've got to be following him," Yongguk explained, looking around. "5 seconds, okay, Ara? Grab him."   I nodded from the backseat.    With that, Yongguk stepped on the gas, and screeched the car to a stop next to a startled Niel.    Niel looked as me as I flung the back door open, and his mouth dropped open. "Noona?" he asked, uncertainly, pulling out his earbud.    "Get in," I yelled. I could already hear another car coming up behind us.   Niel took one look at my terrified face, and dived in the car. He had always had quick reflexes, and today, I was thankful. Yongguk hit
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Jaejoong...I want...hu hu hu


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Chapter 17: I read this story years before and recently, this story came back into my mind again and after searching around aff for a while, I finally found it! Though it isn't as exciting as the first time i read it because I had already known what was going to happen, it's still a really good unforgettable story :D
14 streak #2
Chapter 17: I'm sad at how little chapters this story had but love all the chapters! I never enjoyed reading mystery but I wouldn't mind reading this story again in the future!
Chapter 17: I love this story and tbh I like it more than paparazzi too. ???? is that too honest? Lolol bbut seriously tho
This is byfar one of the best Yongguk fics i've read hngg even though i'm 5 years late asdfghjkl

Gotta spread the love for grandpa Bang aye
Chapter 17: Jaejoong- I just can't. I knew it was coming from the beginning (random boyfriends you have no memory of are always suspicious) but Jaejoong is just too perfect and I love him way more than is probably healthy so I convinced myself that I was probably wrong. Serious hardcore denial up until the very last second when he showed up with a gun because I was too distressed to accept it, no matter how obvious it got. My love for Kim Jaejoong will one day be my downfall (but really, who can ever resist him?). I absolutely adore Yongguk though too (saw that relationship coming but I'm a helpless er for him as well), and all of the idols mentioned in the story. It had nice plot and I really did enjoy your story and writing. Great story! Loved it!~
Chapter 17: This fiction was simply awesome
Chapter 17: I love this story!
Chapter 17: I luv u author-nim
This fanfic was awesome!
Looking forward to your new works
Chapter 15: Damn! I thought I got it right! Especially when they said he was Choi's son. I was so sure.. gosh well close enough Choi Jonghun Choi Minki tomayotoe tomahhhtoee lolll
Chapter 12: I'd like to guess that it is Zelo..? It was said that he was 16 or so and if I'm correct, Yongguk is 22 or 23 at the time. And they have a 6 year difference. Though I may seem to be overthinking it, i really think it is him hehe