Do you really love me?


Many hours passed and 2pm had finally finished practising their new dance for their new song ‘Beautiful’. This new dance involved all of them to lift up chairs and move them around throughout the song. It took them hours to perfect their dance and when they finally did, all of their shoulders, legs and possibly every single part of their body were aching from having to move the chairs so much. It was already evening even though they started practising early in the morning.

As soon as they were dismissed, Chansung and Taecyeon ran out of the dance studio, obviously maintaining 2pm’s beastly image, shouting, “Let’s go eat!!”

The Jun brothers then followed out of the studio. “How can they still have so much energy after the dance?” Junsu groaned as they walked towards the two hungry hyenas in front, “My legs feel like they are going to collapse any moment!”

“Well, I feel completely fine! Maybe…it’s because you are Grandpa Daegu!” Junho retorted, laughing hysterically at his own joke and revealing his eye smile. Before Junsu could even reply, Junho had dashed towards Chansung and commanded excitedly, “Give me a piggyback ride, Channie!”

“Why do I always have to carry you?” the giant maknae whined, but still squatting down to let the emperor climb onto his back. Chansung then stood up and started walking while he puffed, “Next time, you are going to have to carry me, Lee Junho!”

“Whatever, I’ll just but you some bananas later and you will forget this ever happened!” Junho thought playfully. He then patted Chansung’s back while yelling out loud, “Faster, Chanana!!”

Taecyeon and Junsu were left walking behind the two maknaes. Junsu looked at the rowdy boys in front and shook his head, “Those two are so childish. They might seriously get hurt one day because of their childishness.”

Taecyeon nodded his head and replied somewhat solemnly with a mocking tone, “I totally agree.”

“Don’t ‘I totally agree’ with me, Mr. Ok! Just a moment ago, you were running out like a mad person and shouting with Chansung! I’m exhausted having to take care of those two already. Please don’t tell me that I have to take care of you as well. Behave well and act your age!”

“Act my age? Please then what about you?! You are only months older than me and you always act like you are soooo responsible as the oldest! SUPER MATURE, KIM JUNSU!!”

“Yah! How dare you talk to me like that?”

The two continued bickering like an old married couple as they headed down to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, Nichkhun and Wooyoung were still packing their stuff in the dance studio.

“The others left already, we should hurry too, Wooyoung,” Nichkhun said.

When Wooyoung did not reply, Nichkhun felt something was amiss as Wooyoung would never ignore him like this. He walked towards the younger and studied his face curiously. He was looking a little pale.

“What’s wrong, Woo? Are you not feeling well?”Nichkhun asked with a voice full of concern as he placed the back of his hand onto Wooyoung’s forehead, checking for any signs of fever, “Is is because we skipped lunch today?”

“I’m fine, hyung. Don’t worry,” he replied with a weak smile and slightly pushed the elder’s hand away. But as he did that, his legs gave way and he collapsed onto the floor. Nichkhun immediately knelt down and carried Wooyoung bridal style. “I’m taking you home,” he said as he picked up their bags and walked out of the studio.

“Hyung, put me down. I can walk myself,” Wooyoung said weakly.

“Sleep, Wooyoungie, sleep. I’ll take you home to rest. Sleep for now.”

Wooyoung could feel his eyelids get heavier as he snuggled deeper into Nichkhun’s chest. “I love you, hyung.” he whispered as he fell asleep.

When they reached home, Nichkhun gently placed the sleeping Wooyoung onto his bed, also covering him with a blanket. He prepared a small wet cloth and helped clean Wooyoung’s face. He could not help but the younger’s chubby cheeks gently when he leaned down to admire his sleeping face. Wooyoung fidgeted a little due to the touch before continuing to sleep.

Nichkhun smiled unconsciously and sat beside the sleeping Wooyoung on the bed. “How can someone look so cute even when they are sleeping?” he thought. His thoughts then went back to what he had heard just now: ‘I love you, hyung.’

“Did I really hear correctly or was I just imagining it?” Although they were only four words, they mean a lot to the Thai prince. The Thai prince then wrapped his left hand around Wooyoung’s shoulder protectively and held his hand with his right hand possessively, as if to say he belongs to him. As Nichkhun stared at Wooyoung, he could feel his own heart pounding. He had never had such close contact with Wooyoung before, except for fan services of course. “Do you really love me? Because I love you too,” he said quietly, careful not to wake the sleeping boy up.

The next morning, Wooyoung woke up and was surprised to find Nichkhun sitting beside him. He was sound asleep but his hands were still holding on to him. Wooyoung brightened up at the contact but soon, scolded himself for having those thoughts, “Nichkhun hyung doesn’t like you! He’s just concerned as a fellow member, he doesn’t like you! He’s straight, he’s straight!”

Nichkhun suddenly opened his eyes, scaring Wooyoung.

“H-hyung, you were a-awake?” Wooyoung asked nervously.

“Yeah…” the elder replied sheepishly. “I woke up earlier but realised you were still sleeping. So I decided to sleep a little longer until I heard someone talking…” he trailed off.

“ did you hear what I said?”

“About what?”

“Nothing!” Wooyoung exclaimed as he got out of bed and headed towards the door with a silent sigh of relief, thinking that Nichkhun had not heard what he had said. But before he could open the door, Nichkhun grabbed his hand from behind and pulled him into a hug, embracing him warmly.

“I’m not straight, you rascal! And it’s all because of you…”

“Y-you heard what I said?”

“Yes. And I love you, Jang Wooyoung. So much that I am surprised you didn’t notice. I have always loved the hugs you give for fan services, the cute smiles you show when you are happy. And when our fans paired us, you had no idea how delighted I was. I really wanted it to be real but you didn’t seem interested because you were always saying that the pairings were all nonsense,”

“No, hyung! I didn’t mean it when I said that! I was just afraid that you might not like it and I didn’t want to make it so obvious that I liked it too. I..I really love you too, hyung,”

As Nichkhun separated from the hug, Wooyoung’s disappointment was clear. Noticing the younger’s cute pout, Nichkhun chuckled, grabbing Wooyoung’s hand tightly. He then gazed at him adoringly. Wooyoung glanced at the Thai prince shyly but looked away immediately, his face quickly blushing scarlet. Nichkhun smiled angelically and cupped the other’s face, turning it to face him. “Our new album title reminds me of you, you know? You are so beautiful. So beautiful that I can’t stop falling in love with you,” he said softly, “Neomu neomu saranghae, Wooyoung-ah,”

“Jeongmal, hyung?”

Nichkhun leaned closer and kissed Wooyoung’s forehead.

“Does this answer your question?”

“Mmm…Not quite yet!” the younger giggled mischievously.

“You demand quite a lot, don’t you?” the elder asked, laughing at the unexpected boldness coming from Wooyoung. He came closer again but this time, instead of kissing Wooyoung’s forehead like he did before, he kissed him gently on the lips.

 “How about now?”



Hyung- used by males to address an older male

Jeongmal- really;do you mean it

Neomu- a lot

Saranghae- i love you

Here are the meaning of korean words just in case you don't know :)

Hi guys!! ^^

I really want to thank those of you who subscribed and supported this even with such a lousy foreword :P I didn't know what to expect since this is my first so I was really surprised and touched to have 10 subscribers before I even posted the fic :D Hehehe~actually 8 because the other 2 are my dear friends! I want to thank them too for their support and love because if not for them, I would never have had the courage to post this fic :) I'm afraid it might not be as good as everyone might have expected it to be but still, I hope this short oneshot at least brought a smile to your face ;) Comments will be greatly appreciated! ^^ I love you, future and present subscribers, silent and non-silent readers <3 Khunyoung forever! That's it for this long A/N, once again, a sincere thanks to all of you for reading, bye :)

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Chapter 1: aaahhh,, next next.. Just contunue to write any oneshot again authorssi :)

this is good for the first story :)
sicachuichooseyou #2
my first 2pm fic btw~
sicachuichooseyou #3
this is so cute~
snsdsone96 #4
Sequel sequel lol! It's so it :)
Nichkelle #5
Sorry this comment is so late but i really love this story! It's so cute and adorable and so much khunyoung loving, kekeke, keep writing! ^.^
khunyounglovers #6
very cute...^^
I like it. Keep writing khunyoung! :)
khunyoung987654321 #8
Ths story is really 'beautiful' :3
Nichkelle #9
Sounds like a kyute story, can't wait for it~ ^^