Please Forget Our Memories

Please Forget Our Memories

The beautiful picture that I'm trying so desperately hard to upload and its not working! I made it...


 Key has always had anger issues and his anger never really got to out of hand. But when it did, Kibum was not a to play with.

~ Key picked up the nearest hard object and threw it at Jonghyun. The glass of the vase shattered right behind where Jonghyun was standing. He inhaled sharply and stood strait from his ducked down position. "I hate you! hate you so much... Don't talk to me, don't touch me-- Hell! Don't make eye contact with me after I leave this house! I want NOTHING to do with you." Key spoke, "I cant believe you would... UGH!" And with that Key stomped out of Jonghyun's house one final time. ~

  Key ran down the street, sobbing silently. This violent scene playing over in his mind. Slowly, he was remembering all the time he had with Jonghyun behind her back. The time he used to cherish. She was the main reason they were broken up (Only main because Jonghyun was the one who was cheating...). Her name was Shin Se Kyung. Se Kyung was the dreaded woman who tore the lovers apart, and for that, Key would wring her little neck the next time he got his hands on her. 

  By time Key got to his house, the sun already started setting. He unlocked his door with trembling hands and a damp face. Key was so torn apart. It's like a car windshield with a rock flying at it. It all happened so fast. And when he tried to piece it back together, the window simply crumbled more and more until it was a fine powder. Yes, Key is now only a fine powder-- well not him, himself, but his heart. So sick of love.

  He went to the kitchen of his apartment and grabbed a tissue box and a gallon of chocolate ice cream (AN- cuz im eating it now...). Key plopped down to the very fluffy couch now regretting his brake-up but still a little glad he did it. He grabbed the clicker and turned the television on.

  Breaking News @ 5:00 pm. A 21y.o. man failed to commit suicide.

Oh... Gawd... Don't tell me... Key thought. He changed the channel to the news and the reporter stood right out side of Jonghyun's house. B-because of m-me... He-- The lady on the screen started talking again.

  And we are right out side of the house of the young man who tried, and failed, to commit suicide. He is currently in the hospital and conscious, but he did fall unconscious at one time. Mr. Kim tried to hang himself and if it wasn't for Choi Minho, he would not be alive today.

  Key's jaw was practically on the floor along with the gallon of ice cream. , I'll get that later. Key stood up and grabbed his coat. Good thing the hospital wasn't very far. With that, Key took off in a brisk sprint.

  ...The note he left says "Kim Kibum, I'm sorry. And Shin Se Kyung I don't love you. I only love Key."

  The TV buzzed.


  Key reached the hospital and requested for Jonghyun's room number. 04-08, Good. Key  jogged there and bust through the door. Jonghyun was awake and shocked to see Key there


  "Maybe we shouldn't have broken up." He said. And he regretted absolutely nothing.





A/N- This is what happens when I'm board. I write. Ugh... I have too much free time... I must write more.


c: Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Please suubscrbe and comment!! >_< I love you... for reading.



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I'm working on typing P.F.O.M.! Patiance is good!


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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 1: Wow, it surprised me that Jjong tried to commit a suicide. O.o
But I am glad that he failed and that it seems that in the end he and Key made up. :)
And Key´s anger issue...I feel sorry for him, because I had some problems with anger, too. :/
jongkey248 #2
Ddeontajima~~ (TARAs dont leave) this was good but i really wish it was a little longer..
cry cry T.T