I was right.. or was I?

Unprepared to fall in love with you.


Two Years Later


"Ugh, Sehun-ah pali! You slow poke." I yelled at him as he was taking forever! He was getting our luggage out of his car. "Ah Joong-ah!" He whined at the heaviness of the suitcases. I rolled my eyes & helped him. "Thank you." he said & kissed my cheek. Me & Sehun were a couple now. We went to college together & we were even thinking about living together. He was there for me. He helped me through everything.

When Myungsoo left just like that, that was the last time I saw him. I was so heartbroken & as always Sehun was there to help me get through my pain. He showed me how much of an amazing guy he was. I realized that Sehun was the one I should’ve been with the whole time. I took him for granted when he was there to help me. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still thought about Myungsoo from time to time. I always wondered how different things would’ve been if he had never left. Would we still be together? Would we even possibly be living together? Was he the one that I was going to spend the rest of my life with? Every time I thought about him I felt that pain coming back but Sehun was always there. I never told him how much I missed Myungsoo because I knew it would hurt him. There are times at night where I cry for Myungsoo because I'm still not completely over him.

Even though it’s been two years now, I have this feeling Myungsoo will come back. The feeling’s too strong to just be nothing. I know it, I know he’s going to come back. & when he does come back he’s going to look for me. I know it’s wrong to think like this especially since I’m with Sehun but I can’t help it. I want him to come back. If he does come back, it doesn’t mean things are automatically going to be fine because trust me they won’t.

If he comes back I at least want to see him. I’m not asking for anything more. I just want to see him, have a talk, & catch up. I want to know if he’s been having his meals & sleeping well. I want to know what his life is like in the states. I just want to know that he still cares you know?

“You’re the slow poke now!” Sehun screamed at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Shut up I’m coming!” I yelled as I ran to catch up with him. He was at some counter asking a lady something when I saw someone. His back side looked so familiar. It couldn’t be though. Could it? I squinted my eyes trying to see better since he was so far away. “Please turn around.” I said to myself.

He started walking to pick up his luggage. This is my chance, I just need conformation. Without thinking about it, I started walking towards him. “Ah Joong-ah!” I heard Sehun call out to me but I ignored him & kept walking. The guy started walking away so I chased after him. I was finally only a couple inches away from him. I extended my arm to tap his shoulder when he all of a sudden he turned.

My eyes widened as my hand slowly slid down. His eyes widened as well, “B-Baek Ah Joong?” he asked completely shocked. I nodded my head with my mouth open, “Kim Myungsoo?” I asked. He slowly nodded his head. My eyes got watery & I started crying. “You came back.” I said in a low voice.


Who do you think called Myungsoo?

Listening to- "Even In My Dreams" by G.O. & Mir

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I love this story
Chapter 23: is it me or am i honestly not liking this oc.
she's like falling for every guh that's within her vision, and since she's aleady wiyh sehun, shouldn't she be more aware of her own feelings and not like other guys? it's like, she seems like a tbh.
the fact that she goes after every male gets on my nerves. big time.
Chapter 17: I think this is one of the first time's I haven't really liked the OC... I don't know why but something about her grates on my nerves. Maybe its the fact that she seems to being going after every single guy and that she always blames the guy for problems when she herself is the cause of most of them...
SuperTwins #4
Chapter 24: Aaawwww!!! I love her mom!
Chapter 18: Why you made the OC like a sl*t that fell for All handsome namjas D:
new reader here :D
Sarahjoyce #7
Luckily there's a sequel now!!!
I've been curious what will happen next...
Chapter 51: oh my god --' breaking up and back together haha the pattern keeps repeating but it was good !
@Cin_Lala lol, there is a sequel ^^
LoveEvermore #10
Omg sequel now !!!!!! Plzzzzz I have a tendency to he mad when things go unfinished Plz make the sequel !!! I love the story btw <333