This is it!

Unprepared to fall in love with you.


This was it. The day that everyone looks forward to, graduation day. You made it this far with your school career. All you needed was college then you were off into the real world. You woke up that Saturday morning with red, swollen eyes from all the crying you did last night. But this morning your attitude was going to be "Kim Myungsoo who?" You washed up & got ready. You curled your hair then applied your makeup. Your cap & gown laid on your bed. You ran your fingers through it as you felt your eyes tearing up. You pinched the bridge of your nose to prevent any tears since you didn't want to ruin your makeup. You got dressed then put your gown on then made your way downstairs.

"My baby looks beautiful!" your mom said trying to prevent herself from crying. Your dad smiled at you before hugging you. You hadn't been seeing much of him lately with all his business stuff going on. You were happy to have him attending your graduation. You had to leave before your parents so you hopped in your car & drove off to the ceremony location. It was decorated beautifully with the decorations that were your school colors. Everyone came up to you wanting to take pictures with you. You posed for hundreds of pictures before everyone was told to sit in their seats.

You turned back to take a look at everyone when your eyes fell on the one person you dreaded to see today, Kim Myungsoo himself. He looked you straight in the eyes. You quickly turned back to the front & tried to keep your cool. People started arriving as the graduation was going to start in 30 minutes. You talked with all the people around you in the mean time. "Ah Joong-ah!" You heard someone scream so you turned back, it was Kai. You smiled brightly only to realize that Myungsoo was just 4 people away from him.

"May I have everyone's attention." the principal said into the mic. It was starting. "We will have our valedictorian speak now. Mr. Oh Sehun." Everyone stood up & cheered for Sehun. You were so proud of him. He looked down at you & gave you a smile which you returned with a thumbs up. He started his speech. "Today, we graduate from high school. Finally right? We've always complained about how much we hate getting up for school early in the mornings but the truth is we're going to miss it. We're going to miss spending time with all our friends as we are now going off to college, stepping foot into the real world. We're not going to have that same group of friends as we're going to separate & meet new people."

"We're going to look back & think about that person that we tried so hard to get their attention for & laugh. We're going to look back at that one person we couldn't stand & probably cringe. Truth is, people aren't going to care about who you were in high school. Everything's going to change. Things are going to be different. No one's going to care if you were the school's queenka or kingka. If you were the biggest nerd or the person who wouldn't study. People are going to get to know you with out caring about your past. So this is it, your future starts now. Choose it wisely." he ended his speech & everyone stood up & cheered for him. 

You were up next to get your diploma. You were scared, what if you fell or something?! "Baek Ah Joong." the principal called out. Everyone clapped & cheered for you as you walked up the stairs & were handed your things. You posed for a picture before returning to your seat.

The graduation ended & everyone was crying & hugging each other. This might be the last time you see some people. You & Sehun made your way to each other & smiled. "Hey beautiful." he said. You laughed & smiled at him, "Hey handsome." you said. "You did amazing!" you hugged him & he patted your back. You heard a cough & pulled away to see Myungsoo. You rolled your eyes, "What?" you asked harshly. He scratched the back of his neck. "Let's talk." You scoffed & walked away having him follow you.

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I love this story
Chapter 23: is it me or am i honestly not liking this oc.
she's like falling for every guh that's within her vision, and since she's aleady wiyh sehun, shouldn't she be more aware of her own feelings and not like other guys? it's like, she seems like a tbh.
the fact that she goes after every male gets on my nerves. big time.
Chapter 17: I think this is one of the first time's I haven't really liked the OC... I don't know why but something about her grates on my nerves. Maybe its the fact that she seems to being going after every single guy and that she always blames the guy for problems when she herself is the cause of most of them...
SuperTwins #4
Chapter 24: Aaawwww!!! I love her mom!
Chapter 18: Why you made the OC like a sl*t that fell for All handsome namjas D:
new reader here :D
Sarahjoyce #7
Luckily there's a sequel now!!!
I've been curious what will happen next...
Chapter 51: oh my god --' breaking up and back together haha the pattern keeps repeating but it was good !
@Cin_Lala lol, there is a sequel ^^
LoveEvermore #10
Omg sequel now !!!!!! Plzzzzz I have a tendency to he mad when things go unfinished Plz make the sequel !!! I love the story btw <333