Son & Handsome 3

Our Corner Café

The young man sighed as he adjusted his tie for what to him felt like the hundredth time that day and it wasn't even 3 in the afternoon. He combed his hair with his fingers, running them through his soft locks of hair. In all truth he wouldn't have cared this much if he just worked in a corporate job in some city, but as a figure to the public, not as big as his father, he had to be a role model whether he wanted to or not. He had to be clean and proper so the media wouldn't hound his flaws and blow them out of proportion.

With another last look in the mirror he took in a deep breath, let it out and headed out the door of the bathroom. Once he swung the door open, he could hear the clatter and chatter of the restaurant he had accompanied his father with for the meeting; he quickly made his way over to the table, nodding to a few of the people he passed by who happened to recognize him. Once at the table, he silently took his seat and listened silently as the other men in suits discussed the agenda and issues of the city.

The restaurant was greatly furnished and highly expensive. It was top notch and seemed busy and full to capacity as always. Luckily his father had asked for a private room to hold the meeting to keep the noise to a minimum and to keep things confidential. His father, unlike any other Mayor before him, was down to earth and preferred to get out of the office rather than stay and settle things in the office. However, that only made the media even more frantic to know where he is showing up within the city. 

He was turning twenty four soon and he was expected to run and follow in his father's footsteps. It wasn't because his father expected him too, rather the public did and hoped he would. They had seen how generous he was and friendly and how his character was similar to that of his fathers; the people seemed to enjoy that he was also down to earth. He had been asked many times if he would run for office, but he himself did not confirm the rumors circling around in the media; he wasn't sure himself if he would.

He honestly found being the Mayor's son quite a bit of a strain on his life; he didn't enjoy being scrutinized nearly all hours of the day and the concept of having so much power in his hands scared him. He didn't want to rule over people, it just wasn't his character and it happened to be one of the differences between him and his old man. Another sigh escaped his lips and he had to wonder how long this day would last. Looking at his near empty glass, he reached for it and finished his drink before asking the waiter for another. 

"Jinki," he suddenly heard a voice call for him.

Jinki returned his attention to the table to see all eyes on him, including those of his father. He waited patiently for him to continue.

"What do you think, son? Should we make the school days longer for all schools?"

Jinki had to curse his father silently; did they really have to ask him for his opinion? He was simply the Mayor's son, not some high profiled man of any greater importance. However, knowing they expected an answer from him, he though the solutions over. Lengthening the school day would only make things worst for both students and teachers, he figured and he was sure that most of the men in the table did not want to spend a cent in creating a larger salary for them either. Sometimes he wondered if these men really cared more about their money than everyone else.

"If you lengthen the school day, then you can expect protest from students, teachers and even family. At this time, I believe it to be inconvenient for all parties involved including yourselves. If you lengthen the hours, it can only result with the teacher's wanting a bigger salary and in these tough economic times, I don't believe we have the resources to do so," Jinki explained earning a few nods of agreement.

"Alright then it seems settled. Lengthening school hours is not an option right now and with this we wrap it up, thank you gentlemen," His father announced getting up and began to shake the hands of the men that had sat around the table.

The men than began to shake Jinki's hand, complimenting him on his call and of course bringing up the Future Mayor talk. Jinki simply smiled at the men shaking his head and shrugging it off before continuing the handshakes. He felt relief flush over him once everyone left leaving only him, his father and their guards. His father simply smiled and tapped his shoulders.

"Good work today Jinki," he complimented earning a simple hum from his son.

"Let's go home," he called and Jinki stood up from his seat and followed his father out.

As soon as they stepped out of the building, they were quickly surrounded by men and women with microphones and cameras. Hundreds of questions filled the air as the guards helped guide them to their vehicle. This was one aspect Jinki did not enjoy of being the son of such a well known man, sometimes he wished he wasn't. However as the saying goes, you never pick your family. Finally getting into the car, he relaxed and slouched on the seats earning a light laugh from his father. 

Jinki remained silent through the entire ride back to their home as he pushed his attention to the view outside the window. His father remained on the phone viewing emails and who knows what else. He watched as how the streets were nearly empty to reassure their safety, this was another thing he hated about being the Mayor's son. Suddenly his own cell phone chimed. He slid it outside his pocket and slightly smiled at the name that flashed on the screen. He opened it up and read the message, chuckling at how cute it seemed.

He sent a quick reply, glancing over at his father. He just needed to sneak out of his home with a disguise to meet up with his cousin. It had been a long time since they had talked and he was willing to meet up with him and catch up.  Now, he just had to figure out where the cafe he worked at was at without giving the media a clue of his whereabouts. Again, he wished he wasn't the son of the Mayor.


The tall man quickly dressed as his partner of the night lay in the bed asleep; he'd like to keep it that way. He quickly slipped on his shoes before gathering his other belongings and nearly bolted out the door. He would just have to take a shower back at home rather than the hotel room he had stayed the night in, he did not want to girl to wake up before he left. 

He took the elevator down to the parking lot, sliding on his sunglasses to hide his eyes from the sun he would stare at once he got out of the garage. He took out his phone and realized it was mid afternoon and he knew he would be a tad bit late for his gathering with his friends because of it. He simply sighed and quickly exited the elevator once the doors were opened and walked to his vehicle. 

He slid inside gracefully and quickly turned it on before driving out of the garage without ever taking a look back. He checked his phone again and groaned at the massive unread messages sent to him by his friend of a diva who he questioned how they could even be considered friends. At a stop light he quickly skimmed through them before throwing his phone onto the passenger seat. He didn't feel like getting an earful this time around and simply decided on meeting up as planned.

He recalled the address of the cafe Minho had asked them to meet up in and he quickly plugged it into the GPS. He began to drive again towards the cafe as he was directed by the machine, but his concentration was cut short by his ringing cell phone. He huffed and quickly reached over before answering it.


"You bastard!"

Siwon cringed and pulled the phone away from his ear, a sigh escaping his lips as the ranting continued on the other end. He continued to split his focus on the road and his phone though most of it remained on the streets. He simply ignored the whines and complaints of his so called friend from his phone. Once it seemed he had quieted it down, he quickly asked what was wrong in his own matters of speaking.

"What did I do this time?" he himself whined into the phone and he knew very well that the other person knew he was pouting.

"Yah! Siwon hyung! Did you forget you had to pick me up?!"

Siwon remained quiet as the news registered in his head.

"YOU DID DIDN'T YOU!?" the other screetched causing him to flinch.

"B-but Kibum, you will cause me to crash if you keep screaming," he tried to reason as he quickly made a U-turn to try and pick up the man as he now recalled. 


"I'm sorry Key, really I am and I'll be there in three minutes."

"If you are even a minute ate you-,"

"I know I know, see you soon Key," he muttered before hanging up.

Siwon groaned as he asked how on earth they were friends and then he recalled it was all due to Minho being a mutual one. He shook his head and parked in front of their shared multi story mansion. He quickly sent Kibum a text and waited patiently knowing full well they would be late. Suddenly the door of the building slammed open revealing a fuming Key marching over. Siwon gulped and held the wheel tightly.

"SIWON! You are an idiot! You made us late and it was all because you had to go and party and some girl!" 


"Sorry my ! You seriously have a problem you horse! You always need !"

"It is not a problem! I am just ually frustrated and these girls are loose as hell so I am not satisfied as I used to be!"

"So you go around and a strange everyday?! Oh whatever! Just drive to the cafe! Minho is waiting for us!"

Siwon grumbled to himself but quickly drove off as he turned a deaf ear towards the fuming passenger beside him; this was going to be a very long ride.





Well I have finally added a new chaptor and I hope you all enjoy it!

I am sorry for my laziness!

Please leave a review or quick comment please!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 5: heee please update soon... is hyuk is jungsu brother??
257471 #2
Chapter 5: who is his little brother??? curious, please update soon :)
Pleas update soonnn^^ *puppy eyes*
Chapter 5: I just found this story today and ite really good!^^ Teuki's little brother remains me of hae but I'm guessing that hyuk is his little brother. But how come he ends up away from home? Pleas update soon I want to know what happens next ^_^
HaeMyBananaHyukie #5
Chapter 5: did i missed subscribing ur story, it has hanteuk in it!! and teuk finally showed up in chap 5. *overly excited*. i dunno why but i picture teuk's baby brother as donghae. those bundle of joy with 5 years old mind. LOL.
thank you for not giving up this story. update moree~~
followurdestiny #7
Chapter 4: Oehh interesting, I want to know more! You have gotten me curious! Good luck with your exams! Fighting1 Will look forward to the next update!
Chapter 4: Hankyung is so cute when hes naive XD
update soon \(O8O)/
followurdestiny #9
Chapter 4: ohh interesting... Henry is sweet for guarding Hankyung's heart, and Siwon is definitely not a good 'match' for Hankyung at the moment, Eunhyuk's love seems to be sincere - but I don't know if it grew from the 'right' place and Leeteuk I'm curious what he will bring to the table! I hope Henry will find someone as well and Minho/Nichkuhn :-) and maybe also someone for Key who can keep his temper in check XD Could it be Onew? Looking forward to more!! Fighting!
Chapter 4: i kinda wanna see someone for henry )x

possibly zhou mi :D?

cant wait for next chap (and possible minkhun :o)