Remembering those days.

Saranghaeyo [Redstring Roleplay]

Shy, that was who I was. I was shy to go up and talk to you. I really was. But you broke that silence.

We talked randomly, stating that we both hated anything that included drama.

You where childish, when I first met you. And I adore that a lot. That was one thing why I fell for you.

We dance crazyly, and it was a lot of fun it truelly was.

You suggested we play baseball, sadly we both at it. Niether of us could throw the ball right. You threw it about 3 foot and I threw it over the fence.

After that we decided to mans a mud pie. Well you suggested that too. But I went along with it. I'm glad I did too.

I started to play with the mud, when you 'innocently' threw some on my cheek. I smiled and threw some at your own. We began a mud fight right then.

After a while we where both covered and the mud, probably from head to toe. You smeared some on my lip and I did the same to yours.

"This shade looks good on us." You said making a kissing face. I laughed and nodded agreeing with you.

We went to wash all the mud away in the lake.

Once we where done, you tried getting up on the deck, but you fell. I decided to help you up. At first you refuse and tried again.

I ... picked you, helping you onto the deck.

We decicded to buy new clothes to change into. "You pick. Ill pay for it." I said.

But you stated that you wouldn't let me pay alone. So I told you we'll both pay. So we did.

I allowed you to pick out my clothes, while I helped you find yours.

I know Minwoo tried asking you who you liked and you simple asked him in return "why?" All he said was "A friend of my wants to know." Did you guess who that friend was??

Gosh, I'm just going on explaining how we met. You probably think I'm still cheesy. Although you do say everything needs a little cheese.

Should I conutine on ... to our confession??

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I subscribe please update soon!!! XD <3