Kiseop Hunting With Kai

It's Actually Been You

''Move it or lose it!'' Junho pushed passed me to grab the last strip of bacon on my now bacon less plate.

''Yah! I was going to eat that!'' My brothers never took into account that I was their sister. To them I was just another male in the house. It's not like I did much to break that idea from their minds. I was probably the least femenine 16 year old girl on this side of the equator. I guess it's just part of living with four males including my dad.

''Jinshim if you're not going to eat that can I?'' Chunji grabbed the pancake off my plate before I even got to say no!

''Yah! You brat I was going to eat that!'' We broke out into a slap war.

''Too bad! If you want it, then jump in my belly!''

''How about I punch it out of you?!'' We started wrestling on the floor knocking over the plates that were scattered on the table.

''Aigoo you two! How many times have I told you to leave the fighting for outside?! If you're going to kill eachother I don't want to clean up blood stains.'' My dad said from the kitchen. Chunji, and I let go of eachother out of breath. We never seriously fought, it was just fun.

''Abeoji...I'm going out with my friends after school today.'' Kiseop said fixing his dark black hair in the mirror.

''Which friends? The ones I told you not to hang out with anymore?'' A month ago Kiseop came home extremely high. Like higher than a kite...he started peeing in the refrigerator cuz ''he was too tired to walk upstairs''.

''No...'' He sighed. I was 95% sure he was going to hang with those friends.

''Kiseop I don't want to take your priveleges away. You know how I run things here. If I can't trust you to make the right decisions then that's it.'' My dad put his hands on his hips. Normally that wasn't funny, but it was the pink apron that made Chunji, and I crack up.

''I know~'' Kiseop said uninterested.

''Hyung, can you pick me up from the batting cages today?'' I called Junho, and Kiseop hyung, and Chunji even called me hyung.

''I can't I work tonight.'' Junho said with a tooth pick sticking out of his mouth.

''Whatever I'll just walk.'' 

''If you're walking then make sure you call me on your way.'' My dad ordered.

''Sure thing-''

''Is it safe to come in?!'' I heard yelling from the door. 

''Yeah! No one's throwing food surprisingly.'' I answered as Kyungsoo stepped into my home.

''Awe you just missed the scrambled eggs fiasco.'' Junho chuckled. 

''Hey.'' Kyungsoo took a seat next to me. He was my closest friend. He literally knows every single detail about my life, and probably can read my mind.

''Sup...'' I poked at my plate.

''You look...tired.'' Kyungsoo chuckled.

''I know...'' I glared back. ''Maybe if you hadn't made me stay up all night on video chat with you, and Kai last night I could've gotten some sleep.''

''I'm going to school'' Chunji waved before leaving. This was his last year in middle school, then he would join me, and Kiseop. Junho already graduated, and lived his life as a couch potatoe most of the time.

''That's the first time someone's complained to me about hooking them up with their crush.'' Kyungsoo frowned.

''And that's also the first time you've made me look like such a dork in front of my crush!'' I flicked his forehead. The entire time he babbled about our 'fun' childhood memories. Most of which were about how people used to confuse me for my brother Kiseop because I wore my hair very short.

''Well he thought it was pretty funny.'' He made it sound as if Kai was laughing with me not at me. ''Aish~ Why do you get so self consious around him? He's just a person. I say you tell him how you feel, and get it over with.''

''Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm much better living in uncertainty. It's a comfortable place.'' 

''Hey, shouldn't you kids get going? Or are you planning on skipping like your old dad will never find out.'' We've been caught skipping a couple times, but my dad was pretty relaxed about it. 

''Ah ne.'' Kyungsoo got up, and bowed. ''Yah! We're going to be late.'' He threw a napkin my way.

''Said the boy came to school through the window last week.'' I grabbed my bag from the floor.

''And who was the one who helped me through?'' He smirked back.


''Lee Jinshim, are you going to share with the class your thoughts on what I just said?'' My teacher, Mr.Kang frowned. It was more than obvious that I was just in dream land. Kai was the only thing I could think about at the moment. He sat in the front of the class so I got the advantage of staring at his beautiful neck all day, and he would never notice.

''I know a teenage girl's mind 50% full of the hottest idols, and the other 50% is boys like Jongin, but try to pay attention.'' I couldn't believe he called me out like that! In front of the whole class...and Kai! His head shot back, and that smirk appeared on his face as he watched me blush. 

I can't let this happen

I shot out of my seat. ''Mr. Kang in my defence...there was a fly that just wouldn't get off of Jongin's I think it's safe to say my head isn't 100% boy crazy.'' I let out a sigh, and fell back into my seat. I'd rather Kai see me as strange than a googily eyed girl. The class filled with tiny laughter, probably out of pity for how stupid I looked. 

After that incident was lunch time. My second favorite time of the day next to P.E. Kyungsoo and I sat at our usual table in the lunch room by the windows. 

''That was real smooth.'' He smirked. Of course he was reffering to my speech in class earlier.

''Well what was I supposed to do? I couldn't let Kai think I was staring at him!''

''But you were...'' 

''Ugh, can't you just agree with me for once-'' I was cut off. Kai walked in with his friend Sehun, and I lost all ability of speech for a second.

''Omo! There's Kai! Can you believe how long he looked at me in class?! He even smirked!! Ugh, if I didn't look like a total dork maybe I could've enjoyed it!'' 

''Do you want me to call him over?'' Kyungsoo asked.

''No! Please don't put me in that awkward situation! If you're my best friend you won't-''

''Hey! Kai~'' Kyungsoo stood up, and waved over to his friend.

''Aish~ I'm seriously going to kill you while you sleep tonight.'' 

''You're welcome.'' He mouthed as Kai took a seat across from me.

''Was there really a fly on me today?'' Kai smiled. Why?! Why did he have to come over, and make me speechless?!? I felt Kyungsoo's foot tap me, and I finally found the courage to respond.

'' was one of those giant black ones that always do this.'' I rubbed my hands together. (you've seen them right? Those flys that always rub their legs together when they land?)

''Oh, then thanks.'' He smirked. Ugh! He saw right through me.

''Hey Kai, we're going to the batting cages tonight. Wanna come?'' Kyungsoo grinned. Ugh! Why was he forcing Kai into our plans like he didn't know being around Kai made me extremely nervous?! Even if it was for good intentions!!

''Really? Sounds cool.'' He grinned. ''Are you any good?''

''Me?'' I pointed at myself like an idiot.


''Shim is extremely good! She even holds the record there.'' Kyungsoo smiled.

''Chincha?! You're pretty cool Shim.''

Oh god. Did he just call me cool or was my heart melting because of the hot cheese sliding down my throat.


A few minutes before the final bell rang I got a text from Kyungsoo

Kyungie O_O: Yah~ I'm gonna be a little late after school. Don't think about leaving without me ^O^

Me: Sure...but why are you gonna be late? Hmm, I bet you're in trouble again ;P

Kyungie O_O: Anniya! Just wait at the front gate annyeong~

When the final bell rang I waited at the front gate like Kyungsoo said. Suddenly I heard a tap on my shoulder.

''Yah! Just tell me you got in trouble right?'' It was Kai. My eyes popped open so wide I looked like an American.

''Is Kyungsoo in trouble?'' Kai smirked.

''I don't know he didn't say.''

''I meant is he in trouble with you?''

''Me? Ani...we always argue. I guess cuz we're really close. Don't you argue with people for no reason?'' For some reason I found it easy to talk to Kai when it was about Kyungsoo. I could go on for hours about Kyungsoo.

''No. I'm not that close to anyone.'' He shrugged keeping his hands in his pockets.

''You don't have any siblings?''

''Yeah. I have a hyung. My dad is a workaholic, and my step mom is cool. I've never really had a problem being by myself though so it's okay...'' He forced a smile to take away the awkwardness.

''Oh..I have too many siblings so...''

''Hey guys!'' Kyungsoo slapped both of our shoulders. ''What did I miss?''

''Nothing, we were just talking.'' Kai shrugged.

''Okay then let's go.'' 

When we got to the batting cages, Kyungsoo left Kai, and I alone again to get snacks. It was obvious that he was doing this on purpose now.

''Tell me about your siblings. The brother that you could pass as.'' He chuckled. I mentally slapped Kyungsoo for bringing up that embarrassing time of my childhood.

''...They're not very interesting. They're just...always around.''

''It must be fun having brothers, and sisters that you actually like talking to.'' He stared off into the distance.

''I don't have any sisters. Just three brothers.'' I couldn't help but stare at his features. He always had a look as if he was holding something back from the world. He was a puzzle no one could put together.

''Wah, what's that like?'' He smiled in amazement.

''Lonely...'' I don't know why I told him that. ''I mean...loud.'' He wouldn't understand how having a house full of people could be such a lonely feeling when you didn't have a voice over the constant noise.

''Hey! I bought your Twizzlers Shim. Here I got you some dried mangos.'' He threw a bag to Kai.

''Thanks.'' We said at the same time.


''Wah! Shim you hit every single ball!'' Kyungsoo grinned as we made our way home. It was already dark out, and yes we had school tomorrow, but would my dad really care? I didn't think so.

''I can see how you've been holding the record for a year.'' Kai's lip curved a bit which was the closest to a smile for him.

''Anniya. It's only because I go with Kyung almost every day.''

''I'll see you guys tomorrow!'' Kyungsoo turned down another street leaving Kai, and I to walk further down the street together.

''I didn't know we lived so close.'' Kai said looking down the street.

''Me either...''

''Yah!'' I heard a loud yet familiar voice. It belonged to one of Kiseop's friends.

''AJ. Shouldn't you be home already?'' I turned around, and saw all seven of them with blood shot eyes, and Soju in their hands.

''Kiseop! I didn't know your sister had a boyfriend. You told me she was single.'' Eli whined.

''That's not her boyfriend. They're not even holding hands.'' Dongho slurred.

''Shim do you know these people?'' Kai looked pissed, and confused.

''Shim?!? They're close!! Jinshim-ah I thought I was your oppa.'' Eli grabbed my arm.

''You guys are high, and reek of alcohol!'' I pushed him off.

''Blah blah blah. Stop nagging us.'' Kevin said in a mocking tone.

''Kiseop-ah..come home already. I'll cover for you.'' I stared at the shell that was my older brother. On the outside he was Lee Kiseop, but on the inside he was gone. I searched for any sign of my brother, but I couldn't see it.

''Is this your brother Shim?'' Kai eyed Kiseop taking in the resemblence.

''Come home Kiseop~'' Hoon mocked me.

''Shutup!'' They were all idiots who didn't care about anything other than weed, and liquor. ''Lee Kiseop.'' I extended my hand for him to take. He stared at it with a confused look. He didn't recognize me. ''Kiseop-ah!''

''Hyung, there's still another bag. Kajja.'' Dongho whispered invitingly.

''Kiseop-ah!'' His friends were walking away. He stared at me before spinning around on unbalanced feet, and stumbling towards them.

I didn't want to admit how scared I got when I knew Kiseop was roaming the streets in that condition, but the way my heart ripped when he stared at me as if I was a stranger was unforgetable.

''Jinshim-ah...I'll walk you home-'' Kai grabbed my arm, but I flinched away.

''Ani! I have to take care of my brother...'' I didn't want to lose him to something so stupid.

''It's late Jinshim! He's probably going somewhere that's definitely not safe for you.''

''That's why I have to make sure it's safe for him.'' I ran after them without another word to Kai. I couldn't believe just a few hours ago I was praying for more time to talk to him, and now I was running away from him. I followed Kiseop to a club that I knew belonged to Soohyun's dad. I think Soohyun was the main problem. He basically thought for all of his friends. Whatever he did, they followed. Kiseop has never done well under peer pressure. My brothers and I once got him to eat a worm.

Once I walked in the music blasted my ear drums making it hard to hear anything else. I looked around, and spotted Eli's blonde hair. They were all walking towards the back.

''Excuse me. Move it. Pardon me. I'm not a pole! Stop backing up on me!!'' I yelled to all the party goers. ''Ugh!!! OUT OF MY WAY!!!'' I finally pushed this one girl who wouldn't stop shaking on me. When I made it through the crowd I found the back room Kiseop went to with his friends.

''Do you have permission to go in here?'' One of the biggest men I've seen stood in front of the door.

''Yes. My brother just came in with his his friends! I need to get him out. He was with Soohyun.'' Luckily the resemblance between Kiseop, and I was proof enough, and they let me through.

''Lee Kiseop! We're going home...'' I stepped inside, and there was a bag of weed on the table, and Soju bottles.

''Look who came to join the party!'' Eli grinned. ''Come here babe, I'll show you something cool.'' He put his arm around me, and threw me on the couch.

''Jinshim-ah, what are you doing here?'' Soohyun cackled. ''You're a goody goody in my book.''

''Kiseop let's go-'' I was pulled back down by Kevin.

''Ani. You're chillin with us.'' Him, and Eli were sitting next to me.

''Shim-ah...when are you gonna give me a chance?'' His fingers traced the inside of my thigh.

''Yah!'' I slapped him making his cheek red.

''Aigoo. She's so fiesty.'' Kevin chuckled. They were both too close for comfort.

''Kiseop!'' He just sat there in the corner like a dead body. Not responding to anyone, or anything. Not even what his friends were doing to me. He just stared. ''Lee Kiseop!''

''Lee Jinshim!'' The door bursted open, and Kai stormed in.

''It's the chump from earlier!'' Hoon yelled.

''Look, I don't want any trouble. I came here to get Jinshim.'' He snatched me off the couch giving Eli, and Kevin dirty looks. ''Hyung! We have to go now!'' He bent down to Kiseop. Slowly Kiseop got up, and wobbled behind. I didn't let go of his hand the whole time.

''Thanks...'' I couldn't even look at Kai out of embarassment. He didn't need to know how screwed up my brother was, and he didn't need to save me, but he did.

''No problem. This is the most action I've had in weeks.'' He smiled this time it was an obvious one that didn't have a smirk sense.

''Oh...then go home safely.'' I bowed my head. Once I dragged Kiseop up to the front door Kai called my name. ''Ne?''

''If you're ever going Kiseop hunting again...give me a call.'' He smiled before waving, and walking off.

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Kyungsoo so romantic >.<
what will happen if shim know he likes her? Can't wait~
Aww omg you're amazing
Kyungsoo is jealous~~~ kekeke>:D
Aigoo, I wanna know more about Kai! What's up with his family?! And yeesh, Jonghyun talking about studying like it's a fun thing..e_e
Anyways, can't wait to
Gosh, I really like reading Kyungsoo's POV. It was soo cute I can't help but smile like an idiot while reading it. It was just a little sad that Shim kept on bringing up Kai in their conversation but hey it makes things more interesting plus it brings Kyungsoo cuteness out :D

Good job on this chapter!!!! :D
Not that the story was bad, but I cannot help but notice that it is improving and the same goes with how you write too! Keep up the good work!!!!^~^

Thanks for the update!!!:D
Poor kyungsoo :(
this story remind me to my past
hope jinshim n kyungsoo will be together then
Oh wait she is going to be with kyungsoo, because of the title!!
Aww kyungsoo... I want him with shim!!
Aigoo~~~ Kai's so cute!>//<
Aigoo~ Ugh. Eli that .D:<
Kyungsoo's so funny~! Kekekeke