Arguments and car rides


Inside Maya looked worriedly around the restaurant. “Where's Aleera?” she asked.

“Who...?” Taemin asked with a strange expression on his face.

“Lee.” Jonghyun responded nudging him with his elbow.


“Maybe she's with Soohyun...” Kiesop stated.

“'Cause he doesn't appear to be around either.” Kevin added. Maya nodded.

“Well, i'll check outside real quick.” she said standing up. Most of boys stood up with her and said a chorus of “I'll go too”s. Maya shook her head. “That's alright. I'll be right back.” And with that she half-ran out the restaurant. She burst out the door and looked to her left, then to her right to see Lee and Soohyun sitting on a bench. She let out a sigh of relief and walked over to them. “why'd you disappear like that? Did you get scared again..?” she asked before sighing, “Well, it doesn't matter now, they've all calmed down and we have a table. Let's go order..” she said smiling and pulling Lee up. She then turned to Soohyun who stood up with Lee. “Thanks for looking out for her.” and with that they walked into the restaurant and returned to their seats.

“I see you found her.” Key stated, handing Maya a menu. “Pick what you want, they have everything in english on there too.” Maya blinked at him. Then blinked again.

“Are you insulting my korean?” she asked fluently in his own language, “I can read, write, and speak it almost as well as English, I also speak French, German, and Japanese.”

This time Key blinked. Then blinked again. As did the other koreans at the table.

“English, french, German, Japanese and Korean?” Key was clearly stunned, all of the boys seemed to be really, except for minho who was failing at hiding his laughter due how rediculous their surprised faces looked.

“Yup. I only asked for you guys to speak in English for Lee. So if you don't mind let's return to that because I'm sure she's feeling rather uncomfortable.” she then turned to Lee and smiled. “Key says there's english on the menu, I was explaining on how I don't really need it considering how many languages I write and speak in.”

Lee nodded finally understanding what that was all about, “Well. Its a good thing there's english.” she said opening her menu.

Soon everyone had ordered their food and the talking started up again. Key smiled at Maya brightly.

“So what all can you say in Japanese?” He asked. Maya shrugged and let out a small chuckle.

“Anything you want really. I'm fluent.” he nodded in response.

“So, does Lee only know how to speak English?” he asked. Maya shook her head.

“No. She knows German and Japanese, thats about it. Although I am trying to teach her some Korean.” she explained to Key then grinned at Lee who waved in response.

“But you speak French. Right?” Kevin asked, maya nodded, “Great. So do I.” he grinned at her. Kiesop, Key and Minho all shot him a glare. Which he was unfazed by.

Lee rolled her eyes and chuckled at Maya. “Oh wow. She's so oblivious to everything.” she mumbled. Soohyun and Hoon looked over at her.

“Who's oblivious?” Hoon asked. Lee smiled and pointed to Maya.

“She is. It's really sad that she is too.” she chuckled and the boys smiled. Soon after Maya excused herself to the bathroom really quick and Minho turned to Lee.

“You said she's oblivious. What's she oblivious to?” he asked.

“Everything!” She giggled, “But relationships more than anything, she's never had a boyfriend or anything so if any of you end up dating her you better be good to her.”

“She's never had a boyfriend?” Kiesop asked.

“Her?” Key added.

“Seriously?” Kevin asked.

“How?” Minho and Taemin asked in unison.

“I told you. She's oblivious. She never knows when guys like her unless they outright state it and she knows they are asking her out,” she said and they all nodded in understanding, “But! I'm not saying to go jump out and tell her now. 'Cause you'll scare her off. Just sayin'” she added. Then, as if perfectly timed, Maya returned and their food arrived.

They ate, talked and laughed and when they had finished a haunting ringtone rang through the air. Lee pulled out her iphone and the sirens rang louder. “Manager” flashed on the screen and the girls looked at each other and gulped. She slid her finger across the screen and held it up to her ear.


“It's almost time for the photo shoot.” Akki Ho's voice rang through the phone line.

“What's he saying?” Maya mouthed to Lee.

“It's almost time for the photo shoot” Lee mouthed back.

“Lee.” Akki's spoke through the phone.

“Yes?” She quickly responded.

“Come outside we're waiting in the car.”

“WHAT?” Lee yelled, “What do you mean your waiting in the car? How'd you know where we are?” She half-yelled into the phone.

“We have our ways.” both girls looked toward the door where the voice was coming from. Hye Mi stood in the frame smiling. “Come along.”

“uh.. okay..” The girls said in unison getting up.

“Oh! Thanks for taking us out!” Lee said.

“Gahm-sah-hahm-ni-da!” Maya said bowing and smiling sweetly.

“Bye~” the girls said together waving and then running out the door and into the car.

The boys all blinked after they waved their goodbyes and the girls left. Minho picked up the tab.

“I'll go pay.” he said beginning to get up. He didn't get far though because he was tackled by all the other boys who apparently wanted to pay. Funny what two cute girls could do. And in the end they all just split the entire thing.

“Splitting won't work when it comes to the girls you know.” Onew announced when they were all walking out of the restaurant.

“We all know that, idiot.” came Key's smart reply.

“That's why we'll let them choose.” Tae sweetly added.

“Psh.” Jonghyun scoffed, “I sure as hell wont go down without a fight.”

“And you think we will?” Came the general reply. Except from Dongho who mentioned something about needing to call his girlfriend.

In side the car the girls were surprised to find their managers happy and silent. The girls both exchanged a glance and a shrug and then turned up the volume on the radio. They then exchanged a grin after hearing 2NE1 song blast through the speakers.

“I THINK I'M UGLY AND NOBODY WANTS TO LOVE ME” they sang in harmony and jammed out until they reached their destination.

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Sorry for the slow update, guys ^.^


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OnJongMinTaeKey1993 #1
Lovin' the story!! Can't wait to find out what happens next xP
Chapter 25: Omg!! This is so good! I really love Maya and Minho ♥ I want to see Lee with someone! Update plase!!