Chapter 27

My Choice

Next Day...

Yoona P.O.V.

“Oppa, that’s my sandwich!” I heard Sooyoung unnie’s voice.

“But my pretty Sica made it!” Okay, that’s Donghae oppa’s voice.

“She made it for me! Give it back to meeee!” Sooyoung unnie shouted again.

“Princess Sooyoung, I’ll make one for you.” Huh? Siwon oppa?

I bet Super Junior oppas are here. I barely open my eyes, what a noisy morning. But, why Super Junior oppas come here? They never came to our dorm early in the morning, except Donghae oppa.

I slowly get up from my bed. As soon as I open the door, I saw a handsome face smiling in front of me. His face only few centimeters away from my face.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” He smiled sweetly.

“Huh?” I stumbled backwards, but luckily he can catch me.

“Have a good sleep?” He asked while helping me to stand up.

“Yup!” I answered happily. Okay, the truth is I can’t sleep. My mind is full of Jonghyun. I still didn’t understand why’d he do that.

But suddenly Kibum oppa laughs like an idiot while holding his stomach.


“I know  you’re still like a kid. But, wipe your drool please.” He said between his laughs.

I quickly wiped my mouth, my face must be red as tomato right now. Stupid Yoong, aish. In front of Super Junior member, how could you show your bare face? Ah, so embarassing.

“Im is angry.” I crossed my arms.

“Why? Is it my fault that you drool?” He pouted.

“YES! Im is angry. Im is angry with Kim. Huh.” I looked away.

“It’s okay. Will you still angry if I said we’ll go to beach today?” He smiled. Beach? Busan? Oh, yeah! I need vacation.

“Huh? I don’t buy your lies.” I tried to look angry while inside my heart is jumping.

“I’m not lying. We’ll go at 12. Let’s eat first.” He pinched my cheeks.

“Actor Kim is the best!” I hugged him.

“YAH! No lovey dovey in the morning!” I know that annoying voice.

“Why? Mind your own business, fish!” I stucked out my tongue.

“Sicaaa~ Your evil dongsaeng called me fish. Scold her!” He whined to Sica unnie.

“What’s wrong with that, FISH?” Jessica unnie giggled. I high-fived with her.

“Yaaaahh~” Donghae oppa pouted.

“Don’t act cute in front of me.” Jessica unnie glared at him.

“Eat that, FISH!” I laughed. He glared at me. Tsk, that childish fish.

“Let’s eat first.” Kibum oppa dragged me to the dining room.

We ate while chatting with Siwon oppa, Sunny unnie, and Sungmin oppa. Siwon oppa, Donghae oppa, Kibum oppa, Sungmin oppa, Hyukjae oppa, Soojungie, and Changmin oppa are all here.

“Why no one watch the TV? I thought you love to watch Keroro in the morning?” I asked maknae.

“Ah, u-unnie. It’s it’s j-just..” She stuttered. What’s wrong with this kid? I just asked about Keroro and she stuttered.

“No Keroro this morning.” Taeyeon unnie answered quickly.

“Is that so? Can I turn on the TV? I want to watch..” Before I could finish my sentence, Fany unnie cutted me.

“NO!” She shouted. My members and Super Junior oppas glanced nervously at her.

“Huh? Why?” I asked confusedly. Something fishy is goin’ on here.

 “Our TV is broken.” Jessica unnie said nervously.

“Really? Since when?” I asked again.

“Since this morning. I broke it few minutes ago.”  Siwon oppa smiled sheeplishly. Huh? I didn’t buy their lies. There must be something.

“Okay then, I’ll watch from my macbook.” I said while walking to my room. But suddenly Yuri unnie grabbed my wrist.

“I broke your macbook last night. Sorry.” She grinned foolishly.

“What’s wrong with all of you? I’ll just watch from my ipad.” I shrugged.

“No, you can’t. Today is a day with no gadget. No phone, no ipad, no macbook. No TV too. Understand?” Taeyeon unnie declared.

“Why?” I asked confusedly.

“Just obey me. Okay?” Taeyeon unnie said strictly. I only nodded. She seems serious about this, I don’t want any fights because this small matters.

“Take a bath girls! Our flight is at 12.” Hyukjae oppa commanded.

“Flight? Why we need airplane to go to Busan?” I asked. We don’t need airplane to go to Busan, it’ll be more fun to ride train.

“Busan?” Yuri unnie looked at me weirdly.

“Who said we’ll go to Busan?” Hyoyeon unnie asked me. Huh? We’ll not go to Busan?

“Uh huh. Beach equals Busan. Heundae.” I crossed my arms.

“We’ll going to...1..2..3..” Sungmin oppa started counting. Where?

“PHUKET!!!!” They shouted in unison while few of them dancing crazily.

“WHATTTT?????” My jaws dropped.

“Are you not happy?” Jessica unnie asked.

“GUYS! YOU’RE THE BEST! THANK YOU!” I hugged my members.

“We know you need a vacation. So, 3 days 2 nights.” Taeyeon unnie smiled.

“Now, take bath girls. I can’t wait for my first vacation with Soojungie.” Changmin oppa clapped his hand excitedly. I saw Soojungie blushing, she’s so cute like that.

“You wish!” Jessica unnie smacked Changmin oppa head. Oh yeah, she’s overprotective about her baby Jung. But hey, they’re adorable sister. The Jungs are amazing sisters.

“You need to take a bath first, Yoongie. After that you should pack your luggage, Yuri will help you. All of us already packing yesterday night.” Taeyeon unnie commanded me.

End of P.O.V.

Hey ^___^

sorry for the short chapter

i'm really busy w/ my business project T_T

it's hard to find time to write my story :(

i'm really sorry for this short chapter

next chapter will focus on their vacation

i want cheer Yoona up before she hear shocking news ^______^

please look after my story

and feel free to give feedback :)

ah, yoona mentioned cnblue at her ufo message when a fan asked her about the coolest in a band

she's boice huh? *cough* jonghyun *cough*

please wait for the next chapter in 2 weeks

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cloudyluen #1
Chapter 28: Wow.. please don't make it into a sad ending. Well hope you can't update soon.
Chapter 28: Authornim, you made me a bit shocked at the end of this part. Now i'm deadly curious with the next chapter. Don't give up to write jongyoon story please.
Tyaswy #3
Please update this authornim
bluebug #4
Chapter 28: when will you update this???? wish you can update this..... JONGYOON FIGHTING!!!!!"))))
Chapter 28: i really wish you can find time to update this authornim...please...
angel_chelle94 #6
Chapter 28: authornim,,update please,,
ive been waiting this story for a long time... :(
Bluecold10 #7
What actually happen to jonghyun? Why did he reject yoona suddenly!
2amshinee501CS #8
Chapter 28: update soon please :)
ririri #9
hope you update this story :)
pijapinky #10
Chapter 28: authornim..update plez??!!??? i'm getting curious right now..update soon plez...huhu..