A day has just started

Falling In Love With A Friend


Hello , thanks for reading . bytheway , i dont know if the tittle suites this chapter or not . ^^



so i hope you will enjoy reading.


It's the first day of school , in my new class . Here I am leaning on my own table . Everybody seems happy to be back to school . I guess they must be happy meeting new friends and last years fella's ? Definitely ! But not me... This year , I choose to be in art class . Yes it's ART . It is my first time taking ART eventhough i know im not that good in painting or drawing .




Well , that's not the only reason why im here . However , i must act like I really do like ART .



"urgh! this will be hard!" I shook my head .


Shania already went back to her country in California 2last year . it's been almost a year since we last met . 

"Taehyo-ah? are you okay??why dont you look so happy? it's the first day of school" Min na suddently asked realizing i was not in a mood . 

"ohh , im okay , maybe im not feeling well " I pouted as she patted my back comfortly

"chins up okay ! we have alot to do" she said 


Few minutes later , i start to crap on my own and screamed in my heart 

"yahyahyah! after graduating? i want to go and live far away from this country!! i want to get rid of those stupid memories!!! and i..." 

"Annyeong miss??"

as i heard an unfamilliar voice , i turned to look .

"Anyone sitting here? every table seems to be full." the guy continues.

[Taehyo POV]

(new student in our class? oookay , but i insist myself that he is kind of cute) *I whisper in my heart

"aniyo , noone sitting here." I act as if im not even interested to in him and turned infront .

"Kamsahamnida..." the guy said while gave a short bow  .

(Oh my god! He is sitting beside me? i never felt like this about... i dont know ... but what should i say!? im nervous !huh? aish!! taehyo-ah! stop it ! he's new and he's not gonna like someone nerd like me .Tch-) 

"Excuse me miss?" he finally says something . but All i do is just stare at him waiting for his question . 

he continues , "Do you really like art??"

"oh , well... yeeeaaah . im kind of like it . why? is there any problem? how about you?"

"aniya , im just curious to know . im...uh...not really that interested in art" 

"then , why are you here? I mean , in art class?why dont you pick something like pure science stream? or or , accounting?? or music and performances?? "

"i .. dont have that skills. " he replied simple . and he continues again , "....and i dont have a choice . the music and perfrmance class is full . actually they said it has one more place but it has been reserved by a girl in this school do you know who??" he asked curiously

(oh my , he is really a curious guy . i think tht one place is for me . AISH!! what should i tell him ! teacher ! please come in now !!or should i just ask his name?? yes yes !!! tht's the idea!!)

[Leeteuk POV]


(she's kind of nice and cute either.how come she is sitting alone in the class? well actually i think i begin to be interested to know more about her.should i ask for her number? no no ! tht's too obvious . maybe i should start from asking her name ? yes !! tht's it !)

[taehyo POV] All of sudden , we both almost introduce our name in the same time...



"are you copying what's in my mind?" I laughted

""Did i? nonsense , you're the one who did . " 

[leeteuk POV]

(her smile? I think she caught my attention . why do she look so cute?? aish , this make me worried . oh my , teuk ! it's starting again...)

-but the conversation ends when the teacher suddently came in the class . -



[Taehyo POV]

(I felt oddly buoyant as i walked from school toward my house , and i think because I was talking with the cute guy on the planet in school . or maybe it has nothing to do with it specifically? Tch-CRAP!!!  )

As I reached home , I'd almost forgotten my happiness this morning . suddently it remind me of someone . my mood begin to change. so i hurried myself in my room and checked my phone in case if there's anyone text or called . but when i see there's nothing but just an alarm , i pull out the drawer and take out a letter from the one I once loved . 

       Taehyo , 

    you know that i love you? i love you from the bottom of my heart . but however , i must let you know something . im no more in seoul . my parents planned to move to germany since many of my related is there . im sorry i lied to you tht im not there for you because im busy . but the truth , i really wanted to tell you this but my heart keep telling me not to , cause it might breaj your heart . mianhae jagiya- i'll be back here another 3year's . i got your text last night , but i was already off to bed ....im sorry to make you worried..

    I hope you understand . Lastly , our relationship must end here even i still love you . if we still together , it might more break your heart to like a broken glass .I promise you i'd come for you . give me 3year's . Im sorry , truly sorry dear ..... about your text , 

I love you too , but even more ....

Your's Faithfully.....

<3 Hyun Seung,





I ran my fingers across the page , feeling the dents where he had pressed the pen to the paper hardly that it had nearly broken through ..... I could picture myself reading the letter 3year's back . crying is the last thing i felt like doing now as i reread the words that i already memorize .

While I was pondering this , my tear start to drop . and my mind keep thinking of him . But i try to take a short nap to forget him . once in a while , it did worked , but it'd been 3year's and he hasnt come yet for me . did he forgot his promisses?-















YEAY ! end of chapter 1 !  i will update soon ! thank you !!!


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