Chapitre 2 : The Meeting

Répertoire 1: Our Different Path


Mi SooK's P.O.V


I bow my head down.Seems likethis is really the end for both of us

I thought as my tears flow endlessly. I was lost in thought until those

thunder struck then only I realised that I’m still in the middle of the road.

Sighing heavily, I try to focus back on the road and hopefully that I made it safe home tonight.

Then only I realised there is a big treler stop in front of me. Those eyes. Full with evil intention.

Wondering why the treler driver stop in the middle out of nowhere.

But then it hit me when I saw there were two of them smirking there.GOD,please save me.

I was already in the verge of nervous breakdown and my fingers was

trembling vigorously as I tried to dial the helpline number.

Both of them looked like they are ready to get down from the truck when

suddenly a large piece of wood crack through their front view

and straight away hit one of them. The driver suddenly panicked.

I was shocked too as it might take so much of force for someone to be able to do that.

Lightning struck hard again. There, I saw one tiny frail looking girl

standing in between both of my car and the treler. Her back was facing me and

I noticed that she was staring hard at the treler driver.

As if GOD really answered my prayer the evil treler guy straight away

drove back and went off just like that. The girl, she still standing out there looking out

as if making sure the big treler guy will never come back and

when she turns it looked a bit blurry because of the heavy rain and

that endless lightning storm. Finally she turn  facing me, and

when I am able to get a glimpse of her suddenly she collapsed there.


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darknessoverlight #1
nice story good job