Chapter 5

Not Just Some Summer Romance

Perhaps it was the excitement of their last assignment, the fact that all their hard work paid off. No more afternoons with the sun beating on their necks, no more cheap sandwiches, no more endless tires against gravel. Or maybe Taemin was just really ready. As soon as they called their boss to inform that they finished all the jobs their project included, they booked a hotel to stay in for the night, and the next morning they would drive back home. 


But something possessed Taemin to ambush Minho, catching him off guard with his lips. And they continued to kiss at the foot of the bed--and somehow they made it onto the bed--for what felt like hours until Taemin pulled away, although not quite completely. 


"Sunbae, I think I'm ready." 


Something flitted across Minho's eyes, something that made Taemin shudder and the area between his legs throb. "You sure?" He nodded. Minho laid him gently on his back, and their lips connected once more. This time, the fire had died down, melting into a river of lava, teasing yet powerful. Their lust coiled in their stomachs, but they continued to take it slow, to savor each second, to let the warmth spread to the tips of their toes.


Minho undressed them both, unable to resist kissing every inch of milky skin revealed to him. Taemin was so skinny, so pale. It looked like he would break any second. But he resembled a beautiful, porcelain doll, just begging to be kissed, , bitten. He was just so gorgeous. Everywhere


"Are you sure about this?" he asked again, forcing himself to tear his eyes off of their lower regions, pushing back his needs to think of his dear first. Taemin reconnected their lips. "I want this, sunbae. I want this so bad..." 


Their tongues brushed against each other--ever so slightly--and Minho groaned as Taemin made those little kitten sounds. The pit of his stomach burned, ached. He wanted this so bad, too. 


"Minho," the older male said. 


"What?" Taemin gasped, so perfect and beautiful underneath him. 


"Call me, Minho." 


They tangled in the sheets, becoming a pile of limbs and sweat and sheets. Dinner and sleep flew right out the window, and summer blossomed in the most beautiful of ways.



Taemin appeared brighter than normal, a light bounce in his footsteps.  His cheeks were hued pink and a smile was constant on his lips. He hadn't let go of Minho's hand ever since they started their drive home. Even now, as they walked towards their company's building, their hands were locked. Minho stole a quick peck, relishing in the adorable sound that escaped him.


They waddled up the steps and into the building, finally letting go of each other's hands. A surprise awaited them.


"Ah, Minho! Taemin! You're finally here. One of the few to come back early. We needed more workers anyways. There's a large road construction and some light work for the new cafeteria we're installing." Leeteuk led them to the office where they were to sign papers and get their project stamped off.


Taemin paused briefly at a section that asked how many years he'd been working with the company. He glanced at Minho, who checked 3+ and went ahead to check two. This was his second year working with this company. He was sure that's what that meant. 


"Oh no, Taemin, you're supposed to check 3+. It counts for the other companies you worked for, too," Leeteuk corrected, typing madly away at his computer.


Minho frowned. "But Taemin, you're only twenty. How could you have worked more than three years? Unless you graduated from high school early..." Leeteuk laughed then from behind his desk, but Taemin didn't find this amusing. He hadn't necessarily told Minho that...


"You silly boy, Minho! Our Taemin here has been working six wonderful years as a construction worker. He's actually your senior by two years! I remember. You started working right after high school, but you hated it so you quit to work as a waiter or barista or something, I forgot. And then you came back because you weren't satisfied with your pay. Our Taemin sure has perseverance! Started when he was fourteen and still working his way up to the top. That's what you call a dedicated worker, mhm!" 


Minho's knuckles turned white and the pencil in his hand snapped. Taemin couldn't crack through his expression, couldn't guess what was running through his mind at the moment. Oh please, don't be angry at me. Please! Leeteuk, oblivious to the tension arising in the room, handed him another. As soon as they finished their paperwork, Minho dragged Taemin away to a secluded area. "Minho! I can explain, reall--"


"No, no, no, wait. Let me get this straight. You've been working since you were fourteen?" Minho nostrils flared; he was fuming. How could Taemin keep this from him? "For how long were you planning on keeping this from me?"


"I told you," Taemin replied, almost desperately. "that I had to support my family because we weren't doing well. I was going to tell you how long, but I never got the chance. Your friends came an--"


"Oh, no you don't," Minho spat, pushing Taemin not-so-lightly on his shoulder. "Don't blame Younha. You had many chances to tell me. Maybe on our first meeting? Or the last weeks we spent together!" Taemin lowered his head, a small hand coming up to rub his shoulder. "I didn't think it mattered at the moment." 


"Didn't think it mattered? It matters, Taemin! It matters a lot, okay? This--this changes things." 


Taemin took a step backward, his fingers trembling. He raised his eyes to meet Minho's. "W-what? What do you mean?" 


Minho ran his hand through his hair, sighing through gritted teeth. He didn't know exactly why he was so angry yet, but now that Taemin was his sunbae and not his hoobae, it changes everything. Part of the reason he was upset had to do with the fact that Taemin had started so young, and he is still young even now. Was his situation so serious that he had to go look for a job at the age of fourteen? What about school? Did Taemin even graduate from high school? He didn't know anything. He had no idea who Lee Taemin was. 


There was so much Minho didn't know about Taemin, despite spending an entire summer with him. And he wasn't sure where they stood at right now. If they could even continue being 'they'. Is this what you called a relationship?


"I... I need space. I need to sort things out in my head and--we just need a break from each other." Minho left, adorning a headache and pushing the culpable glob in his stomach aside. They both needed to separate a little and get their heads straight. This relationship can't work out if one person keeps lying. 


Meanwhile Taemin stayed rooted to his spot. He can't feel his legs or his arms. His cheeks are wet and it doesn't feel so humid anymore. Instead it's freezing, and he's numb to the bone. He had dreaded this, afraid that something like this would happen. That Minho would ignore him after they finished their project. That they wouldn't see each other again. That there would be no more them.


Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. It was probably just a summer romance, like in those teen novels. Nothing good lasts forever, right? It was my fault anyways. To think we'd last a long time...


So then why was he still crying? 



His home still looked tiny as ever, squished between two larger houses like the runt of a family. The walls were faded white with cracked pink flowers. He rapped on the chipped door. His mother swung open the door, frail fingers tucking strands of hair behind her ears. It took her a moment to recognize him and then she was covering , her other hand on her chest.


"Umma, I'm home," Taemin announced, opening his arms wide. "Kids, come here! It's your hyung, he's back!" Mrs. Lee pulled her son into an embrace, her skinny arms surprising tight around his waist. "You've gotten much more handsome! You look healthy, too. Where's Minho? Did you bring him home with you?"


Taemin felt a chord inside of him being struck and he struggled to remain indifferent. "He went home to his own family." 


"Will he come tomorrow?"


"I don't think he'll come, ever." 


Mrs. Lee's eyes darted across his face, taking in things only women could, and then she changed the subject, ushering him to shower and eat a home cooked meal. His little brothers clung onto his legs, failing to climb up all the way. "Carry me, hyung!" one would plead, and then the other would, too, and that ignited an argument over who could. He wrestled with them to the restroom, fingers cramping as he tickled their tummies. Their giggles rang through his ears, soothing him. I'm home now.


And that's all he wanted to think about at the moment. Not Minho, or work, or summer ending. 


During dinner, they asked questions about what kind of places he went to, which was the most difficult obstacle he faced, etc. He made sure to include all details, creating a light atmosphere for their meal. He helped his little brothers wash the dishes, watching as they splashed bubbles at each other and sang off-key to a random song they must have heard on the radio.


After helping them change into pajamas, he settled down for a drink with his mother. She sipped her tea quietly, and he stared absently at his glass of water. All was silent, save for the crickets and other evening insects crawling about. The fan above them continued to shake hazardously, yet no one made a move to turn it off. If Taemin strained his ears hard enough, he could hear his brothers' snores. 


"Did you find the important person?" Mrs. Lee inquired. She knew that something was up and she wasn't going to let her son off without an explanation of what--or who--was bothering him. 


"Yes, I think so."




Taemin bit his lip, the glass of water reflecting him. He looked sick, eyes blood shot and dark circles as prominent as ever. "I drove him away." Mrs. Lee raised an eyebrow and set her tea to the side.


"And how did you manage to drive away someone important to you?"


Taemin sighed, unconsciously hanging his head again. Thinking about Minho hurt, and it gave him urge to hit himself for the stupid things he did. If only he had told Minho from the beginning... But what would Minho have thought if he did? Would he have looked at Taemin different? Would they have developed feelings for each other? It was actually sort of comical to imagine Minho calling him 'sunbae' instead of the other way around. It wasn't like he wasn't called sunbae, but most of his hoobaes were younger than him. 


"I didn't tell him that I started work earlier. And he got angry; he thinks I was lying to him about who I am and doesn't trust me anymore. But, I didn't think that mattered, umma. I thought we could look past that, you know? It doesn't make me any different, doesn't change me in any way. Maybe the education part, but I can survive without knowing how to solve calculus problems." 


Mrs. Lee his palm, loosening his clenched fist. "Maybe he was scared, sweetie. Or confused. You'd be confused, too, wouldn't you? He could be just surprised and just needs some time to let it all sink in. I don't think you drove him awa--Taemin, look at me." She gripped his chin, forcing him to look up into her eyes. "I am positive you didn't drive Minho away. Sooner or later, he'll come back, I promise. He'll realize that despite not knowing, you are still his Taemin, the one he grew to know. There's always time to get to know each other, to grow more in love. Always. 


"But you can't just mope around like this. You have to get back up and show him, Taemin. Show him that you are still the hardworking, handsome son that I raised. And if he doesn't realize that, then move on! You will find someone who will. You have lots of time. You may have grown up at a young age, but old age is a long way to go. You have years and  years ahead of you." She squeezed his palm, urging him to smile. Taemin did, his mothers words decreasing the weight on his shoulders. 


"Thank you, umma. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're the best!" He leaned forward to kiss her cheek, which she gladly returned. "You'll always be my baby boy," she sighed into his hair. "Now, off to bed you go! You have work tomorrow, am I wrong?" 


He kissed her again, and said goodnight, replaying her words over and over again. Minho, wait for me. I'll show you a better me. 



"I have to what?" Taemin swore devil horns were blinking on his boss' head. Leeteuk smacked his desk with some papers, rolling his eyes. "Come on, Taemin! It won't be so bad. You just have to take him around and show him how everything works." 


"No, you're telling me I have to teach him how everything works and make sure he follows me everywhere I go. And I can't have any days off?" 


Leeteuk laughed, patting his head. "Ah, silly silly Taemin! It's not so bad. Come on, you know we don't pay interns, so the kid applied to be a new worker. And we can't have any accidents. Just take him under your wing, please? It'll be like a little apprentice. Isn't it cute? Your days off will be shortened, but you can go home on holidays! Plus, we'll raise your salary." 


Taemin considered his options, and he'd miss his family, but he figured he could use the extra money. He agreed, and Leeteuk called for the new worker to come in. "Taemin, this is Kim Jongin. Jongin, this is your boss, Lee Taemin. I hope you two will have a great year together!" He strutted off, barking at some employee to get his act together, leaving the two to stand awkwardly together. 


"So..." Jongin started, looking too big for his uniform. Taemin suppressed a laugh. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad? He needed a new friend. "Did you just graduate from high school?"


"Yes! I need a job to help pay rent for my boyfriend and me... This job didn't need any special skills." Taemin nodded, understanding him. "I've been working for some time, so you can ask me anything. Let's get started?"


Taemin learned that Jongin certainly acted a lot younger than him. He apparently didn't try too hard during high school (only when he met his boyfriend did he begin trying) and so he couldn't get any high paying jobs. But with the new road construction, it would bring in income and he hoped they wouldn't have any rent problems. Taemin told him of his situation, how he hadn't finished junior high and began working to help his family.


He felt much better when Jongin expressed his respect for him. "It must have taken a lot of guts to give up everything in order to keep your family going." Taemin wanted to say that he wouldn't have it any other way. That he learned to love his job and didn't care about his social life. But then he'd be lying, because he still hated working but he loved Minho and couldn't bear parting with him.


Even if they didn't talk anymore.


Minho hadn't spared him a glance, coiled whenever he was near, and left when he entered the same room. Taemin's chest ached each time, but he endured it. He worked twice as hard, sweating until his fingertips lost their nerves. He took on any extra jobs he could, just to buy his family extra fans. He remembered his siblings complaining about their lack of sleep due to the heat. He talked to Jongin, about his boyfriend, the new movies playing, and just anything normal teens would. 


Of course they weren't teens anymore; they were adults with responsibilities. That's what played in Taemin's head when Jongin reminded him of his birthday. "Are you celebrating it with anyone? Or are you working?" 


Out of the corner of his eye, Taemin saw Minho stop working. 


"I wanted to spend it with my family, but you know, my days off are during holidays." Jongin pitied him, devising a plan to beg Leeteuk to let him have a day off on his birthday. "Maybe we could spike his drink and then make him sign a contract while he's drunk!" Taemin slapped his arm playfully, scolding him for having such horrible plans. 


"What! Your birthday's in what... two weeks? Plenty of time to do so!" 


"Just get back to work," Taemin deadpanned, wiping a bead of sweat from his temple. He looked up to catch Minho's gaze. Their eyes held contact for a few seconds before they both looked away. Taemin offered a small smile, heart racing at their small moment. It was the first time Minho has looked at him for awhile. His heart yearned for his attention, couldn't beat correctly without him, as if he were a drug. 


Minho didn't miss the smile, and for a second his mind went blank. It's been forever since Taemin smiled directly at him. He took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts and pushing that beautiful face out of his mind. But Taemin kept coming back, no matter how hard he tried. 


Minho missed Taemin.


So before he left the room, he caught Taemin's eyes again and smiled. It was miniscule, almost not there at all. But the curve of his lips was all it took to have another smile flashed at him. 


Maybe they weren't hopeless after all. 


Summer still hasn't ended yet. 

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No update, sorry! Just fixing some mistakes. ^^ Will write soon!


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 6: Lovely story! :)
Chapter 6: simple yet beautiful..
Chapter 6: d'awwwwww, such a sweet story!
Chapter 6: It was different than other stories ya knw?? I did read a lots of stories but showing them as construction-worker, it's the 1st time i've read sth lik that. It was so nice! Wow! Really really nice, how u described their work, their condition while working, their lives, dropping out from school. . .it's all the reality! I'm glad to read sth that showed the reality around us, not just the fantasy. And i know it happens to the construction-workers life, n ur story was just a reflection of their lives...
It's a precious story :)
Chapter 6: It was really good history, I've liked plot and technically site (how you write and so on). It was just simply beautiful and I love it! <3
Chapter 6: I really like this story! The setting was new to me and this was just simply nice to read. I don't really understand what was Minho feeling when he got to know Taemin's secret but I know for sure that he was hurt. But... Taemin has a point about keeping it. I just... Anyway, I thought that the two will never patch things up between them and it's nice to know that they did. And gosh, Minho just can't wait huh? But doing it in the car is pretty... Exciting too I guess. Hahah.
Chapter 6: /cries
so freaking cute
TAT i loved it
i freaking loved it
so much ;___; <3
awesome story
Chapter 6: Aww, so cute. <3 I loved everything!
Chapter 6: Aww... That was sweet..... :') So, it's not just some summer romance?? :)
I've been waiting for a long time. But it's worth it! ;-)
I love this story and I'm gonna miss this very much...
Waterdroplet #10
Chapter 6: Love it!!!